I Contracted Myself

【584】Plan B

It's just...

Wuming really didn't expect it to be such a coincidence that the support materials were delivered at this time.

He apologized to Uncle He first, then stood up and began to deal with the Life-Sheng Stone Essence that was all over the floor, and at the same time carefully cut out the storage ring in the Life-Sheng Stone Essence.

After dealing with the impact of the vitality bomb, he said goodbye to Uncle He.

Back to the inn.

Wuming took out the storage ring and checked the contents of the storage ring one by one. Sure enough, there were several oracle stones in one storage ring.

He took out one of the oracle stones, and after binding it, he opened the live broadcast software pre-installed by Gao Shang Palace.

After a while, the screen was connected to the God Light Curtain.

Shenzang Space.

Many people are waiting for Wuming's news.

Ever since the oracle stone was crushed by Qingqiu Mingyue, countless viewers have been worried about Wuming's safety and how to repair the Yongji Prison Tower.

When the divine light screen showed the picture again, countless people looked at the screen. When they saw Wuming, some people cheered immediately, and gradually cheers and applause were heard in the streets and alleys.

"I knew that Wuming would not die so easily!"

"I don't know who was wailing the day before yesterday, saying 'It's over, Wuming is dead, there is no hope', crying more miserably than if your mother died."

"Didn't you always lament endlessly at that time?"

"Okay, Wuming is fine, we should be happy, come on, continue dancing, continue playing music, I'll be the host today, everyone eat and drink well!"

"Let's toast to Lord Wuming!!"

"Cheers to Lord Wuming!"



Wuming didn't know the audience's reaction. After confirming that the oracle stone had been connected to the divine light screen, he said: "Sorry, I made everyone worried. The current situation is a bit complicated. I will explain it to everyone slowly."

Then, he told the situation of the Great Wilderness, and the audience soon polarized.

Some viewers believe that repairing the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is far more important than the few people in the Great Wilderness. Sometimes necessary sacrifices are just to save more lives.

The creatures in the Great Wilderness are only a minority after all, and they are not irreparable.

Another part believes that the creatures in the Great Wilderness are also innocent lives, and Wuming’s idea of ​​saving the Great Wilderness is not wrong.

The two parties had a fierce discussion on the street and almost started fighting. Fortunately, the law enforcement team came quickly to avoid bloodshed.

In fact, there were also differences within the Scholar Foundation.

Gao Shanggong naturally supported Wuming’s choice, but some people were more inclined to sacrifice the creatures in the Great Wilderness, and everything was based on repairing the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

"Let's vote. Since we have different opinions, according to the rules of the Scholar Foundation, we will vote directly to make a decision." Finally, a scholar said.

Gao Shanggong smiled and said, "I have no opinion."

"I have an opinion. Now there are obviously more people who support saving the Great Wilderness. Supporting voting is actually equivalent to oppressing those of us who hold opposing opinions." A red-haired scholar said.

Gao Shanggong chuckled and said, "What good ideas do you have? We can't just fight and listen to whoever wins. We are a scholar foundation, not a reckless foundation."

"Since Wuming is indecisive, my opinion is to arrest a group of practitioners with serious crimes, force them to sign contracts, and prepare enough supplies for them, and finally find a way to send them to the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

The rats hiding in the sewers can use this trick to reach the Eternal Silence Prison Tower to obstruct Wuming's actions. We can also use this trick to use those damned people to achieve our goals." The red-haired scholar said coldly.

A scholar with a goat head asked, "Then how can we be sure that they are honestly carrying out their tasks?"

"Don't we have the Divine Light Curtain? The screen of the Divine Light Curtain can be cut into countless small screens. Once the prisoners leave the Divine Light Curtain for more than ten minutes, we will launch a contract to sanction them." The red-haired scholar said.

Many scholars immediately fell silent and began to think about the feasibility of this plan.

It must be said that although the red-haired scholar's plan is cruel, it is indeed feasible.

"My opinion is to give Wuming some more time, but we can't give up the method of Zhenwosuren. It can be used as a backup for Plan B. We can study this Plan B first to prevent any possible accidents. It's not too late to make a decision when Wuming really disappoints us." The sheep-headed scholar said gently at this time.

The red-haired scholar, that is, Zhenwosuren, did not object to the sheep-headed scholar's words.

After all, there are many uncertainties in using villains. If there is a flaw in the plan, he, as the proposer of the plan, must also bear certain responsibilities.

"Give Wuming another week. If we can't solve the problem of Dahuang, we will use Plan B." Gao Shanggong rubbed his eyebrows and finally compromised.

Zhenwosuren said calmly: "I have no objection."

Other scholars also expressed that they had no objection. A week was not long for them. It passed in the blink of an eye. Everyone could wait.

On the other side, Wuming began to check the supplies in other storage rings after explaining his recent situation.

Compared with the last time, most of the supplies were inclined to assist or strengthen him. This time, the storage ring also contained a lot of talismans and weapons.

He took out a metal talisman and looked at the front of it.

There was only one word "broken" on the surface of the talisman.

Wuming found that the storage ring came with an instruction manual. He took out the manual and quickly found the information of the spell.

The Broken Talisman contained the secret technique launched by Gao Shanggong himself. Although the secret technique was not a rule secret technique, but an ordinary secret technique, it was extremely powerful. After locking the target and activating the spell, it was powerful enough to severely damage Qingqiu Mingyue.

Wuming flipped through the instruction manual and found that the storage ring was full of powerful talismans and props.

Obviously, Wuming was taken down by Daji in an instant, which made the Scholar Foundation begin to doubt Wuming's combat effectiveness.

"Wuming, there is a news I need to tell you..."

Gao Shanggong sent a barrage at this time, telling Wuming the decision of the Scholar Foundation.

"Only one week? I'll try my best!" Wuming said with a serious expression after reading the barrage sent by Gao Shanggong.

It must be said that Plan B brought him a lot of pressure. If the problem of the Great Wilderness cannot be solved within a week, those vicious practitioners will be teleported in, and it is unknown how much trouble will arise.

At this time, a barrage passed by: "I oppose this plan B, it's too risky, what if someone wants to destroy everything together?"

"We will think about this carefully." Gao Shanggong responded.

The barrage immediately retorted: "Think it through? Everything changes rapidly during the battle. As long as there is one second, it is enough to do a lot of things. Can you guarantee that they are under your surveillance every second?"

Gao Shanggong was speechless, this is really impossible.

Even Wuming lost contact because Qingqiu Mingyue crushed the oracle stone. What if those practitioners also encounter similar situations?

Once they decide to destroy everything together, they might as well blow up the Yongji Prison Tower and drag all the heavens and worlds to die together, but a worse situation will happen.

This plan B obviously still has a lot of loopholes.

But at this moment, Zhenwosuren posted a comment: "Being extremely evil does not mean that there are no weaknesses. We can select villains with weaknesses, such as Xu Dewang. His son is his biggest weakness."

"This is too despicable."

"But it works!"

Two comments passed by at the same time.

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