I Contracted Myself

【585】Learn more skills

Wuming looked at the barrage, feeling somewhat helpless. It was obvious that Plan B could not be stopped.

Although the method of Zhenwosuren was despicable, it was indeed very effective. Being evil does not mean that one has no desires, nor does it mean that one does not care about anything.

There are always some extremely vicious people who value something, which may be family affection or love.

As long as you grasp the weaknesses of these people and use the contract to ensure that they cannot mess around, they will have no choice but to obey.

Wuming did not say anything else, because he knew very well that no matter what he said, as long as he could not solve the problem of Dahuang within a week, the Scholar Foundation would definitely implement Plan B.

This was not something that Gao Shanggong could stop alone.

The relationship between scholars in the Scholar Foundation was equal. Since this plan was passed, once the previous plan did not work, the next plan would definitely be implemented.

Now, what Wuming can do is to improve his strength and solve the problem of Dahuang at the same time.

"If I can't find the best solution on the last day, I will go to Daji to negotiate!" Wuming thought silently in his heart.

Daji's request is actually very simple, that is, after the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is repaired, the existence of the Great Wilderness will be preserved, and she even wants to obtain the power of self-government of the Great Wilderness.

Although this condition is a bit excessive, it is not impossible to negotiate.

If they really have to enter the negotiation stage, the pressure will actually be transferred from Wuming to the Scholar Foundation. After all, it is definitely not Wuming who is negotiating with Daji, but the scholars of the Scholar Foundation.

Wuming took out the storage ring where the skill stones were stored and took out an SS-level skill stone.

Although the SS-level skill stone is slightly inferior to the SSS-level skill stone, the ultimate strength of any skill still depends on the person who uses it. Some swordsmen can kill all kinds of strong men with just one move of sword slashing, and some ninjas cannot kill any enemy even if they launch an inextinguishable black flame.

So we can't underestimate the skills in the SS-level skill stone just because it is not as good as the SSS-level skill stone.

Maybe the skills encapsulated in the SS-level skill stone are more suitable for Wuming.

Wuming had learned three SSS skills in a row before. Although he did not show any sequelae, he could not continue to learn other skills in a short time.

After all, all three skills come with a lot of proficiency, and the pressure of learning is not much less than honing weapon skills in the Eternal Martial Arts.

Three skills, that is equivalent to learning three weapons in the Eternal Martial Arts! "Let me see, what skill is this again!"

Wuming took the SS-level skill stone and checked it out. He found out that the skill encapsulated in this skill stone is called "Path of Glory".

Unfortunately, SS-level skills do not come with proficiency. Using the skill stone only masters this skill. If you want to be able to send and receive from the heart, you still need to slowly hone yourself.

The Path of Glory is not to create a glowing road or change the environment, but actually a footwork.

After activating the skill, golden lines will appear under the user's feet, which is probably like a combination of the ability to shrink the earth into an inch and the ability to flicker in space.

Although Wuming felt that this skill was useless, he still learned the Path of Glory in the spirit of "more skills are better than less".

Anyway, it's a waste not to learn something for free.

After learning the Path of Glory, he stood up on the bed, and a faint golden light immediately appeared under his feet. He walked in the golden light and found that... it was quite smooth.

Moreover, this skill also has a special effect similar to the step-by-step lotus.

Wherever he walks, a faint golden light will be emitted, which will dissipate after a while.

He walked around the room and finally returned to the bed. He roughly understood why this skill was in the support skill.

The biggest feature of this skill is that the dodge speed is extremely fast, and it does not need to touch the ground.

As long as he maintains this ability, he is actually equivalent to stepping into the subspace, and his reaction will become very fast. He can travel thousands of miles in an instant with a thought, which is enough to avoid many inexplicable attacks.

For example, the hand wall and mouth wall encountered at the beginning can be passed instantly if there is the Path of Glory.

"It's a pity that there is no proficiency, and I have to hone it well." Wuming sat on the bed, thinking a little regretfully.

It would be great if the Path of Glory also had proficiency.

Although he has learned the Path of Glory now, he can only use it initially, but it is very rigid.

Golden Sun, Golden Crow Armor, Titan's Hand, because of the proficiency, he can not only send and receive as he pleases, but also make a certain degree of change.

The size of the Golden Sun can be adjusted at will, and the size of its power can be adjusted according to his ideas. Even if the Golden Sun flies out, he can still influence its trajectory to a certain extent.

The same can be done with the Golden Crow Armor and the Hand of the Titan.

Because he has no proficiency in the Path of Glory, he cannot control the size of the Path of Glory, and there will be some lag when he encounters a need to turn.

Although it is more comfortable than normal walking, it is not flexible enough from the perspective of skills.

Especially after experiencing the super smoothness of the three skills of the Golden Sun, the Path of Glory is really not as good as it should be.

Wuming sat on the bed, summarized the characteristics of the Path of Glory, and then took out the second skill stone.

The skill encapsulated in this skill stone is called 'Golden Wire Binding'.

Simply put, it uses the energy of the light element to form a large number of golden threads, which can easily bind the target.

This seems to be a trick to restrict the enemy, but in fact it has a strong killing power. The golden threads are not only very tough, but also very sharp.

If the bound target's defense is too weak, it will be cut into pieces by the golden thread in an instant.

After Wuming learned the golden thread binding, he found that the casting distance of this skill was extremely exaggerated. As long as his mental power covered the area, he could instantly create golden threads.

In an instant, the floor of the guest room was covered with dense golden threads.

With a thought from Wuming, the window was completely sealed by dense golden threads.

This skill is very useful. The only bad thing is that the thickness of the golden thread cannot be adjusted. It can only maintain the size of a hair. It is estimated that you have to practice slowly and improve your proficiency before you can change the size and thickness of the golden thread at will.

Maybe because the skill stone does not include proficiency, Wuming did not feel tired at all after learning two SS-level skills in a row.

Next, he used all the SS-level skill stones, familiarized himself with various skills, and left the inn with Shui'er.

"Wuming, what are we going to eat for lunch?" Shui'er asked expectantly.

Wuming smiled and said, "Let's try the scorpion meat shop in front this time. Didn't you drool when you saw it before?"

"Scorpion meat? I wonder if it tastes good. I'm looking forward to it." Shui'er was also looking forward to it, looking at the shop in the distance.

There is a special scorpion in the Great Wilderness, called 'yellow meat scorpion', which can grow to the size of a millstone, and has a thin shell and a lot of meat, especially the venom stored in the tail venom sac, which is a rare delicacy after being cooked.

The most important thing is that the scorpion meat shop is very close to the Xiangshi Pavilion. Wuming wants to see who comes and goes in the Xiangshi Pavilion during the day.

Last night, he returned without success. He was originally patient and observed slowly, but because of the emergence of Plan B, he felt a sense of urgency in his heart, so he wanted to solve this tiny problem as soon as possible.

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