I Contracted Myself

【586】City Lord

Come to the scorpion meat restaurant.

Wuming and Shuier chose to eat at the seats outside the restaurant.

He first ordered ten servings of grilled scorpion meat, a deep-fried whole scorpion, and finally a pot of braised scorpion meat with scorpion venom.

About a minute later, the waiter brought all the dishes.

"Come on, Shuier, eat more!" Wuming put a large piece of scorpion meat on Shuier's plate and smiled at Shuier.

Shuier moved her nose, smelled the fragrance, and immediately picked up the roasted crispy scorpion meat with a fork and took a big bite.


Shuier's eyes lit up and said in surprise.

Then she buried her head and ate the meat in big mouthfuls. No matter how much she ate, her small body didn't grow.

Wuming smiled and tasted it. It felt very ordinary. In fact, after the grilled scorpion meat was served, he knew that the taste would not be a big surprise.

The barbecue in Baiyu City is still more extreme and more delicious.

After all, the competition in the catering industry in Baiyu City is very fierce. Barbecue is a test of the chef's cooking skills. Without these skills, it is impossible to run a barbecue restaurant in Baiyu City.

Wuming ate a piece of roasted scorpion meat and left the rest to Shui'er. He looked at the Xiangshi Pavilion not far away and found that there were no customers in front of the Xiangshi Pavilion.

He drank tea while waiting. Until Shui'er finished eating all the roasted scorpion meat, there was still no customer visiting the Xiangshi Pavilion.

At this time, the waiter came with tea and water. She saw Wuming looking at the Xiangshi Pavilion and whispered: "Guest, Xiangshi is addictive. It's best not to get involved."

"Since everyone knows that Xiangshi may be addictive, why do people still patronize it?" Wuming glanced at the waiter and asked curiously.

The waiter whispered: "Because there have been people saying that someone has entered the Huangsheng Daojing after using Xiangshi. Some people who have never been able to enter want to gamble and become addicted."

"Is it a scam?" Wuming approached the waiter and asked in a low voice.

The waiter saw Wuming approaching him suddenly, and his face turned slightly red. He replied softly, "I don't know about that."

"Then do you know who the owner of Xiangshi Pavilion is?" Wuming continued to ask.

The waiter shook his head and said, "I don't know. It has always been that bastard Chen Jin who manages Xiangshi Pavilion, but he is definitely not the owner of Xiangshi Pavilion, and he has been on credit in our store for several years, and he has never paid the bill."

"Oh, so that's how it is." Wuming said with a smile.

The waiter bowed slightly, then turned around and left in a hurry. His ears were red, which was very cute.

"Alas, I didn't expect that there would be a day when I would sacrifice my appearance to find out the news." Wuming turned around and looked at the oracle stone with emotion.

Many viewers were speechless. It was obviously Wuming who was teasing the honest girl.

Sacrificing his appearance, so shameless!

Many people wanted to post barrages to complain about Wuming.

But when they saw that posting barrages required the consumption of resource coins, they calmed down immediately. It's better not to complain!

At this time, Wuming set up a soundproof barrier, and then casually told the audience about the Xiangshi Pavilion, and finally laughed: "I have a hunch that there is a big secret behind the Xiangshi Pavilion, otherwise why would the person behind the scenes hide it so tightly."

"This is not doing the right thing. A week has passed in the blink of an eye. I really don't want Plan B to be implemented. Wuming, can't you think of a way to solve the problem of Dahuang?" A barrage floated by.

Wuming retorted: "Haven't you heard of a saying, don't do evil for the sake of smallness, and don't do good for the sake of smallness? Xiangshi Pavilion has harmed many people. It doesn't matter if you haven't encountered it. Since you have encountered it, if you don't do it as you wish, what's the point of practicing?"

"Practicing is for freedom, and longevity is for great freedom. If you can't be free and free, it's better not to practice." Gao Shanggong agreed with Wuming's opinion.

Wuming smiled and said, "Uncle Gao is right. That's the truth. If I saw it and felt uncomfortable but endured it, I would only feel more uncomfortable. If I kept accumulating this and that discomfort, my Dao heart would inevitably be blocked. How could I improve my strength?"

"What about Dao heart? You are not practicing Taoism, you are playing with superpowers!" Zhang Shouzhong couldn't help but complain.

However, after sending the barrage, Zhang Shouzhong realized that he had spent a lot of resource coins, and immediately felt heartbroken and couldn't breathe.

"Okay, tonight we will catch that Chen Jin and ask him carefully. Maybe who is behind the Xiangshi Pavilion will be clear." Wuming ignored Zhang Pangzi's complaints, saw Shui'er finish the rest of the dishes, stood up and smiled.

In fact, he locked Chen Jin last night, but he didn't want to be so radical, so he didn't touch Chen Jin.

But now time is tight, and some methods that were not originally intended to be used can only be used now.

After paying the bill, Wuming and Shui'er returned to the inn to rest.

He spent the whole afternoon practicing his abilities.

Whether it is the Path of Glory, Golden Thread Binding or other abilities, he needs to hone them slowly. When he is free, he slowly ponders in his room.

Night falls.

Wuming takes Shui'er to another restaurant for dinner, and then walks to an open space.

"Wuming, why are we here?" Shui'er followed Wuming to the open space and asked curiously.

Wuming smiled and said, "Catch someone to interrogate something."

"Catch who? I am actually very good at scaring people. When I followed my master before, I... I..." Shui'er immediately asked, and at the same time remembered the past, but found that she had forgotten it halfway through.

And this passage also exposed that she was only focused on eating at noon and didn't hear what Wuming said at all.

Wuming saw Shui'er was getting stuck in a rut, rubbed Shui'er's head, interrupted Shui'er's rut, and smiled: "You will know in a while."


Xiangshi Pavilion.

Chen Jin inspected the shop and finally returned to his room.

He yawned, then took out a novel and read it with relish.

The fire flickered, and the only sound in the quiet room was the sound of him flipping through the book from time to time. He liked this moment very much, and only at this time did he feel that he was himself.

Suddenly, a golden thread quickly wrapped around his whole body. He was about to shout, but his mouth was sealed by the golden thread.

He was like a caterpillar twisting his body constantly, and then a golden arm stretched out from the window, grabbed him and quickly pulled him out of the house.

Before he could react, he was already in the air, and was carried by the golden arm to fly quickly over the houses.


About two minutes later, he was thrown to the ground.

He immediately saw the squinting man standing in front of him. The man was wearing a golden casual dress, with a little blue girl sitting on his shoulders and a beautiful but extremely weird doll lying on his back.

Just seeing the man's appearance, he knew that the man must be extraordinary.

"Chen Jin, right?" Wuming looked at Chen Jin and asked with a smile.

Shui'er said, "Is he scared silly? If he is silly, nothing can be asked. Just kill him!"

"Woo, woo, woo..." Chen Jin suddenly shuddered and struggled to open his mouth to make a wooing sound. His mouth was still sealed by the gold thread.

Wuming's mind moved, and the gold thread at Chen Jin's mouth melted instantly. Chen Jin quickly said, "I am Chen Jin, sir, spare my life, spare my life!"

"Then can you tell me who is the owner of Xiangshi Pavilion?" Wuming asked with a smile.

Chen Jin replied without saying a word, "It's the city lord. The owner of Xiangshi Pavilion is the city lord Shi Wushang!"


Wuming and Shui'er fell silent.

It turns out that it is so easy to find out the information about the person behind the Xiangshi Pavilion.

I have to say that although the method of directly kidnapping people and interrogating them is rough, it is really convenient and fast. However, this convenience and speed made Wuming look like a clown last night.

Wuming felt a little complicated at this moment.

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