I Contracted Myself

【587】Night Trial of the City Lord

Things are unpredictable.

Violence doesn't solve all problems, but it does solve most problems.

Wuming calmed down, looked at Chen Jin and continued to ask: "Then what is the purpose of the city lord running the Xiangshi Pavilion in a sneaky way?"

"Sir, the city lord opened the Xiangshi Pavilion, probably... probably for... money, right?" Chen Jin felt that Wuming's question was a bit retarded, but he didn't dare to say it, and finally answered stutteringly.


Wuming and Shui'er fell into silence again.

The audience in Shenzang Space were all laughing like crazy at this moment.

for money.

Isn't this normal?

Although Wuming doesn't need money very much now, in fact, most practitioners cannot do without money.

Whether it is resources for cultivation or food, clothing, housing and transportation, money is useful everywhere in the Shenzang space, and only those who are strong enough to a certain extent can truly get rid of the trouble of daily necessities.

"Sure enough, a strong man like Mr. Wuming has no idea about money."

"Yes, money is so important. A few days ago, I spent more than half a month's resource coins to buy a top-quality magic stone."

"Money is important, but strength is even more important. Many of the support supplies that Mr. Wuming received cannot be bought with money."

"Guess how many top-grade magic stones can be exchanged for one bullet for the bullets that Mr. Wuming used before?"

"No need to guess, I am in the magic stone business. The bullets used by Wuming Master are filled with raw stone essence. A drop of raw stone essence can be exchanged for about a thousand standard-sized top-grade magic stones. That thing is not for For ordinary people like us.”

"Hiss, it's so scary."

In the forum, netizens discussed it one after another.

When they realized that every bullet Wuming shot was worth a sky-high price, they thought of Wuming's arrogance in holding a gun and pouring bullets, and suddenly felt that it was not surprising at all that Wuming could ask this question.

"Wu Ming, what he said makes sense." Shui'er realized at this time and whispered.

Wuming rubbed his temples and said, "Didn't you say you have experience in torture? What should I ask next?"

"It should be gone. Let's go directly to the city lord." Shui'er said with a wise look on her face, touching her chin.

Tian Xing Mingyue sighed and said: "With the power of the city lord, there are many ways to make money, so it is necessary to open such a drug shop with a bad reputation and no benefit to governing the city? But it is really impossible for such a small gangster If you ask about anything again, just knock it out and leave it here while we go find the city lord to find out the news."

"Yeah, that makes sense." Wuming nodded in agreement after listening to Tian Xing Mingyue's words.

Then the Titan's Hand appeared out of thin air and gently touched the back of Chen Jin's head. Chen Jin immediately rolled his eyes and fell into unconsciousness.

After Wuming confirmed that there were no wild animals around, he simply placed Chen Jin here, and he took Shui'er and immediately flew towards the city lord's palace.

The City Lord's Mansion in Dahuang City is not luxurious. It is actually a small building behind the Government Affairs Office.

There were guards guarding the front and back doors of the small building. Wuming easily penetrated into the house from the roof and found the city lord Shi Wuchang who was still working in the study on the third floor.

Shi Wuchang is a very square person.

His face is square-shaped, his eyebrows are particularly thick, and he has a rare character eyebrow. In addition, he has an O-shaped beard, so his whole face looks like the word "囧".

At the same time, he is tall and has broad shoulders, which makes him look very square.

If he puts on pixel-style clothes and stands a little further away, he may be mistaken for a pixel man with a unique style.

When Shui'er saw Shi Wuchang, she couldn't help laughing.

"Who is it?" Shi Wuchang stopped the pen in his hand, raised his head and asked.

Fortunately, Wuming set up a soundproof barrier when he entered the study, and Shi Wuchang's shouts did not alert the patrolling guards.

Wuming stood openly in front of Shi Wuchang, and said with some emotion: "Sure enough, a person cannot be judged by his appearance. He seems to be a very upright person, but he secretly opens the Xiangshi Pavilion and harms the common people under his rule. "

Although Shi Wuchang is very square, he does give people a sense of self-respect and righteousness.

After listening to Wuming's words, Shi Wushang immediately realized that Wuming was here because of Xiangshi Pavilion. He put down the pen in his hand and stood up, frowning and said: "What do you know? Xiangshi Pavilion has its own meaning of existence, whether it is for the Great Wilderness It is still an indispensable existence in Dahuang City. ”

After saying that, when he saw that the guard had not appeared for a long time, he guessed in his heart that Wuming must have used some method, and that the guard could not be counted on.

A blue eye opened slightly between his brows, and then a faint blue dragon quickly condensed and wrapped around his body.

"Compared to what happened at Xiangshi Pavilion, do you know what the crime is for breaking into the city lord's residence?" He looked at Wuming and asked coldly.

The time between his two sentences was not long, and he almost paused before continuing, so the whole sentence turned out to be that he was holding Wu Ming accountable.

Tian Xing Mingyue said calmly: "Wu Ming, why are you talking to him so much? The easiest way to deal with a guy like this who likes to play with words is to tie him up and beat him up first, and then torture him slowly. I I don’t believe his mouth can be stronger than a whip.”

"Yes, torture him!" Shui'er agreed.

Wuming looked at Shi Wuchang, shrugged and said, "You heard it too, so..."

"Long Ying Jiuxiao!"

Shi Wushang saw this and immediately let out a low roar, and the Yinglong wrapped around him suddenly opened its wings.

But before Yinglong could launch an attack, dense golden threads quickly appeared and instantly tied up Shi Wushang and his beast Yinglong. At first, he could still struggle, but as the golden threads became more and more, he couldn't even twist his body in the end.

One by one, the golden threads hung him upside down. Except for his mouth, even his eyes were covered by Wuming's golden threads.

Yinglong was tied up like a stick, and even his head was completely sealed. When he fell to the ground, he was almost like a walking stick.

"Okay, now we should be able to talk properly. I'm very curious, what is the meaning of the Xiangshi Pavilion? I don't understand, but you do, so teach me." Wuming walked up slowly and looked at Shi Wushang and said.

Shi Wushang said coldly: "Do you know what you are doing? If you dare to touch a hair of mine, the whole Great Wilderness will not let you go."

"Wrong answer!"

Wuming put away the smile on his face and said lightly.

The next moment, two Titan hands appeared out of thin air and bombarded Shi Wushang's abdomen, and the location of the attack was just right, which was painful but not internally injured.

After the bombardment, Wuming looked at Shi Wushang and said calmly: "The night is long, I hope you can hold on until dawn."

"Will you let him go after holding on until dawn?" Shui'er asked immediately.

Wuming denied: "How is it possible? He has seen our faces. Of course, we should kill him and then break up his soul to ensure that no information of ours will be leaked."

"Yes, he has seen our faces, so we can't keep him." Shui'er nodded.

Wuming had a headache and said: "Didn't you say you are good at torture? Show us your skills. You can torture him any way you want before dawn."

"Hu...Hu...Do you think killing me will work? Dahuang will record everything, and you can't escape." Shi Wushang breathed in pain and spoke with difficulty.

Wuming looked at Shui'er, Shui'er looked at Tianxing Mingyue, Tianxing Mingyue said calmly: "It's not worthwhile to use his life to exchange for our three lives. He also has parents, wife and children, so why not just kill them all."

"Hiss, you are so vicious, but I like it!" Shui'er said in shock.

Wuming smiled and said: "That makes sense. If one person is exchanged for one life, we must kill enough. Since he doesn't cooperate with us, we can only..."

"I said, don't touch my parents." Shi Wushang gritted his teeth and said.

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