I Contracted Myself

【588】The Seal of the Lord of the Wasteland

Shui'er's eyes lit up and she asked, "Can I touch your wife and children?"

"Are you a devil?" Wuming looked at Shui'er and couldn't help but complain, but there was a smile on his face.

Tianxing Mingyue said helplessly: "Okay, let's get down to business. I really don't believe that he opened the Xiangshi Pavilion just to make money. There must be other purposes. If he doesn't figure it out, his whole family won't be able to think about it tonight."

In fact, they were just trying to scare Shi Wuchang. With Wu Ming's character, even if Shi Wuchang's crime was unpardonable, he would not be able to implicate Shi Wuchang's family.

But sometimes, threatening the other party's weakness is more effective than earnest persuasion.

Some people just refuse to eat and drink as a penalty.

Wuming looked at Shi Wushang and asked: "Okay, start teaching me, why is it necessary for Xiangshi Pavilion to exist? If the answer is wrong, you should know the consequences."

"This starts with the source of the fragrant stone..."

Shi Wuchang hesitated for a moment, and finally accepted his fate under Wuming's silent coercion.

Most of the materials in the Great Wilderness come from the formations under the Great Wilderness, and the formations are maintained by many demon gods headed by Daji. They are the real guardian gods of the Great Wilderness.

"What kind of demon god? They are obviously just a group of prisoners." Tian Xing Mingyue couldn't help but complain.

Shi Wuchang did not refute anything and continued: "But the formation actually also needs maintenance, and maintaining the formation requires the use of soul sacrifice stones."

"What is the Soul Sacrifice Stone?" Shui'er asked.

Shi Wuchang replied: "A special ore that is transformed from fragrant stone. If you want the fragrant stone to transform, someone must use the fragrant stone, so the fragrant stone museum must exist. This is a necessary sacrifice to maintain the wilderness!"

At this time, the two Titans clenched their fists and struck Shi Wuchang's abdomen again. In order to prevent Shi Wuchang from screaming, a gold thread was also used to seal his mouth.

"Wu Ming, what are you doing?" Shui'er asked in surprise.

Tian Xing Mingyue also couldn't understand why Wuming suddenly beat Shi Wuchang again.

"He lied. He hasn't told a single truth from the beginning until now." Wuming looked at Shi Wuchang and said calmly.

He does not need to confirm whether Shi Wuchang is lying through heartbeats, endocrine tests, etc. He has many superpowers that can verify whether what a person says is true or false.

Even though Dahuang's formation suppressed many of his abilities, some abilities were still useful.

Wuming walked to the bookshelf and pulled out a book at random.

And just now he heard that this book has been scolding Shi Wuchang. Every time Shi Wuchang said something, this book would refute it. Combined with his ability to detect lies, he was basically able to 100% It was judged that Shi Wuchang was lying.

"Can you tell me the true function of the fragrant stone?" Wuming looked at the book titled "Justice" in his hand and asked.

"Justice" was surprised: "Can you hear me?"

"Okay." Wuming replied.

"Justice" immediately said: "He is a bad guy. I have never seen a bad guy worse than him. The fragrant stone is a poisonous stone made by his inner beast. After being ground into powder and inhaled, it will slowly corrode people. The soul is very addictive. After a person dies from taking too many incense stones, something called a soul stone will be born in the body.

He was using the Soul Sacrifice Stone to arrange formations and refine magic seals, in an attempt to become the true master of the wilderness. "

"That's it." Wuming suddenly said.

"Justice" continued to scold: "Sir, he is really too bad. He pretends to pity the dead and provides burial services. In fact, it is just for convenience. If you don't believe it, you can see how he buries those poor people. Location, I definitely didn’t lie.”

"Is there anything else?" Wuming continued to ask.

"Justice" replied: "There is a pen holder on the bookshelf. You can open the secret room by twisting it at an angle of thirty degrees. The magic seal he wants to refine is hidden in the secret room. When you see the magic seal, you will know that what I said is true. talk."

"Thank you, I understand." Wuming smiled slightly.

Then he looked at Shi Wuchang and said, "I know something interesting. Do you want to hear it?"


Shi Wuchang didn't speak, just gasped in a low voice.

"Wu Ming, what do you know?" Shui'er was very curious.

Wuming took the book "Justice" and narrated the secrets revealed in "Justice". At the end of the sentence, he smiled and said: "So, if you want others to not know, you have to do nothing yourself. No matter how many lies you tell... It’s just a lie!”

He walked to the bookshelf, reached out and twisted the pen holder. With a squeak, the bookshelf next to him slowly moved aside, and the entrance to the secret room appeared in front of everyone.

"Hmph, you don't know anything!" Shi Wuchang gritted his teeth when he saw that his plan was exposed.

Wuming stopped and said with a smile, "Oh, are you willing to talk now?"

"That's not a magic seal, but the Desolate Lord's Mansion Seal. It's also a treasure that we humans can really rely on if we want to control our own destiny!" Shi Wuchang said seriously.

Wuming flipped through the books in his hand casually and said calmly: "Continue."

"Do you think humans are really free now? In the end, we are just food for the demon gods, livestock roaming in the wilderness. Everything I do is for humans, to get rid of that ridiculous fate!" Shi Wuchang was excited. said.

Wuming smiled and said, "Your tongue is indeed very powerful. I was almost convinced by you, but unfortunately it told me that you lied again."

It is true that the humans in the Great Wasteland are controlled and enslaved by Daji and her friends, but Shi Wushang is not a good person either. He just wants to trample Daji and her friends under his feet and become the real master of the Great Wasteland.

Daji and her friends are not good people, but that does not mean that Shi Wushang is necessarily a good person.

Inside the secret room.

When Wuming walked in, he saw the golden square seal on the stone platform.

The shape and size of this seal are larger than ordinary seals, and there is also a pattern of Yinglong spreading its wings engraved on the seal. Shi Wushang's ambition can be seen through this seal.

Strictly speaking, this is actually a jade seal.

It's just that the Great Wasteland does not have the concept of a country. The mayor of the Great Wasteland City is already the highest ruler for humans. As for the prisoners above Daji and others, only a few human leaders know of their existence.

Wuming walked to the seal of the Lord of the Wasteland and reached out to pick up the seal of the Lord of the Wasteland.

A force quickly connected with him along the Seal of the Lord of the Wasteland, and he could feel the operation of the entire Great Wasteland. This feeling was very similar to the feeling he had felt in Daji's hut before.

Wuming closed his eyes, and two formations emerged in his mind. One was the formation arranged by Daji and other prisoners, which was also the basis for maintaining the operation of the Great Wasteland.

The other was the formation secretly arranged by Shi Wushang.

The formation arranged by Shi Wushang was not completed, mainly because the formation he arranged was too complicated. In order to control and suppress Daji and their formations with this formation, at least more than 9,000 lives are needed.

Every person who dies after taking too much incense stone will form a soul sacrifice stone in his body, and the soul sacrifice stone is the key to arranging the formation.

Now Wuming can see the formation nodes that have been arranged before with the Seal of the Lord of the Wasteland in his hand. The formation nodes scattered all over the place, each node represents a life.

Even, it represents a family that has been broken up.

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