I Contracted Myself

【589】Special Zone Formation

Wuming opened his eyes and looked at Shi Wuchang outside the secret room. After taking a deep breath, he suppressed the murderous intention in his heart.

He looked at the Desolate Lord's Town Seal in his hand, intending to crush the Desolate Lord's Town Seal, but he knew very well in his heart that this might be the key to breaking the situation.

Assuming that the formation of the Huangzhu Zhenfu Seal is perfected, he can control Daji in turn. Not only will he have a place on the second floor where he can return and rest at any time, but Daji and other prisoners can also be used by him.

"This formation can actually be streamlined."

Wuming calmed down and recalled the formation he had just seen. After comparing the two formations, he had a streamlined plan in his mind.

He put away the Desolate Lord's government seal, returned to the study from the secret room, and finally stood in front of Shi Wuchang.

"More than 50,000 lives may be behind more than 50,000 families."

Wuming recalled the nodes in the formation, and every shining point was so dazzling. He asked with complicated emotions: "Shi Wuchang, how do you feel every time you see that formation?"

"Hmph, throughout the ages, those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial details. It is said that one general can achieve thousands of bones. Although you are stronger than me, you are actually just a careless woman!" Shi Wuchang said with a sneer when he knew that his plan was exposed.

Shui'er was shocked and said, "Wu Ming is a girl?"

"He is just justifying his selfishness." Tian Xing Mingyue explained angrily.

Wuming looked at Shi Wuchang indifferently. The next moment, the tail of the demonic insect pierced into Shi Wuchang's eyebrows with lightning speed. Shi Wuchang suddenly froze, and at the same time, his Yinglong quickly collapsed. .

"Since you want to be a hero, let's see if you have the destiny to be a hero." Wuming said calmly.

Shi Wuchang's consciousness fell into the void. When he realized that everything he pursued was illusion, his consciousness collapsed. In pain, he annihilated himself and became a ball of information that could not think.

"It seems that you are not even as good as a 'girl' like me!" Wuming looked at Shi Wuchang, who had become an empty shell, and finally sneered.

He was plotted by the Demon King of the Void, but at least he persisted for a while, while Shi Wuchang couldn't persist for a while. There is really no comparison between the two.

"Everyone, here's some good news and some bad news."

Wuming paid no attention to Shi Wuchang's body. He walked to a chair and sat down. He looked at the screen of the Oracle Stone and said, "The good news is that there is a way to break the situation. As long as the formation of the Desolate Lord's Town Seal can be perfected, I will It can counter Daji and other prisoners. The bad news is... I only have one night, and all I have to do is complete more than 9,000 formation nodes. ’

As he spoke, the golden threads quickly weaved a formation in front of him.

Shi Wuchang's formation is very complicated. Even if it can be streamlined, it will still take a lot of time.

He has a plan, but he needs more formation talents to help calculate and simulate it to determine the feasibility of the formation.

When he told the audience his plan, many viewers who knew the formation felt a little dizzy. This formation definitely could not be designed in a day or two.

It is estimated that Shi Wuchang spent countless years gradually perfecting the formation.

Now they not only have to understand this formation thoroughly, but also have to cooperate with Wuming to streamline and modify the formation on the basis of thorough understanding. This is too difficult.

This is countless times more difficult than making an atomic bomb with bare hands.

However, there are some genius formation masters who have found a treasure. After all, Shi Wuchang's formation is actually a formation that was gradually laid out by inverting Daji's formation. There are many advanced designs in it that are worth learning and learning from.

If you can participate in this level of formation transformation, it will be of great benefit to the future.

But just when everyone rolled up their sleeves and prepared to have a big fight, an audience member named "They won't let me play" posted a barrage: "Didn't Wuming get the special zone order during the trial in Shenzang? Take the special zone order Come out, merge the city lord’s seal with the wasteland lord’s town seal, and then solemnly declare this place to be a special zone.”

This barrage slowly floated by, and a question mark popped up in many people's heads.

Except for Wuming's relatives and friends, no one else knows what reward Wuming received in the ninth level.

Now after seeing the barrage, many people realized that Wuming had also obtained a token called the ‘Special Zone Order’.

Wuming blinked and asked curiously: "Who are you, and how did you know that I got the special zone order?"

But after waiting for a while, the audience did not reply to his question.

"Wu Ming, do you really have a special zone order?" Shui'er asked curiously.

Wuming nodded and said: "Indeed, it is the reward of the ninth level, but I never know how to use it."

"Then try it quickly." Tian Xing Mingyue said.

The main reason is that the barrage may not be correct. What if the other party is just talking nonsense?

Their time is precious. If it is proven that the barrage is just nonsense, they will have to continue to streamline the formation, and time will become very tight.

Wuming also realized this, so he immediately went to the desk and dug out the real seal of the city lord.

He took out his storage ring and dug out the special zone token.

Because he didn't dare to open his storage space at will in the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence, he transferred many things to the storage ring, and now it comes in handy.

Next, he held the special zone token in one hand and two seals of different sizes in the other.

In an instant, under the action of the special zone token, the two seals quickly merged into one, and the token was just inlaid in the center of the seal.

The entire seal turned into a mountain on top, with a Yinglong perched on the mountain, and the main body of the seal below, with the word "Special Zone" in the middle of the two words "Dahuang".

"I solemnly declare here that this place has become a special zone!" Wuming held the seal and said seriously at this time.

When he finished his announcement, the seal suddenly burst into brilliant golden light.

The golden light shot up into the sky, overturned the ceiling and reached the sky, and the whole Dahuang changed color, and the golden lines spread rapidly with the golden light.

Countless people who were sleeping were startled and ran to the window to look out.

Daji rushed out of the hut, looked up at the sky, and wanted to go to the location of the golden light, but for some reason she felt a palpitation and dared not move at all.

"The power of the gods is unpredictable. If you don't become a god in one day, you will be just an ant after all."

He Bo sat in the patio of the quadrangle, looked up at the sky, and finally sighed.

In his opinion, all practitioners are just chasing a transcendent life, and only those who are truly transcendent can be considered gods.

Those who call themselves gods, and even the world consciousness recognizes them as gods, are not gods after all, but ants with stronger strength.

Only the great power that can easily change the world and turn everything around is the real power of God.

The Great Wilderness itself is a formation, but the formation is a world of its own. It looks like a small world, but it is still just a formation in essence.

It has neither world barriers nor world laws, and the five elements are missing, and yin and yang are not born.

But now with the spread of golden light, all of this is there.

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