No slag ash to advertise.

No other celebrities were invited to endorse, only a blue web link was attached below the slogan.

Simple, unpretentious, unpretentious, and an eyesore!

"What the hell is this?"

**In Jinling City, a fat middle-aged man looked at the game advertisement that popped up unexpectedly.

The first impression in his mind was that this should be a childish game suitable for the elderly, like Blue Moon. He wanted to close it, but found that there was no option to close it.

"What the hell!!"

The middle-aged man was a little annoyed with a cigarette in his mouth.

He is just an ordinary office worker. He is exhausted during the day. At night, he likes to browse the major forums, chat with others, or watch cross talk videos, which is relaxing and enjoyable.

As for playing games, it is for young people.

But he was very curious, how did such a game advertisement that can't be turned off appear in the V blog?

Is the boss of the game advertiser a relative of the chairman of Weibo?

But if they are relatives, why can't they even afford a star? !

With curiosity in his heart, the middle-aged Zhao Si opened the link on the advertisement.

Chapter [-] The first player, Nicholas Zhao Si, is here! ! !

[Ding, the number of people on the game website has exceeded 600, and 500 of them quit directly. 】

[Ding, the first player, Nicholas Zhao Si is ready to enter the game. 】


Many people come in at one time.

There are also many people going out.

The reason is very simple. There is only one player quota, and the game website created by the system has only a dark game icon.

Most of these people just clicked in out of curiosity, and it turned out that there was only one place, and the others couldn't play at all, so it would be strange if they didn't leave.

"System, transform the website into a forum, allow these people to apply for membership, publish the rules of the game, and tell them that the game has just started, and the number of players is limited, please wait for 5 minutes, and more places will be opened after the first player finishes playing the game. ."

After Lin Ziyun finished speaking, he started to line up with Nicholas Zhao Si.

"Where is this place? How am I here?"

As soon as Zhao Si entered the website, he clicked on the game, and then he felt a sense of numbness coming from his temples, his eyes suddenly darkened, and he fainted completely.

At this time, his consciousness was pulled into a pitch-black space by the system, and he was at a loss.

"Cough, dear player, welcome to the game space."

Lin Ziyun changed his voice and did not let Zhao Si see him, and said in a high-spirited tone.

"Who is speaking?!!"

Zhao Si was taken aback.

"Dear player, please don't be nervous, you are about to enter the game, please choose the profession you want."

"What is this place? Just let me go back, I don't want to play games!!"

Zhao Si was so frightened that he was about to have a heart attack, and he didn't even think about playing games at this time.

"Uh, dear player, when you enter here, you must finish the game before you can go out, and you can't commit suicide, otherwise everything will have to start from scratch!"

Lin Ziyun is still waiting for the first player to promote him!

If the first player does not enter the game, who will he ask for the rent two days later? !

"...Okay, but you promise me that you will send me back after I finish the game."

"No problem, then you can choose your career."

"What occupation does this game have?"

"Warrior and farmer."

Zhao Si waited for a while and said, "Are you gone?"

" and women."


Zhao Si was silent for a long time, thinking what a broken game, there are only two occupations, is the developer not enough money?

"I choose warriors."

Zhao Si had no choice and said helplessly.

"Okay, let's start the game now, please prepare yourself."

Lin Ziyun found an ashtray, covered it with toilet paper, and started micromanaging.

He called out the DNA helix of the little humans.

Gene representing strength, strengthen!

Gene representing speed, step up!

The gene representing bone hardness is still strengthened!

The gene representing the power of the heart beat, strengthen and strengthen all strengthen (˙o˙)! !


Soon, a small human with a very strong body and one-third taller than the average human appeared on the toilet paper.

All genes related to strength, defense, speed, and toughness in this little human have been greatly strengthened by Lin Ziyun.

At this point, this little human has the fighting power to tear flesh-eating insects by hand!

And this little human will be the first player, the carrier of Nicholas Zhao Si's consciousness!

Lin Ziyun stopped the time in the flowerpot, gently picked up the created little human, placed it near the wall, and then ordered the system to put the consciousness of Nicholas Zhao Si into it.

Then, Lin Ziyun accelerated the time on the flowerpot, and let the system open the evolution video.

If something happens to this player, Lin Ziyun needs to correct it in time.

It's about rent, don't be sloppy!


Zhao Si abruptly opened his eyes and saw the white clouds in the sky and the clear blue sky.

He was in a dazed state, and he smelled a choking smell in his nose.

This is... blood! ?

Zhao Si stood up as soon as he turned over.

The smell of the blood is very weak, and ordinary people can't smell it at all, but Zhao Si's body has been greatly strengthened by Lin Ziyun, and his sense of smell is much more sensitive than ordinary people, so he can smell it very clearly.

Zhao Simeng turned his head towards the smell of blood, but only saw some maroon soil.

That's blood-soaked dirt!

"This, this is a game!?"

Zhao Si was suddenly shocked.

The things he saw, the smells he smelled, and the touches on his feet were so real.

It's a game here and there, and he believes that he has transmigrated! !

Wait a minute, why is there a tactile sensation on his feet?

Zhao Si abruptly lowered his head, and his old face suddenly turned red.

Lin Ziyun didn't make clothes for him.

Zhao Si hurriedly covered his crotch with his hand, and was just about to find a place to hide when a group of unkempt human beings in fancy clothes suddenly approached him.


These humans speak different languages, but Zhao Si can understand them.

These words and words, Lin Ziyun let the system enter into Zhao Si's consciousness.

And the little human soldiers who met Zhao Si were all holding spears at Zhao Si with a look of vigilance.

"I, I, what am I, no, I passed by, I passed by to make soy sauce, hehe."

From Zhao Si's point of view, the cold light of the weapon distributors in the hands of the people in strange clothes in front of him made him not dare to regard these people who were shorter than him as game NPCs.

Moreover, he had never seen such a scene before, and he stuttered for a while.

"Why are you not wearing clothes?"

These little humans put their guard down.

Their enemies for so many years have always been carnivores, never of the same kind.

Since Zhao Si said that he was passing by, these little humans did not doubt it. They also found some clothes to put on Zhao Si, and enthusiastically asked where Zhao Si’s family lived, and they could send someone to take him back.

Zhao Si touched the cloth covering his body, it felt very smooth, but he didn't know what material it was.

However, such a kind soldier still made him quite emotional.

It seems that there are many good people in the world!

And Zhao Sigang came to this world without any worries. After a few words with these soldiers, he went directly to the military camp with them.

However, soon after Zhao Si communicated with the commander of the barracks, he immediately discovered that the situation was not good.

Man-eating monsters? !

Over 100 soldiers die every once in a while? !

Is this still the front line? ! !

Lying trough Σ(っД;)っ!!!

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