Chapter 9 Carnivorous insects attack, show their supernatural power!

Zhao Si was very scared.

He is just an ordinary office worker. Occasionally killing chickens and fish is during the festivals.

He never imagined that there would be man-eating monsters in the world.

And after hearing the news, the first thing he thought of was to run.

However, at this time, he hadn't figured out the situation, and he didn't quite understand the rules of this world, and he still had some luck, thinking that those man-eating monsters would not appear at this time.

He finally decided to stay for a few days, at least to determine the escape route, otherwise, if he accidentally ran into the territory of the man-eating monster, wouldn't it be over? !

But what reassured him was that those little human soldiers seemed very simple and kind, even if they were a stranger like Zhao Si, they were warmly received.

However, the food of these soldiers was a little hard to swallow in Zhao Si's view.

No MSG, no soy sauce, no vinegar, no chili peppers, and no miscellaneous dishes.

There is only a bowl of green and thin salty soup, plus a few unknown pieces of meat.

The amount of vegetable soup is sufficient, but there are only two or three pieces of meat, which is not enough for Zhao Si to fill the gap between his teeth.

But Zhao Si asked only to know that these pieces of meat were taken from the corpses of the man-eating monsters, and all of them were supplied to the barracks, and they couldn't be eaten anywhere else!

As soon as he heard that it was eating the flesh of a human monster, Zhao Si lost interest in an instant, so he had to pour the vegetable soup vigorously. The strange thing was that even though he only ate vegetable leaves, Zhao Si could clearly feel full.

This is because Lin Ziyun intentionally strengthened the ability of the little humans to extract the nutrients they need from plants when he modified the genes of the little humans.

But even if he was full, Zhao Si still dreamed of braised pork from his hometown on the first night he spent in the military camp, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

He felt that he really owed money, what was wrong, he had to play that game, travel to this ghost place, no computer, no WiFi, and no meat to eat, he really got blood mold!

In the following days, Zhao Si worked with the little human soldiers, patrolled together, ate together, and slept in a tent.

The simplicity and kindness of these little human soldiers also gave Zhao Si a different experience.

The society of the little humans is still in the age of cold weapons, and the technology is not developed, but they really trust each other.

No intrigue.

No power struggles in the workplace.

The greatest wish of all the soldiers is highly unified, that is, one day, they can completely eliminate the carnivorous insects, and then go home and reunite with a few wives.

That's right, each of these soldiers has several wives.

Zhao Si is very envious of this.

That man doesn't want three wives and four concubines?

In the real society, however, feminism is rampant, and all those women are going to heaven! !

Not to mention three wives and four concubines, it would be good to not have polyandry.

Soldiers here are united, fraternal, and help each other.

These are things that Zhao Si has never encountered in the real world.

It is true that the real society has reached the extreme in terms of material, but the gap between people is also becoming more and more obvious.

These soldiers looked particularly cute in Zhao Si's eyes.

And after being in contact with these soldiers for a few days, he gradually discovered that he was obviously different from these soldiers.

His strength is significantly greater, and his jumping power and nerve reaction speed are also higher than those of these soldiers.

He could guess that all of these had something to do with the warrior profession he had originally chosen.

And the outstanding physical fitness also made the commander of the barracks full of praise for him, and even specially made him a full metal armor.

This is the treatment that only officers have!

When Zhao shi walked past those soldiers in armor, he always attracted envious eyes.

Zhao Si is also very proud of himself. In his ordinary life in the past, he has never been so prominent, as if he has reached the peak of his life.

At the same time, Zhao Si only felt that this trip to another world was not so difficult, and even the thoughts of running away gradually faded.

It was not until the first warning sound appeared in the barracks that Zhao Si woke up like a dream, but it was too late to leave.

"Quick, prepare to fight, the man-eating monsters are coming!"

A soldier handed a long spear to Zhao Si.

Zhao Si held the spear, but his hands began to tremble.

At this time, dozens of shadows flashed across the sky.

On the majestic wall that Zhao Si thought was comparable to the Great Wall, a carnivorous insect fell beside him as soon as a soldier drew his bow and arrow.

The next moment, the soldier's body was cut in half by the carnivorous insect's forelimbs.

The head rolled off the wall, swirls around like a watermelon, and just stopped at Zhao Si's feet.

Zhao Si: "...Σ(っД;)っ!!"

Zhao Si, who was taller than a small human and stood between a group of small soldiers, was clearly standing out from the crowd.

The three carnivores noticed him and immediately swooped down into the barracks.

Zhao Si looked at the three carnivorous insects that fell in front of him, his hands and feet were softening.

He had never seen such a monster before, it looked a bit like a praying mantis, and was covered with brownish-yellow armor, and the two pairs of sharp forelimbs were full of sharp serrations.

The most important thing is that this monster is as big as a human!

What the hell is this? ! !

When Zhao Sizheng was surprised, a carnivorous worm had already rushed towards him.

"No, run away!"

The soldier who had handed Zhao's spear earlier charged with a large sword.


The forelimbs of the carnivorous worm cut through the air, and the soldier's head flew up.

The strength gap is too great.

The soldier's face only had time to show horror, his head rolled to Zhao Si's feet, and his dead face just aimed at Zhao Si.

The lips of that face were squirming slightly, and looking at the shape of his mouth, he was still saying the word "run quickly".


For a time, Zhao Si suddenly felt like five thunders hit the top.

In the real world, he runs around all day, insisting on going to work for the food and clothing of his family, like a walking dead.

The material life of the real society is getting better and better, but people are also more and more intrigued, fighting for power and profits, and beware of each other's calculations. There is almost no affection at all.

Even the relationship with relatives is mostly just calling brothers at the wine table. If someone were to borrow money in an accident, everyone would be like hiding from the god of plague.

Wine and meat relatives, plastic brotherhood is nothing like this!

These soldiers just met him by chance. After a few days of getting along, they would die for him, and even let him run away at the end.

Grandma a bear! !

Today, Lao Zhao doesn't work hard, I'm sorry for my parents! !

Zhao Si's eyes turned red, he drew his spear and rushed towards the three carnivorous insects.


The spear stabbed into the bodies of the two carnivorous worms precisely, and with a huge force, the two carnivorous worms were directly pushed down.

When the last carnivorous worm saw that its companion was injured, it let out a long, sharp howl, raised its sharp forelimbs, and slashed towards Zhao Si.

Zhao Si wanted to pull out the spear, but the spear was inserted too deep into the ground, and he couldn't pull it out for a while.

There was no other way, Zhao Si could only close his eyes and unleashed his eight fists in an attempt to block the attack of the carnivorous worm.

"Bah!!" "Bah!!"~

After a burst of fisting to the flesh, the expected sharp pain did not come.

Zhao Si suddenly opened his eyes, and suddenly found that the carnivorous worm had fist marks all over his body, and was already lying on the ground, dying.

And there were only a few very slight scratches on his hand, and there was no blood.

The blow that could easily decapitate a soldier's head could not even cut his skin!

Zhao Si stared blankly at his hands.

"Fuck, am I so awesome (⊙o⊙)!?"

Chapter 10 Raise carnivorous insects as pigs, the power of transmigrators! !

Lin Ziyun has been paying attention to Zhao Si.

Although it took less than a minute in the real world, Zhao Si's change surprised Lin Ziyun.

From the panic at the beginning, to the full realization of his own strength later.

Then, Lin Ziyun watched Zhao Si kill seven in and seven out under the siege of carnivorous insects, and watched Zhao Si rush out of the high wall with a single sword, chasing those carnivorous insects and running all the way.

During this period, no one assisted Zhao Si, and there would always be carnivorous insects falling from the air to attack Zhao Si, but they were chopped down by Zhao Si, and he didn't return safely until he finally got tired of running.

This time, there were more than 100 carnivorous worms killed in battle, and nearly half of them were killed by Zhao Si.

All the little humans on the wall were shocked by Zhao Si's feat.

The commander of the little human soldier personally met Zhao Si and passed the news back to the little human village.

Then, the king of the little human immediately met Zhao Si, and after a conversation, he was even more shocked.

Zhao Si was instantly treated as a guest by the king of the little human being. The king of the little human not only gave Zhao Si the military power, but also married his three daughters to Zhao Si.

According to the age of the little human, the eldest of the three daughters of the little human king is only 16 years old, and even from the most critical aesthetic point of view of ordinary people, these three women can be called disasters for the country and the people.

You have to have a figure and a body, and you have to have skin and skin, and each has its own characteristics. They are prettier than the stars on TV!

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