Hexi replied while pushing the brewed tea to Keisha.

"She, it's more than a comparison." Kaisha picked up the teacup, looked at the tea inside and said quietly, "She has more thoughts on her mind. Who knows what she'll be thinking about tomorrow."

Hexi didn't care when he heard it.

Except that Liang Bing is not good at guessing, everything else is average.

So she picked up the snack on the table and took a sip.

"No matter how much her heart is, the king can handle her to the death."

"Besides, Liang Bing is not as well-behaved as a pet fox in front of the king."

"You think she's a fox too?" Keisha asked at this moment, looking up.

Hexi nodded.

Keisha nodded in agreement.

But the next moment.

Kaisha suddenly raised her head and looked at Hexi and asked curiously, "Then what do you think I am."

Hexi thought for a while.

"If I said it, you are not allowed to scratch me."

"Okay." Keisha agreed.

"Men's wife." Hexi replied immediately.

Keisha:  …

Take a deep breath.

Keisha looked at Hexi who was smiling.

Immediately, he replied unceremoniously, "Old goblin!"

"That's not too bad."

Hexi drank his tea disapprovingly: "At least he's prettier than you."

Keisha: I have a Zhenjin sword~!

at the same time.

somewhere in the universe.

A man wearing a green long coat and cape with two horns on his head like a reindeer is talking to another man with an ugly face. .

085 Wings of Time and Space!Liang Bing came to Wang at three in the morning

"Cosmic magic has awakened."

"It's in a small space, and it's also in the human world."

"Humans try to control it, master it, use it."

"It's a pity that very few people can use the secrets of the universe cube."


It was an alien with an ugly face, gray wrinkled skin and no mouth.

The one who was talking to him at this moment was Loki who fell off the Rainbow Bridge not long ago.

Loki wears the green cloak of Asgard with two long horns on top of his head.

He looked at the leader of the Chitauri civilization in front of him.

"Earth, there is also an angel civilization sheltering. Although there are only a few angels, they are all very strong."

"Angel?" The leader of Chitauri didn't understand what kind of creature an angel was.

But he continued to ask: "What strength?"

"Very strong." Loki recalled.

If you compare the combat power of Asgard soldiers: "One enemy thousand!"


The Chitauri leader snorted disdainfully.

"We have endless soldiers! What is a few angels who can fight against a thousand!"

"No matter how powerful they are, I can kill them directly!"

"The Zetas are endless!"

Loki thought for a while.

It seems so.

He's just a destroyer torn down.

If tens of thousands of Chitauri armies invade.

Are they tired of dying?

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