
This is the consequence of not knowing the opponent's strength.

Since the second generation of Angels, the human sea tactics have been officially declared useless.

And in the third generation, dispatching an angel can reverse the war situation of an entire civilization!

So when the time comes, the expressions of the Chitauri army and Loki will be very "good-looking".

At this time.

The leader of the Chitauri civilization gives Loki a scepter.

"This is a weapon given to you by our leader. If you can occupy the earth, this scepter can be given to you."

"And not only this scepter, that planet can also be yours."

"We only need the universe cube, does 677 know?"

Loki nodded.

Reached out and took the scepter.

"When do we invade."

The Chitauri leader slowly left.

But before leaving he dropped a word.

"Wait until I get the army ready."

That is about a week later.

Loki will be teleported directly to the cosmic cube.



The night before Loki was ready to teleport the universe cube.

It was already around 3 in the morning.

The whole sky city was silent.

Only the little stars in the city illuminated every corner.

If you look at the city of the sky from a higher sky.

It's like a fairyland.

That scattered fluorescent dotted.

Let the night of the whole sky city not be lonely.

At this time, Luo Hua was sitting on the big bed in the bedroom.

He leaned against the cushions behind him.

The hand is constantly writing and drawing in the air.

If Keisha saw it now, she would know that Luo Hua was building a framework for a treasure trove of knowledge.


Luo Hua's system prompted a signal.

That's Leng Bing's newsletter application.

If Luo Hua is asleep, this signal will naturally not be seen.

But he didn't sleep.

So Luo Hua also connected.

Lian Bing: {Luohua~~ You haven't slept yet! }

Luo Hua: {nonsense, who answered your communication when I slept. }

Lian Bing: {Then I will go to you now, the new wormhole technology has been researched! }


Luo Hua sat on the bed and looked at the fluorescent courtyard outside the balcony.

It's three o'clock.

Don't be in a hurry tomorrow.

But he didn't wait for Luo Hua to say it.

Lian Bing sent another message.

Liang Bing: {Wang~, you are not afraid that we are alone in the dead of night~? }

Listening to Liang Bing speak in this slightly ambiguous tone.

Luo Hua contemptuously smiled "Ha".

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