Then immediately notify to dispatch a small aircraft faster than standing up and fly to the target location.

The battleship behind him flew slowly first.

All the other small aircraft follow him to the void first!

at the same time.

Inside the Sky City on Earth.

Luo Hua was lying in the courtyard of the palace and drinking tea, planning to study the unique body of the fourth generation of angels.

But suddenly.

Luo Hua's ability to manipulate the space gems that day sensed the situation over there.

Not someone broke in.


Space is stable.

Luo Hua put down the teacup and stood up from the reclining chair.

Then took a step forward.

Then there was no Luo Hua in the city of the sky.

But there is one more figure in the space-time entrance of the Reality Gem.

At this time in the environment of this space.

Although outsiders can't see what's different here.

But Luo Hua could see at a glance that there was a slightly unstable space with infinite nesting dolls.

It's like a loopy roundabout.

You throw it in and it can come back.

But if something is thrown into the hole, then it will be teleported to another location space.

However, Luohua has space gems, and these are not problems.

Looking at the same space as normal.

Luo Hua raised his legs and walked in without hesitation.

Of course, the energy body he gathered with his consciousness had actually entered before that. .

119 different locations, but at the same time get Reality Gems and Power Gems!

The two figures converged.

Luo Hua withdrew the conscious energy body that went in first.

Take a look at your surroundings.

He was in a dim space at this time.

It is surrounded by columnar stones.

Except for a long stone bridge at the bottom of the foot, there is only an endless abyss below.

In the middle of the Shichang Bridge, there is a rectangular stone pillar standing there.

Luo Hua looked over.

This stone pillar is not intact, there is a fist-wide gap in the middle.

And in that crack, there are some red "dust" or "flowing water" surging.

That's the reality gem.

But not so much a gem, this thing is nothing.

"Flowing water" is just a form in which it expresses itself.

without any exaggeration.

If all gems are calculated individually, the Reality gem is the strongest!

Even Thanos achieves his wish through the augmentation between the various gems and finally using the Reality Gem.

That's half the population of the universe.

All said, as long as you are strong enough and your energy is large enough, the Reality Gem can satisfy everything for you.

Of course, it's in the eyes of some beings like the Court of Life...

Infinity Stones can also become useless.


Luo Hua has a way to make his words meaningless.

It depends on what happens after you get the Reality Gem.


Slowly walked to the front of the rectangular stone pillar.

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