The ether particle seemed to feel the existence of life, and it slowly spread in the air and rushed towards Luohua.

It wants to invade the body of this life.

Then escape from here.

Unfortunately, it encountered Luohua.

Luo Hua reached out to the ether particle and absorbed it in his mind.

Just when the red particles came into contact with Luohua and thought they could escape.

It found something wrong.

It started to break free!

But it didn't work.

An irresistible force instantly condenses the ether particles to Luo Hua's palm like a siphon!

Only a few seconds before and after.

The etheric particles that were wandering in the air like demons have now turned into red gems in Luo Hua's palm!

Luo Hua held it with her index finger and thumb.

The actual size of a realistic gem is about a thumb.

So it looks like a ruby.

At this time.

Hexi's voice came from Luohua's star net.

{Wang, where have you been? }

Although Hexi's voice was not heavy, Luo Hua could still hear her caring and somewhat anxious voice.

Luo Hua suddenly disappeared, and the entire Sky City could not find him. This was the first time.

That's why Hexi was a little anxious.

{Come out and get a gem, now go back. }

After speaking, with a grasp of the palm, the Reality Gem was withdrawn from the system.

Then he turned and left, and the figure disappeared instantly.

But next he appeared in the courtyard of Sky City again.

At this moment, Hexi was standing in the center of the courtyard and waiting.

Luo Hua saw that Hexi was alone here.

"You didn't inform Keisha and Liangbing?"

Hexi shook his head: "If Xingwang can't reach you either, I'm going to tell them."

Luo Hua nodded, then beckoned her to rest on the reclining chair on the lawn.

Lie on a lounger.

Hexi crossed his index fingers in front of his lower abdomen and looked at Luo Hua curiously:

"Wang, you just went to get the gems..."

"Of course it's the Infinity Stones." Luo Hua single-pointed and picked.

A bright red gem flew out.

But Luo Hua just caught it with one hand.

Hexi got up and asked, "Wang, why don't you let us help you there? What if there is danger?"

"This gem is a bit special, you can't get it."

Luo Hua did it helplessly: "This is a reality gem. Before it converged, it was just a particle called ether."

"You go to get it, or you can't get it, or your body will be invaded."

of course.

With the body of the third generation of angels, even if they are invaded, they can barely fight against the particles that have not yet awakened.

But it is impossible to fight against gems.

According to Luo Hua's impression, even the fourth-generation divine body would be difficult to fight against any gem.

This is impossible.


Hexi also nodded sensible.

But she looked at Luo Hua again and guessed:

"So next..."

"Unreal Engine." Luo Hua replied directly.

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