"With it, it is our capital against those ancient races and super creatures."

Hexi nodded heavily.

What is Thanos without gems?

He is nothing.

There are many more powerful than him.


The screen returns to the angel who went to the universe on a mission.

After only a few days of traveling, Yan and all the angels finally came to the place of nothingness.

These new generations were curious about the giant head of the Celestial group, which was almost the size of a planet.

Alan explained: "When I first came, I was also curious about this creature."

"But according to the information uploaded by Wang and the words of Wang's own mouth."

"There are very few creatures in this celestial group compared to cosmic creatures, and it is difficult to find them now."

"Their tracks were relatively hidden during this time."

Yan and Leng nodded their heads.

They also looked at the information of the Tenjin group.

In addition to its huge size, it has a variety of abilities.

In addition, the height of the Tenjin group is generally almost [-] meters.

But there are individual exceptions even from thousands of meters to thousands of kilometers.

They wear various armors or weapons.

No one knows why, but maybe these armors and weapons are part of their bodies.

After reading the head of the god group.

The eyes of the angels have also scanned the "planet".

Ailan waved and flew forward: "Let's go, the goal is right in front of us, we can go home after finishing this."

The angels reacted, and they all fluttered their wings and flew away.

After a while.

They arrived at the Land of Nothingness, which is also an area controlled by the Difan Group.

The Divan Group is a collector's group.

They are in the business of the universe, and they are here to collect the spinal fluid, brain tissue, etc. of this head.

Open the eyes of insight again.

Suddenly the angels of Yan did not descend.

Rather, it climbed sharply.


Boom~~~! ! !

Boom~~~~~~~~~! ! ! ! !

A purple explosion suddenly swept through the center of the entire gathering place.

In an instant, purple energy flew wildly around the entire venue.

Even the collector's collection base was instantly blown away.

One of the treemen escaped with a raccoon in his arms.

Immediately after, Star-Lord also ran out with a green-skinned woman.

Seeing that Gamora was still holding the Power Stone, Rocket Raccoon exclaimed:

"¨"Why are you still holding it! ? "

"Otherwise?" Gamora replied: "Is it difficult to wait for the explosion!?"

Star-Lord took the gem and just wanted to stuff it into his bag.

Rocket asked angrily at him again: "And you actually put this thing in a broken bag!?"

"This is not a broken bag." Star Lord's hand stopped and corrected: "This is a leather bag, strictly speaking, a shoulder bag."

"You want to throw it away!? Don't Ronan want it? You give it to Ronan!" Rocket shouted.

"To Ronan!? Do you want to see him kill billions of people and destroy the galaxy!?" Star-Lord immediately retorted.

"Then how did you become a great person!? What does the Milky Way have to do with you!"

"Because we live in it, idiots!"

"What! You call me an idiot!?"

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