The Kree pilot looked at the corpses, wreckage, debris, and pieces of the battleship floating in space.

There is only endless death and despair in my heart.

The angel flew away again, and this time they didn't even see a hair.

Except for the battleship that was still on fire, there was no one here for a long time.

The gap in action ability is reflected in this.

The screen switches to the Angel's safe location.

The long sword in Yan's hand fell, and then looked at Fanxing and Yunyi.

"It's almost like this, dodge first, attack second."

"But don't worry, except that the laser main gun of the battleship may scratch your skin."

"Other attacks can't even break defenses."


Ah Chai, Leng, Ailan, and Kayla also taught their teammates at the same time.

They also destroyed the second ship.

In other words, Angel has now destroyed 10 battleships.

The cold face at this time taught Yitian and Lingxi with a stern look.

Although she usually has a bad temper, but when it comes to teaching angels, Leng is very attentive.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

If you make a metaphor, cold is the mouth of a knife and the heart of tofu.

Fanxing, Lingxi, Yitian, Yunyi, Moyi and other angels nodded in unison.

They have already observed the performance and explanation of their respective captains.

Time to experiment with your own hands.

The wings fluttered.

10 angels set off directly into the battlefield!

And their captain followed behind to provide on-site guidance and prevention.

At this time, in the central battleship of the Kerry civilization.

Their command captain watched with anger as the battleship logos turned red on the display screen after battleship.


He slammed the hammer on the table.

"Let all aircraft with leap engines be dispatched!"

...... 0

"But..." The Cree men hesitated: "In this case, we will not have the energy to establish a logistics base."

Leap Leap aircraft, as the name suggests.

These are wormhole-displaceable vehicles that can span short distances of space.

But it consumes a lot of energy.

The reason for dispatching them is still known to the commanding captain.

With the speed of the angel, ordinary aircraft can never catch up.

A jump engine aircraft must be used.

And what his subordinates hesitated was that after all of them were dispatched, their vanguard army would be in vain.

"If we don't move! We can only evacuate!"

The command captain's blue-skinned face was gloomy.

"It's better to use up energy than to evacuate! Or just retreat to the Kree Empire like this? What a joke!"

He is the commander of the Vanguard Corps this time.

If he is evacuated, he will take the main responsibility, and he will bear the demotion, reputation, prestige, etc.!

If he dies before his apprenticeship, the failure he takes the lead will be punished the most!

Correspondingly, his success is rewarded beyond normal!

In this way, what is the energy consumption?

Following the command of the commander.

Several of the ships had their hatches open.

Then hundreds of aircraft with leap engines flew out from it.

After flying out of the cabin for a while.

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