Take Kaisha, Hexi, and Liangbing back to the courtyard.

While eating snacks with them, Luo Hua discussed the next technological research and development.


at the same time.

All the civilizations in the universe that can receive the latest news also caused an uproar.

Let's not talk about Skrull civilization or nothingness.

Just the current Guardians of the Galaxy.

After receiving the latest news, Gamora happily ran to the control area and said loudly:

"Angel civilization easily defeated the Kree Empire Vanguard Legion!"

"They sent hundreds of warships, but only half of them came back in the end!"

"What!?" Rocket jumped up: "Show me."

As soon as he took the information screen on Gamora's hand, Rocket quickly put his eyes on the viewer.

Wait until you have read the information.

Rocket laughed out loud: "Hahahahaha~~~ I think the same as Uncle!"

"Ronan was casually crushed in the face of 6 angels. I don't know who the commander is this time."

"How could they possibly beat Angel!"

Star-Lord and Drax the Destroyer immediately watched their information screens.

And Gamora took it back to the information screen angrily.

"Did you see clearly, there are 16 angels dispatched this time!"

"What!?" Rocket was shocked again.

He knew that Gamora wouldn't show him.

So Rocket quickly jumped off the driver's seat and ran to Star-Lord's place to watch.

After reading it carefully again, it turns out that there are really 16 angels!

That plus not dispatched! ?

How many angels are there! ?

At the beginning, the Qitarui civilization found out that it was 6.

When the universe trades, it is a few, and it is not less than 6 anyway.

Ronan came out in less than 10 places that time, but not much.

As a result, this time the Pioneer Corps directly found 16! ?

Then if this is combined with the lack of dispatch, wouldn't it be almost 20! ?

Rocket scratched his head.

He began to worry about the Kree Empire inexplicably.

"Can this Kerry Empire still beat an angel?"

Star-Lord glanced at Rocket Raccoon.

"You told everyone that you were going to beat up someone, but in the end you wouldn't go because you were afraid?"

"impossible! "Rocket refused: "Absolutely impossible! "

So Star-Lord shrugged at everyone.

Means the same.

This beep is all installed, even if he wants to give up, can Angel Civilization bypass him?

Think back to how many civilizations were bullied by the Kerry Empire.

The people of the Kree Empire are belligerent and not only strong in technology, but also in strength.

So everyone was bullied and didn't dare to talk much, even the Nova Empire was wrestling with the Kerry Empire.

Then what ability do they have to wrestle with the Kerry Empire.

But not now.

Who wouldn't fall for it.

In order to breathe out, they are all hoping that the angel can beat the Kerry Empire to death.

And what a slogan of Angel Civilization.

Do justice!

They all agree with this sentence, and it is very suitable for angel civilization.


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