Captain America didn't speak all the time, and watched Iron Man's movements silently. To be honest, he was also confused by the surrounding scene, and always felt that there was something strange.

Moreover, what happened now is not in the scope of his thinking.

"Haven't you noticed that the species of trees here have changed? We have been moving forward, but the surrounding scene is similar, so it gives the same illusion, you don't need to worry too much, just keep moving towards before."

After saying this, Iron Man took the branch in his hand and walked forward leisurely.

As long as a direction can be established, it is naturally motivated to move forward.Inch.

222. Bang, the change of the Avengers!

All the group of people who returned to the building saw nothingness.

Iron Man rushed back to his studio for the first time.

Then Iron Man discovered that the energy originally placed in the box had all disappeared, and it seemed that someone had taken it away.

After discovering this, Iron Man felt very ugly.

"Before I left, I had set up a particularly perfect protective device in the building. Why does this happen? Did something change happen in the middle of the building?"

Facing Iron Man's question, Captain America could only shake his head.

When they came back, they were already separated from others. After all, their goals were different. Although the mission results were the same, they still needed to go to different locations to leave.

The entire building was empty, as if no one had ever existed, but Iron Man clearly knew that there were still people staying here when he went out to find Captain America.

Just click on the surveillance video just now, but this video seems to have been damaged artificially, and it only stays on the page where Loki appeared.

"Loki actually appeared?"

The development direction of things seems to be walking along a place that has never been experienced before. Iron Man didn't know what to do for a while. What happened now is like a disaster for him, and this Disasters are never-ending.

Captain America is also very puzzled about this matter, because what is happening now seems to be a little wrong.

"Did you just see a dark shadow on the monitor?" Captain America pointed to the end of the screen.

After receiving Captain America's words, Iron Man followed his fingers and found that there was a dark shadow that had never been seen before.

However, the state of this shadow is very strange. If he is relatively quiet, it is not because he can clearly see the shadow making a lot of actions on the screen.

But if it is said that he caused such a danger in the Avengers Building, that is not right. Except for the shadow that always makes some inexplicable actions, it did not cause any substantial damage to the building at all.

Therefore, in the current situation, this shadow is not necessarily the murderer who caused the disappearance of the building.

"Now everyone who is on the mission outside is recalled to see what happened."

In fact, there are not many people performing tasks outside, but there are not many. Except for those who stayed behind, basically all went out.

"I think we should not call them back now. If we call them back, this matter is likely to expand further. After all, some people's emotions are not very good or very good. If they can control themselves, it is better to wait for a while. Time to see what's going on and find other countermeasures."

Captain America stopped Iron Man for the first time.

It is important to know that people who perform tasks outside are likely to have some problems, even if he performs tasks.

If it weren't for Iron Man's appearance of Captain America, I still don't know where to circle, and Thor's inexplicable appearance in this world is also a problem.

"Then we can't just watch those people disappear without looking for them. You know the current situation is beyond the control of the two of us."

Why didn't Iron Man think about this question, but when thinking about this question, he also had to consider other factors, such as how did the enchantment of the Avengers Building disappear?

And why is your own artificial intelligence shut down for no reason?

The energy originally placed in the box was also taken away, it seems that these things are coming for energy......

"But even summoning them back won't help. It's better for us to sort out our thoughts now."

Captain America always felt that Iron Man was in a hurry to find the answer, but the problem was that the answer was actually in front of them, but now they have no solution.

Now the plan can only be to take a step by step, because there is no other solution, if there is any other solution, they have already done it, and what is happening now is not a 3.1 general solution at all can be solved.

After being silent for a while, Iron Man finally agreed with Captain America's words.

"Then let's call S.H.I.E.L.D. now and ask them to come and see what's going on. I'll try to repair the damaged surveillance video, so that we can know the reason for the development of the matter."

After saying this, Iron Man sat directly on the chair and started typing on the keyboard. He must restore the video completely, so that he can know what happened. .

223. What did Dr. Banner do?

The people from S.H.I.E.L.D. really came quickly, and it was already sent over within 10 minutes before and after the call.

And now, as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., one of the people who manages the world has also come over.

"What happened? Isn't it said that the defense mechanism of the Avengers building is the best? Why are there still disappearances?"

The key point is that it is difficult for Iron Man to explain this issue. Before he left, he had launched the best defense, just to prevent the current situation from happening, but from the current situation, it seems that it has no effect. What should appear is still is there.

Some distraught Iron Man ignored the director's question, but silently modified the system's code. He had just awakened his artificial intelligence, but he didn't get any answers. Everything still needs to be traced. Traceability is better.

As for where the so-called 28 traceability will go, Iron Man has no idea for a while.

All in all, things today are full of a sense of weirdness, and I don't know who did these things without leaving a trace, as if he came silently like a ghost, and then disappear again.

"We had already conducted an investigation when we left, but there were no inspection results. I suspect that there may be some changes there, which is why this happened. This thing can't be blamed on the defense mechanism of the Avengers Building. "

Captain America speaks for Iron Man.

"I didn't mean to blame either, I just thought it was a bit strange. Has the surveillance video been repaired? Now I have brought professional equipment to help repair the surveillance video together."

Just as the director's voice fell, the progress bar on the screen finally came to an end.

Looking at the files that were restored to normal, Iron Man still hesitated for a while.

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