And the reason for his hesitation was that he was a little strange and the development of this matter. If the development of the matter did not follow his imagination, it would prove that something had disappeared.

As for what disappeared, there is no situation for the time being. What is happening now is like a long-planned conspiracy, and this conspiracy is still aimed at the Avengers.

"I have now repaired the file and I will open it and take a look, and I will know what the truth of the matter is."

Iron Man made up his mind and finally hit the start button.

However, what happened next surprised everyone present, because the reason for the ruins in front of them was actually because of the doctor.

Not exactly inappropriate, but the Hulk.

I don't know what stimulated the Hulk in the camera. At this moment, he is attacking Loki frantically, and Loki's expression is also a little surprised.

The voice of the Black Widow is also heard in the picture.

"Calm down, he's not the enemy"

The Hulk who has lost his mind will naturally not listen to what is not an enemy. He is still attacking Loki desperately, and Loki does not want to hurt the Hulk and can only dodge back and forth.

The moment he saw Loki, Iron Man raised his eyebrows.

When he saw Thor, in fact, he had already stepped on the ground, it must be in the earth, but he did not expect that Loki would choose to come here, and the picture was still harmonious, except for the crazy Hulk .

"It doesn't appear to be broken from the outside, but disintegrated from the inside, but what is it that drives the Doctor crazy?"

You must know that the conditions for the appearance of the Hulk are very harsh, not only he is required to be willing, but also in the recent angry situation, something must have happened. This is to stimulate the Hulk, so the current situation will appear.

But what Iron Man can't understand is what exactly stimulates the Hulk here.

"Could it be that they accidentally stung the thoughts of the Hulk when they were chatting, so this scene appeared in front of them?"

773 Captain America is also analyzing it very seriously, but his analysis is always in a state where the lips of the donkey are not the mouth of the horse.

On the screen in front of him, there was still a big house tearing down, but Iron Man no longer cared about joining Yufeng, he only cared about where these people went.

At the end of the video, no clear direction was given, because Loki had disappeared, and the only Hulk who existed was angrily leaving.

"The Hulk can't get out of here"

"If the people next to him were already screaming, how could it be so harmonious, and when we came back, the surroundings were basically the same as usual, and there was no change at all."

Captain America is right.

But if the Hulk hadn't left, where was he hiding now?The Avengers Building has been searched up and down, and there is no one at all.

If they had found someone at that time, they wouldn't have said they were looking for S.H.I.E.L.D. .

224 Hulk fights, the origin is king?

At this time, on the Andromeda galaxy Name, a planet that has not produced any creatures since its birth, a cosmic-level fight is being staged.

I saw the Hulk and Black Widow cooperate, constantly attacking a humanoid robot with a green gem on its head.

This pair of people who could be regarded as the strongest combat power on earth, one is the strongest, the other is the most flexible, but when facing this steel robot, they have always been at a disadvantage, and they can't get it at all. to any cheap.

And Loki, who had no effect on the side, has now been knocked down to the ground and dying.

"Wang, I think the Hulk and Black Widow must not be the opponents of Ultron. It can be seen now that Ultron did not use the energy of the mind gem to go alone. With the strength of his own body, he could directly fight with the two of them. Compete, and don't fall behind!"

Hexi said to Luo Hua, who was watching the fighting scene not far away.

Just before Captain America and the others returned to the control room, Dr. Banner discovered that a mess of garbled characters appeared in the system, and the garbled characters suddenly continued to grow at an uncontrollable speed, ignoring a series of attacks by Dr. Banner at all. instruction.

Similarly, this sudden mutation also caught Luo Hua's attention, and Luo can clearly feel the huge energy emitted by this mess of garbled codes. Although it is in the digital world, the conscious energy contained in it cannot be ignored. Don't let Luo Hua re-examine this sudden bug.

In fact, according to the previous story, Ultron should have been created by Tony, and there was a problem in the coding process, and then an inhuman order was formed, and the plan to eliminate humans was started.

But this time, the appearance of Ultron came suddenly, and there was no warning. It was like a little monster that has been hidden under countless programs. It has been silently accumulating energy and constantly eroding the surrounding programs.

Then, when the strength began to gradually become stronger, it broke out and absorbed energy crazily. Just like now, all the attack instructions that Dr. Banner issued to him were directly absorbed into his own energy.

But all of this seems to Dr. Banner like a bug with self-consciousness, constantly ignoring his own attacks. After all, Dr. Banner still belongs to a human being mentally. What he can see and feel The difference between Luo Hua, the king of angels, is really thousands of miles.

However, this time Luohua did not give Ultron a chance to form himself. After all, how much energy of Ultron and how serious the accident was, Luohua himself understood, and at the same time Luohua also wanted to take this energy as his own. use.

After all, for him, the only people who can truly become him are angels, and creating an angel is extremely energy-intensive, and he also needs to work hard to find people who meet the conditions, which is like looking for more expensive diamonds in diamonds.

So far, there are really very few people who can use Luo Hua to dominate, and the energy these angels have, let alone the avengers, even the tyrant with five gems may not be an opponent.

But after all, the task of protecting the earth cannot be undertaken by himself. Although Luohua himself likes the planet Earth very much, he is never a person from the earth, nor will he be the patron saint of the earth forever.

Therefore, such a burden must fall heavily on these avengers from the earth, but as time continues, and after I have been to the earth, more or less of my own strength remains in this planet. on the planet.

It may be that he is afraid of his own power. Anyway, it has been a long time since people from other planets have invaded the earth, and there has been no major crisis on the earth for a long time.

But at the same time, on the other side of the galaxy, Thanos has already begun to search for gems, and will soon start a clearing plan, but these Avengers have no idea, and have even relaxed their strict requirements.

After all, they are invincible on earth and have no opponents, but this situation is particularly dangerous for Luo Hua, and if Thanos arrives, he may not necessarily help them.

Because in Luohua's view, from the perspective of a king of angels, the low-level beings in the entire universe are just like human beings. Their numbers are of no benefit, and they cannot quickly create great technology. , and their own greed and corruption will overwhelm their planet.

Judging from the growth rate of their own creativity and technological level, before they can become a brilliant civilization, the planet has already consumed all the resources slightly more by them, and the entire planet will become a garbage dump.

So there is no benefit to the increasing number of low-end lives. .

225 Ultron was born, just for sparring!

Therefore, from the perspective of Luohua and Thanos, clearing the number of these low-end beings is actually of great benefit to the planet and the entire universe, because more resources can be given to higher-end civilizations, and there is no need to be These low-end lives are wasted.

But then again, Luohua also understands that the birth of every life has its own special meaning, and no one has the right, let alone the right to deprive them at will, even Luohua himself, never arbitrarily deprive others life.

So the plan of Thanos actually has a good side and an extremely bad side in Luohua. For Luohua, he is also very contradictory now. I don't know if I should support Thanos to do such a thing.

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