Only Star-Lord was left to beat his chest and stomped his feet. I don't know how to vent the suffocation in his heart. After all, for Xing-Lord, what happens to the entire universe really doesn't matter to him, he just wants to earn more. Money, let yourself live a comfortable life.

Originally, Star-Lord had already made plans. After finishing this vote, his wife and children would be able to warm up on the kang head, choose a habitable planet, or return to Earth, build a house, and live a good life for a while.

From childhood to adulthood, Star-Lord never experienced any stable life.When I was young, my mother Earth died, and I was forced to wander in the universe, and then I was dragged into the underworld by my godfather. .

Chapter 250: Luo Hua returns to the temple, the Avengers change their attitude

When I was young, I was trained by my godfather to steal things, and that kind of training was really inhumane, so after I gained a certain ability, I quickly got out of my godfather's control, and then wandered in the universe. .

However, after experiencing all kinds of things as a child, Star-Lord gradually became hard-hearted, and he didn't care about any other people's comfort, he only cared about how much money he could earn and how he lived.

Similarly, they were able to get together later because they had the same interests, and most importantly, they were all rejected by their original organization or planet.

So it can be said that there is nothing to be done. A few people get together. Although they have a little bit of a long time in their hearts, at least they are much stronger than being alone.

But on the other side, after Luo Hua returned to Sky City, he threw his power gem directly to Yan.

"I remember that I wanted to build a fountain in front of the palace. It just so happened that the power gems are in our hands. I'll leave this task to you. With this thing, the construction efficiency will definitely be improved many times, so this task I'll leave it to you!"

I have to say that although you are the king of angels, Luo Hua is more or less a dog at the root. This kind of thing that is regarded as a treasure in any planet in the universe will be regarded as a treasure by Luo Hua. Hua used to build his own fountain.

Yan also nodded helplessly, took the power gem and turned to look for materials outside.

Although there are thousands of unwillingness in his heart, Luo Hua has already spoken, and he has no way to refute it. What's more, the idea of ​​building the fountain was indeed proposed by himself.

"Hexi, how are the training of the Avengers?"

In different places in the universe, the passage of time is actually not the same, not to mention beyond the galaxies, it is even more different.

Therefore, a minute spent with the Star-Lord just now is equivalent to spending a whole day on Earth, and it will be even longer in the training space that he built.

After all, these Avengers should have been training for a long time, and Hexi has always been asked to observe them.

"Fortunately, it has not lived up to your expectations. Among them, Captain America and Iron Man should have made the greatest progress. Sol, because his own strength is quite strong, there is no leap in improvement, but a willpower Enhanced a lot."

"Others are pretty much the same, and they can make progress. But all of them are not taking it lightly, and they are all training hard, which I didn't expect at the time."

Hexi didn't really think that these Avengers would be so obedient, and most importantly, for these Avengers, they actually didn't know what would happen in the future, and they didn't fight Ultron for a long time.

Therefore, according to the stubbornness of human beings, coupled with such a weak willpower, they should not listen to Luo Hua's advice [-]%.

But the result made him never expect that these Avengers are really training hard, and it seems that they are really willing to seize this opportunity to improve their abilities.

However, this change of thinking has actually experienced a very drastic change in thinking for the Avengers.

The Avengers who just entered the training space really haven't recovered. After all, Luo Hua didn't give them time to make a decision, and even asked for their opinions, but brought them directly into this space.

Originally, what they wanted to do at the beginning was to escape from this space as soon as possible, but after a period of fighting, they suddenly discovered that the enemy transformed in this space really seemed to grow on their weakness. the same as the opponent.

Originally, for these Avengers, they knew their strengths very well, but they didn't know their weaknesses, especially people like Hawkeye or Iron Man. Strong and omnipotent.

However, after playing against their opponents for a period of time, they gradually realized where their weak points are. For example, Iron Man, his moves are very flexible, but they are not practical enough.

Hawkeye's physical fitness is relatively weak, and the most important thing is that he can only improve his melee combat ability without superpowers. After all, if arrows are used in long-range combat, the efficiency will be much lower.

So they gradually realized their weaknesses and gradually understood Luo Hua's good intentions. Everyone stopped talking about leaving this place, but devoted themselves to training, even apart from eating. And the necessary sleep, and the rest is all training. .

Chapter 251: Luo Hua is shocked, Thanos is not easy to destroy

When Luo Hua heard Hexi, he had such a high evaluation, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Since you say it's good, it proves that they are really good. Well, in that case, I'll make it harder for them to train."

Since everyone has worked so hard, Luo Hua feels that appropriately raising the difficulty is also a kind of spur to them. After all, under this situation, their desire must be urgent to improve their abilities.

And there is not much time. In a few days, they should come out of it. Although they spent 100 days and nights in it, it is not enough for the earth, especially for Luohua. ~ It's just a few days.

"By the way, you continue to look at these people these days. I'm going to Earth to find other Avengers. The power of these people alone can destroy Ultron at most, but in the end, we will deal with Thanos. If so, it is absolutely impossible to rely on the strength of these few people alone."

After all, Thanos is also a very powerful person, and even if there are no five soul gems, her own skin is an iron wall, which can isolate ordinary weapons, light, heat and even electromagnetic waves.

Thanos' own willpower is very high, any mental control is actually immune to Thanos, unless the other party also has higher mental abilities, but now the strength of the Avengers is too low Now, even if it is 100 days of emergency training, the strength is far from the same.

This is not because of their own lack of effort, but because their genes are too far behind. Just like Tonystark, even if he trains for a lifetime or even 100 years, he may not be able to do anything. , the level of eating and waiting to die every day.

So this is the natural genetic inequality. If you want to win Thanos without your own intervention, you may need more of them to work together to resist this behemoth.

And in the process of bringing back the power gem, Luo Hua tried to let his consciousness enter the power gem to explore how powerful this soul stone was.

But what surprised him was that his ability could not detect everything at all, and the most important thing was that the energy inside was stronger than what he had, and it was just a gem.

Originally, Luo Hua felt that there should be nothing in this universe that could help him, even if it were the five gems that existed in the ancient times when the universe was born, if he wanted to destroy it, he could easily destroy it.

But the power contained in this power gem seems to be much stronger than his own strength. If he encounters a person who can exert his full power, it may be difficult for him to deal with the opponent, not to mention the five soul gems, all of them. all gathered together.

Originally, Luo Hua wanted to try not to intervene in the affairs of the universe, and let them, the people of the universe, handle it.But what Luo Hua is worried about now is that if everyone can't figure it out in the end and he shoots himself, then he may not be able to beat Thanos with five gems.

Although Luo Hua knew that Thanos still did not have the ability to use all the energy of the five soul gems, but even if he could only use half of it, it might be difficult for him to beat him.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

After all, Luo Hua relies on his pure angel ability, and does not have any other buff bonuses.

So now he also wants to find other Avengers who can strengthen his side to the end.If you really need to shoot yourself, you can play a little easier, so as not to be beaten out of control in the end.

Hexi knelt down on one knee to take the order. After all, it was the task that Luo Hua gave her, and she would definitely complete it 100% with all her might.

...................... 0

And Luo Hua directly dodged back to Earth.

The earth is still relatively calm now. After all, his angel defense, Zhengheng is even more in the sky. Ultron may have attacked several times, but it is still difficult to break his defensive cover.

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