So now everyone is still living peacefully, because nothing unusual has happened. At most, it is the New York that was damaged by Ultron before. They are vigorously turning the ruins back into their original homes.

This project is huge, and that's why every time the Avengers are going to fight, they try to pull the battlefield to a place where no one is there.

This kind of infrastructure construction, coupled with the construction of large-scale buildings, really took hundreds of years to form the current pattern, but if they are destroyed, these superpowers only need a flick of a finger.

Of course, these Avengers will not go to work, so in the end, it is the ordinary people, the entire country, and the most important taxpayers who lose.Inch.

Chapter 252: The Avengers Need to Promote, Doctor Strange Appears

Having said that, if the battle is really going to start, some losses are unavoidable. After all, compared with these infrastructure constructions, human life is still more important.

At this moment, Doctor Strange is just a junior magician who has just learned magic. This is a level that he has barely achieved under the urging of the ancient one.

If the normal trajectory is followed, when Thanos arrives, Doctor Strange will still know nothing. At most, he can only rely on the Time Stone to barely maintain his ability, but he cannot exert all the energy of the Time Stone.

And after traveling to the future and seeing countless results, I still can only choose to wait, and I can only choose to accept the setting that must lose Iron Man. This is also because Doctor Strange has no way to do it through his own efforts or through his own abilities. change the final result.

You must know that magicians have the ability to turn things around, not to mention the magicians who have the time gem, they can already be said to be selected by time, but so many heavy tasks are shouldered by Doctor Strange, but he has not been able to fulfill his wishes. , can only prove that his growth rate is too slow.

In fact, it's no wonder, after all, Master Gu Yi has been the strongest magician for thousands of years, but there is a problem that the new normal of Master Gu Yi is too soft. Although he has a discerning eye, he has found a strange one who can take his place. PhD.

However, in the training process, he did not give him proper pressure. On the contrary, he was mostly encouraged and did not let him experience too severe setbacks.

Even because there are no magicians on earth, their abilities can be said to be unfavorable, and it is almost difficult to meet powerful opponents, which makes the ancient master a little slack, plus his love for his beloved disciple.

In the end, it can only lead to the fact that Doctor Strange's ability has not been greatly improved, and even lost a lot of opportunities and opportunities in the end.

In fact, in Luo Hua's view, according to the original story line, after encountering Thanos, all the avengers are actually unqualified, and they all have huge potential, but all of them have not been brought into play.

Most of the reason is because they have not received too harsh training.Although it is said that in the eyes of ordinary people, they have experienced all kinds of hardships in life and death, but in Luo Hua's view, they are only elementary.

After all, the heaven will assign a great responsibility to the people of this country, and they must first suffer their minds, their muscles and bones, and their bodies and skins.But the current Avengers only have these three points, and even these three points have not yet been in place, not to mention the following actions are messing with their actions, so they are tempted to be patient and gain what they can't do.

This time, since Luo Hua came to this universe, as the king of angels, he will use his own hands to create a brand new Avengers alliance, so that all people must be raised to a higher level in terms of combat power and willpower .

Now that the first-generation Avengers have begun to undergo hard training, what Luo Hua wants to do is to gather all the other Avengers together and give them different training according to their characteristics.

The first thing to do is to let the only magician on this earth deepen his understanding of magic and improve his ability to control and use the time gem...  

Doctor Strange's name is Stephen Slantage. He was originally an excellent neurosurgeon. He was even praised by the outside world as God's gift to the surgical world for his superb medical skills. However, an accidental car accident directly ruined his medical career. , the hands he depended on for his survival were comminuted fractures, and he could no longer pick up a scalpel.

That is, after that, he traveled all over the world, wanting to heal his hands and return to the operating table, but was taken in by Master Gu Yi, who lived in seclusion in the Himalayas, and was accepted as a disciple, and he wanted to train him into a generation of supreme magicians. .

At this time, Doctor Strange had completed his studies and returned to the United States. He was active in New York as a occult scholar, and established his own magic palace on the top floor of a mysterious church in the city center.

However, when Ultron suddenly destroyed the city a few days ago, Doctor Strange happened to return to the Himalayas to practice cultivation, but in the face of such a disaster, he has long been accustomed to it.

After returning to New York, he immediately started to restore the church in 3.1, and restored his magic palace in the shortest time. After all, as a magician, he is still very rich. As a occult scholar, Harvard University will Pay him an annual salary of 100 million, which does not include other scientific research funds.

After all, there are not many professional studies in this subject in the whole world, and the tuition fee of this subject is extremely expensive. If you want to study thoroughly, you also need a lot of energy and extremely high talent. Doctor Strange, of course, can get a very high salary.

But in the end, it was a magician with the Time Stone. .

Chapter 253: Luo Hua hits the nail on the head, and Doctor Strange is in high spirits

Doctor Strange was not even the least bit surprised when Luo Huasheng appeared in his magic palace.

"If I guessed correctly, you should be my Enshi Gu Yi Mage, the King of Angels who once told me that he can be compared to the highest level of gods."

Looking at Luo Hua, who was emitting a golden but gentle light all over, Doctor Strange was more surprised.

"It seems that magicians are different. There are very few chatters who can recognize me on earth. You should be the only one."

Seeing such a calm Doctor Strange, Luo Hua is still quite impressed from the bottom of his heart. Although his ability is not outstanding, he can be regarded as the top in the entire Avengers, and the most important thing is his willpower of 28 And mentality has always been particularly stable.

Therefore, when a major crisis was finally encountered, only Doctor Strange could stabilize his emotions, and at the final moment, guide Iron Man to complete the final victory.

If it weren't for his mortal body, Luo Hua would be interested in recruiting Doctor Strange to be his right-hand man. After all, this mentality is not something that ordinary people can cultivate.

"The King of Angels is here, do you have any advice?"

Happy to be happy, but such a legendary figure suddenly came to him, something big must have happened.

"At the moment there is a saboteur above the earth trying to destroy the whole earth, you should be able to feel it."

Luo Hua asked.

"Of course, when he destroyed the earth, I actually felt it, but when I rushed back, everything was over, and I also found that a defense suddenly appeared above the earth, close to the ozone layer. cover."

"The ability of this protective cover is not possessed by all superpowers on the earth, so I am still looking for who is the initiator, and now it seems that the person who can make such a masterpiece is already standing in front of me. "

After all, this kind of protective cover is similar to magic. At first, Doctor Strange really thought that a magician came to the earth, but after reading many ancient books, there is no record of such a protective cover in any book.

And if their magicians want to make such a protective cover, it is impossible for them to do so in such a short period of time. After all, they all use their spiritual power. Even if they are now the strongest magician on the earth, it is necessary to build such a big one. The defensive cover will also take a few years.

Doctor Strange, who was originally in confusion, saw Luo Hua, and all the mysteries were solved. Looking at the entire universe, it may be that only this powerful king of angels has such spiritual power.

"May I ask, how did you build such a powerful shield in such a short time."

Doctor Strange is not as arrogant as other Avengers, especially Iron Man. On the contrary, the first thing Doctor Strange will do is to meet everyone who is stronger than himself in his own domain. Ask people first.

This is too much, it makes Luo Hua feel that Ruzi can be taught.

"Do you go to school? Then I'll teach you."

Luohua said.

"Okay, but I can't worship you as a teacher, because I already have a teacher, so I can't be like you to be a teacher."

Although Doctor Strange has a studious heart, in their wizarding world, he can only have one teacher in his life, so he is not willing to break this rule.

"Don't worry, I won't force you, and my teaching method is completely different from the ancient one you used to be. He may be more like a kind mother to you. You learn magic."

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