"Saul's progress is also a little faster than before, and the next step is the Hulk. It's similar to the previous progress. There is a little improvement every day, but the change is not particularly big. I'm thinking about whether to make other plans for him. Break through the training program.”

"After all, for the Hulk, flexibility and speed may not really be that important. His strengths lie in strength, as well as physical advantages, so we may have set him to train his flexibility and speed before, which is the same as his own. There are huge differences in body structure and genetics.”

In fact, this should not be completely blamed on Hexi, because at the beginning, when Luo Hua set up the training plan, he thought that he should start from the shortcomings, so he set it up for each Avenger's shortcomings. training.

However, among these people, it should be said that the Hulk is the most obvious shortcoming and the most difficult to change. After all, the Hulk himself uses his powerful physique and infinite strength to win the battle. Speed ​​and flexibility come from genes It's a short board.

Some things cannot be improved through acquired training, but also need to take into account the original body structure and some objective facts.

"It's true that you didn't take this into consideration before. This is my own negligence. Then the task of this change will be handed over to you."

Luo Hua also took the initiative to admit his mistakes, after all Luo Hua is not a tyrant.

"However, the improvement of the remaining Hawkeye and Black Widow is very slow, although I can see that they all want to improve their abilities, and the degree of hard training every day is actually no less than that of the United States. Captain and Iron Man."

"But their progress is very slow, and I have also tried to adjust their training program, but there is still no major change, but in the process, the relationship between the two of them seems to be getting better and better. , this may be inadvertently inserting willows and willows to make a shade."

This is something that Luo Hua did not expect.

But it does make sense after thinking about it. After all, these two people are mortals. Although it is said that Black Widow has a little superpower, his superpower is to prolong life, which means that he lives much longer than others, and he is aging. The speed is tens of thousands of times slower than others.

It is really useless in combat, at most it can only boil the enemy to death, and the other has no use.

Hawkeye is a standard killer who grew up through a human training program. It can also be said to be a mercenary. His physical fitness is much stronger than that of adults, but compared with these avengers Much worse............

And the most important thing is that he doesn't have the creativity and financial resources of Iron Man, so he doesn't have any equipment that is too powerful, and everything can only rely on himself.

Therefore, the two people have similarities in terms of genes and their fighting styles. At the beginning, Luo Hua took the two of them into the same training space as a matter of course.

The purpose at the beginning was to let the two of them cooperate. After all, of course, the combat ability is not as good as that of the others, so you will rely on unity and cooperation to improve your comprehensive combat ability.

Therefore, the two people who get along with each other day and night, coupled with their talented and female appearance, have mutual affection, and it is only natural that they are getting closer.

"Then I also discovered a strange place for the two of them in recent days, that is, one of their rooms is always empty every night. You and I explained that you are not allowed to spy on other people's privacy, so As long as there are people in the room, I don't go to observe."

"The above is their training situation and some of their personal situations."

Hearing this, Luo Hua snorted and laughed, but looking at Hexi's particularly puzzled eyes, he really couldn't explain anything.

After all, the species are different, and the way of reproduction is indeed quite different. Although the way of reproduction of angels and humans is actually the same, Hexi is just a little girl who is still underage in the world of angels.

It's better that she doesn't want to let her know about this kind of thing that involves the adult world.

However, both Hawkeye and Black Widow are adults. After the two are in love, it is normal to have a little dry wood and fire. .

Chapter 263: The training countdown, Luo Hua has a slight feeling

However, Luo Hua can also understand why the progress of Hawkeye and Black Widow is relatively slow. As earthlings, the two of them have actually developed the potential of their bodies, especially in combat, to the extreme.

If you want to make a breakthrough, you may really have to change your genetic structure like Captain America, and then use some kind of growth hormone, but this not only depends on whether the two people agree, but the most important thing is that the two of them agree. Age discrimination among individuals is already relatively large.

Black Widow is a person who has already fought on the battlefield during World War II on Earth. At least she is in her [-]s or [-]s now, and Hawkeye is in her thirties.

Therefore, the physical skills of the two of them have already passed the age of the best development and breakthrough, and if they are really put on the battlefield, they are also veterans, and their fighting ability is comparable to those of those who are in their twenties. The young people who are so handsome can't compare with 28 books.

Originally, they were able to continue to participate in the Avengers and constantly break through themselves in order to defend the earth. This spirit is already very valuable. If they have to be critical, the result is too harsh.

"Okay, then you can just change the training method of the Hulk. Hawkeye and Black Widow can actually reduce their training volume moderately, or change their mode to simple mode and let them There is more confidence."

"After all, everyone's situation is different, and their physical quality and structure are also different. What we want to do is to improve their own abilities, not necessarily what they should be trained to look like. It depends on their own creation."

Luo Hua can only make such a decision. It must be dealt with by Black Widow and Hawkeye. It is already very good to be able to participate.

"By the way, this power gem will stay with you first. If you can infiltrate the power of our angels through your own power, it would be great, but visually this process may take a long time."

"So this thing will stay with you first."

After speaking, Luo Hua casually threw the power gem to Hexi.

It's not really useful for Luohua to want this thing, although the power contained in it is indeed infinite, and to a certain extent, Luohua can be used in battle.

But to be honest, Luohua has never used absolute power to suppress his opponents in battle, and Luohua has always despised using brute force to fight, which is why Luohua has never been so fond of the Hulk. s reason.

Therefore, it is not very useful to put this thing with him, and even sometimes it is easy to give it to other people when one's mind is hot, which is a big problem, so it is better to put it with Hexi now, at least the safety is guaranteed.

"How much training time do they have left."

Luo Hua had to adjust Doctor Strange's side according to their training time, try to let a few of them unite when fighting Ultron, practice their hands first, and get familiar with each other's fighting style.

Otherwise, you may have to continue to set up a fighting space in the back, so that they can run into each other's fighting styles.

So this matter is very simple for Luohua, but Luohua doesn't want to become their free coach and watch them train every day.

And this time, he took the initiative to help them, and it was just to help the earth through the difficulties from the side.

"In Earth time, they're only a month away now."

Hexi replied.

"Wow, time flies really fast. Earth's time is really much faster than we imagined. The so-called time is like water, life is like a shuttle, and sometimes time really slips away inadvertently."

This is the first 793 times Luohua sighs that time is like an arrow. After all, as the king of angels, he can travel in different time and space. Time is actually like a space to him, and he can travel at will.

In addition, there was nothing that needed to calculate the time before, so I never paid attention to what it felt like to pass time.

This time training the Avengers, for Luo Hua, the biggest gain may be that he has a new understanding of time, at least he really feels the regretful and regretful feeling of time flowing through his fingertips. A feeling of gratitude.

"I don't know how the legendary four-dimensional creatures feel when they look at the picture scroll of time."

Recently, Luo Hua began to think repeatedly about the so-called four-dimensional creatures, even though he is the king of angels, he has never really come into contact with the so-called four-dimensional creatures. .

Chapter 264: About four-dimensional creatures, about human nature

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