Especially after feeling the powerful power of the Soul Stone, Luo Hua, who originally thought that he was invincible in the three-dimensional universe, suddenly felt that there was another power that could be stronger than himself and even contain himself.

However, throughout all the universes, no such creatures have been found, so there is only one answer, and that is the legends about four-dimensional creatures circulated in ancient times.

Legend has it that the four-dimensional creatures are higher than the creatures that have physical form like them.

Creatures of a higher dimension, in their world, time is not like a long-standing and continuous existence in three-dimensional space, but like three-dimensional creatures looking at two-dimensional space, that is, the characters in the comics, can be seen. It's cause and effect, and even see his future.

That is to say, if four-dimensional creatures want to travel through time, it is actually as simple as we turn a book, and because of this, they can actually have the ability to change the fate of three-dimensional creatures.

Just as we can pick up a brush at will to change the fate of a person in comics, many legends of order in three-dimensional space are established by four-dimensional creatures, and even three-dimensional space is established by four-dimensional creatures.

Although this is just a legend, as he encounters more and more and even more complicated things, Luo Hua feels more and more that this may not be just a legend, but a kind of creature that really exists.

So after the Thanos incident was over, Luo Hua really planned to find out whether there was such a legendary creature, and whether he could communicate face-to-face with this kind of thinking creature.

"King, this may just be a powerful creature in the legend, but if you are willing to look for it, I will definitely follow your 々..."

Hexi put his slender right hand on his chest and said reverently.

For Hexi, in fact, the meaning of his life has already become, to go through fire and water for Luo Hua, and follow Luo Hua faithfully and faithfully all his life.

"It's great to have you here!"

Luo Hua said happily.

Although Luo Hua may really be helping the Avengers unconditionally now, and there are indications that Luo Hua seems to have different feelings for the Avengers.

The kind of attitude that is particularly patient with every avenger, even a fool like Doctor Strange who has clearly told him what the spell is, but cannot use it because of his own abilities.

Luo Hua will wait patiently, and even very considerately built one that can completely protect him, and can also provide energy continuously, allowing Doctor Strange to calm down and understand the behavior of the spell as he wants.

You must know that Luo Hua never had so much patience when training and creating other angels back then. Even when dealing with Hexi and Yan, it was only under many harsh conditions, even severe punishments, Let them finally grow into a qualified angel.

So sometimes it's normal for other angels to be very dissatisfied with the Avengers, but in Luo Hua's heart, it is possible that only these angels are truly their own.

After all, although the power of the angels is powerful, their minds are particularly simple, and they are not like these Avengers who wish to have five hearts.

Even everyone's values ​​and outlook on life are very different.

For example, Captain America, Luo Hua actually didn't like it very much before, and even thought that Captain America was a special double-standard person to play.

Especially in the face of the East Soldier, the person who killed Iron Man's father by this design had a hostile relationship with Captain America in the past, and many things the Winter Soldier did were heinous, and because of his many evils, It also resulted in the loss of many lives for no reason.

Therefore, such a big villain, although he finally woke up and wanted to do justice, and finally realized that he was only controlled and used by a certain force at that time.

But if everyone wakes up after doing a lot of evil and killing so many people, and then they don't have to accept punishment, then there is no need to set up prisons, and it is enough to train a lot of psychiatrists in the region.

Of course Captain America understands this, but when facing the Winter Soldier, just because the Winter Soldier supports Captain America [-]%, Captain America forgives all the evil the Winter Soldier has done before.

Even later, when Iron Man wanted to hunt down and kill the Winter Soldier to avenge his father, Captain America stopped him more, and even fought with his good brother who fought side by side, and finally removed Iron Man's chest abruptly. former nuclear reactor.

For such a person, he almost took the life of his former comrade-in-arms. This behavior itself is evil! .

Chapter 265: Hexi's Confusion, Asgard's Misfortune

Of course, the fight between Captain America and Iron Man is another story, and it was only because Luo Hua saw the future through time and space.

But from this matter, Luo Hua also understood,

But it really can't use this standard to show that Captain America is a man of many evils.On other issues, even on the matter of protecting the earth, Captain America is always obliged to stand up and use his body to protect the earth.

so.By nature, Luo Hua certainly knows that all the people in the Avengers are good people, they are all kind, they all have a sense of justice, and they all have a sense of responsibility, but the premise is that there is a huge disaster that comes before them.

Unity and facing a common goal, they can of course cooperate well, let go of their ego, or even give up their 797 lives, but in the age of peace, when it is time for them to discover the most basic human nature and make some decisions, Everyone has their own ghosts, and they each have their own thoughts.

Of course, if Luo Hua is there, the entire universe will not have a huge disaster every day and every moment, so these people, everyone, their humanity and some habits, have some hidden dangers more or less.

"Wang, I have a question I want to ask you."

"But it doesn't matter."

Hexi took a breath and organized the language.

"Asgard, although the overall status is not as good as us, it is also an absolute god in this universe. Why is Asgard's future heir Thor, the god of thunder, his power is so weak, and why does it last for a long time? Hang out with these earthlings."

The question of Hexi was actually something that Luo Hua was particularly puzzled about at first.

After all, in this world, the hierarchy is still very strict, especially between gods and humans, they are basically two different races.

Asgard has created a lot of creatures. It can also be said that Asgard was originally a being higher than all creatures in this universe. Therefore, they should use a kind of fatherly love to look at all creatures.

But Thor is really like a freak. He doesn't like to stay high in the king worker every day, be his own prince, and even when his brother Loki tries his best to grab the throne with himself, Thor is the same Didn't particularly care.

Even in the back, he deliberately gave the throne to his younger brother, because in Thor's view, this kind of throne was nothing to him at all, but what did Thor really care about or pursue?Maybe he didn't know it himself.

So the more contact with Thor later, the more Luo Hua found out that this is really a particularly naive big boy, he has absolute power, has natural divine power, and has the ability to manipulate lightning.

But all this did not make his mind mature.

Thor actually pursues what he thinks is a kind of justice and a kind of kindness that he thinks is too subjective, and if he really becomes the king of Asgard one day, then Resolute action, even decisive action, is a must.

Relying on the so-called kindness and the so-called love of people is fundamental, it can't be a big thing, and it can only become a woman's kindness in the end. That's why when Loki and him scrambled for the throne, their own abilities were stronger, and they were a hundred times stronger than Rocky's. Sol, actually falls behind a lot of the time.

So the reason why this simple person likes to get along with people on earth is because, whether it is Captain America, Iron Man, or other Avengers, they really have the so-called emotional intelligence that people on earth have. , the so-called IQ, the so-called scheming.

Therefore, after they met the very naive Captain America, it was like a dimensionality reduction attack. Although their ability was not as good as Sol, they could use their powerful emotional intelligence to make Sol feel that they were in the same camp, and only they could Are good brothers, only they can be together forever.

Of course everyone likes to be with people who are more comfortable with themselves.

"It can only be said that the old king of Asgard really only passed on part of his abilities to himself as a son, but he did not teach his own son the truth of life and the dangers in this universe."

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