"Maybe it's also because the old king wants his son to experience and experience it himself. Anyway, in terms of all his physical fitness and his ability, it is harder to kill him than to go to the sky. ."

Luo Hua also shook his head helplessly. After all, this kind of education method of herding sheep is rare even in the earth, let alone in the royal family?

"Okay, every family has a hard-to-read scripture, we just have to take care of ourselves. As for what Sol will do in the future, whether he will become a qualified king, it can only be left to time!".

Chapter 265: Hexi's Confusion, Asgard's Misfortune

Not to mention that it took more effort to smear his consciousness, so Luo Hua decided to rest for a while and wait for his physical strength to recover before proceeding with the next work.

If the sky wants to restore its strength, it is actually closely related to the surrounding environment. The surrounding environment, whether it is the composition of air or space, if the purer it is, the faster the angel will recover.

Because the more single the material is, the more single material he can synergistically absorb their common energy to supplement his physical strength.

This is a method that Luo Hua found by himself to quickly replenish his strength, and he may be the only one in the entire universe who can do such a method.

However, the troublesome place this may bring is that if the space composition of both the air and the entire planet is composed of a variety of elements, the process of restoring physical strength may be slower, and the cycle may be longer. .

This is why every time after the battle on Earth, Luo Hua will return to his own city in the sky very quickly to recover his physical strength.

Fortunately, the dark realm where he is now is also composed of a single substance, and there is not even a light element in it, so after closing his eyes and meditating for a period, Luo Hua regained his energy.

"This Doctor Strange is too stupid. I haven't understood it for so long. It seems that the governance of the people on Earth really needs to be developed. It's really impossible. It's not impossible for me to build a magic school on Earth."

The scan is really a little questioning about the intelligence of the people on earth. After all, this song is the most powerful magician on the earth, Doctor Strange. According to the earth time, a month has passed, and he still can't completely describe himself. Recite his incantations word by word.

Although it takes a lot of physical strength, if you are smart you can find the trick.

Before coming to earth, I heard that people on earth are intelligent creatures with the lowest intelligence. At the beginning, Luo Hua really had no mental preparation, and felt that no matter how stupid he was, how stupid could he be.

Now it seems to be really stupid enough to go home.

"Well, since you're not ready, I'll go on with my business."

Luo Hua muttered to himself, then closed his eyes again, put the power gem in front of him, and let his consciousness enter the power gem.

This time Luohua will transform the power gem, at least put more of his own consciousness in it, so that he can control this gem more in the future.

However, how could the Soul Stone, which appeared at the very beginning of the universe, be easily controlled by other people.

Soon, Luo Hua discovered that although his power could eliminate other things mixed in the power gem, it would be extremely difficult to control him in the future if he wanted his power to attach to it, or even penetrate into his power. .

Even after a lot of hard work, Luo Hua could only smile bitterly.

"Hey, I was still here just now to complain about the intelligence of the earthlings. It seems that I am not much better than others now."

But this is really no wonder Luohua, after all, it takes a long process for this kind of pure natural thing to enrich its own soul. .

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Otherwise, when this powerful soul, it will not make all the creatures in the universe rush to it.

But even if it didn't work, Luo Hua did spend a lot of physical strength. After pulling out his consciousness, he closed his eyes and meditated for a period before he recovered his physical strength.

I looked up at Doctor Strange, and now I can fully understand the spell and say it, but the ability to use space compression is still not skilled enough, it is only in the primary stage, and there are still many mistakes.


Luo Hua could only sigh, then dodged back to Sky City.

Since the progress here is not as fast as I imagined, it is better to see how far the other Avengers have progressed.

"King, you are back."

Hexi was staring at the direction of the sun in a daze at this time, and Luo Hua's return suddenly made him a little overwhelmed.

"It's okay, I just came back to see how the Avengers are doing. Thank you for your hard work. In fact, I'm bored here and watch how they train every day."

This is really difficult for others. After all, as an angel, whether it is ability or intelligence, he has already surpassed the earth people by a thousand times, and now he can only be arranged here to supervise other people's training, which is not nutritious and will only A waste of time is really frustrating.

"It's okay, I will do my best for the king, even if it's my honor, it's my honor!" Inch.

Chapter 266 : He Xi is puzzled, he still wants to act?

It's not the angel's turn to talk about things in Asgard, and Luo Hua has always been a nosy angel.

"Recently, you have to train more to improve your ability. It is expected that Thanos may come here to compete with you for the power gem soon. Then you can properly resist it, and then give him the gem."

Hexi's eyes widened in disbelief upon hearing this. After all, he knew that what Thanos was going to do was against human relations, and even against the laws of biological life in the entire universe. He was completely a villain.

How can you feel at ease when the power gem is in the hands of such a person.

"You don't have to be so confused, you remember that I once told you that although we have the ability to travel through time and space, we cannot change history. At most, we can only prolong the occurrence of an event. The time when Ba finds the Power Gem will be pushed back."

Luohua explained earnestly.

"But this thing will happen, and it will happen. After all, many things in the future are very related to this incident of Thanos, and whether it is for the Avengers or us, this is a growth. Chance."

"If we forcibly change this event, not only will we be backlashed by time, but the most important thing is that there may be another more difficult thing. Rather than we are difficult to control, it is better to let this one controllable thing. It happened and we intervened."

Luo Hua still understands this issue very clearly. After all, this matter is a big matter for the entire universe, and it is a matter of life and death for all living things. It has to be taken seriously, but it has to happen.

"But what am I going to do? I can't just obediently hand over the power-gemstone after he comes."

Although Hexi understood what Luo Hua really meant, he was really not very good at acting. After all, he was always very upright and never deceived anyone, let alone acting.

"Oh, you don't know how to deceive people, you just use three successful powers to fight him, and then you accidentally drop the power gem and be robbed by him. Anyway, this scene must be played. Yes, otherwise people would think that there is some secret cooperation between our Sky City and Thanos."

After all, people's words are scary, and even Luohua, who is the king of angels, will be more or less afraid. If this kind of thing can't fall, try not to let other people's pretense, although Luohua can completely ignore it, But the feeling of being poked in the spine by others is really uncomfortable.

Hexi can only nod helplessly.

"But you have to remember that you also need to collect some of his combat data when you fight him, because what he wants to snatch at the end is the moment on Ultron's head, the gem of life, of course, he has the gem of life at that time. It's not Ultron anymore."

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