"So in the final battle, we need to use a little ability to fight Thanos."

"But what if Thanos is killed by me? After all, he is just an abandoned person from Titan Star. In terms of combat power, I want to be far above him, even if he has the so-called soul stone. ."

Hexi is actually true. He doesn't look down on Thanos from the bottom of his heart. After all, he is just a Titan star. Hexi has never met anyone who can beat an angel in this universe.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

"Of course you don't have to be afraid of him, but the Soul Stone really needs to be wary, because I found in the Power Stone that he has enormous power. If there is one person who can develop any moisturizing ability to 100%, then it is I might also be embarrassed, or even lose."

This sentence directly changed Hexi's face.

"No, even you can't beat it. Then should we intervene now, otherwise it will be a hidden danger to us in the future."


Hexi is only now facing this matter.

"Don't worry, I have considered all of these, and it should be foolproof in my plan. You only need to do two things well. The first is to sell a flaw when Thanos comes to grab the power gem and give him the power gem. "

"The second is that when he wants to grab the gem of life in the last stop, he must go all out to deal with him!"

Luo Hua took a deep look at He Xi, and there were too many things in this look.

"Okay, I have to take a look at Doctor Strange."

Luo Hua took another deep look at his sky city, then turned around and came to the dark realm.

Seeing that Doctor Strange was still working hard to learn spatial skills, Luo Hua also closed his eyes, suspended himself in mid-air, and entered into meditation.

For him, all kinds of powers and moves have reached the peak of the peak, and it can even be said that the whole world is looking for defeat.Inch.

Chapter 267: The future can be expected, the future cannot be expected

So now Luohua is more about improving his mental power, because Luohua has gradually discovered that in addition to physical damage, the damage of spells will actually be greater, and the most important thing is to use mental power, he can arbitrarily between time and space shuttle.

He can get infinitely close to the so-called thinking creatures to see the cause and effect of a thing, but this process really requires a huge amount of mental power. With Luohua's current ability, he can only travel to five years in the future at most. ten years.

Although this is already very powerful, it is said that there is no creature in the entire universe, not even the old king of Asgard can do this, but for Luohua, this time is really not enough.

Because he once traveled to the future 50 years and found that the entire universe was in depression, and when he passed, his body had become translucent, which means that his body had turned to ashes, and only one consciousness remained. There.

When you travel to the future, something like this will happen. During this interval of time you travel, if you have experienced any pain, sickness or have fallen, then when you travel through the past, your body will happen. Corresponding changes, if you say that you have fallen, then you only have a residual consciousness.

After all, there are still laws of time and physics that should be followed. Otherwise, Luo Hua will be able to live forever. Whenever he is about to fall, he can directly travel to avoid this disaster a few years later, and he can achieve immortality.

So this is really an objective law, as well as the law of space and time. For the restrictions of all living things, even if you are the king of angels, you must be within this framework. If you want to change any one, you will be severely punished, and Luo Hua's current ability can't bear this kind of punishment.

So although I don't know what happened during this period, 50 years later, only half of the creatures on the earth are left!

So it is very likely that Thanos really succeeded, and really destroyed half of the creatures, and even himself was the one who was chosen to fall.

Of course Luo Hua knew that if he made some changes now, he could change the depressed future, but how to do it, Luo Hua really didn't know, and whenever some ideas popped up in his mind, Luo Hua Hua will try his best to avoid it, or even change his original thoughts and ideas.

Because it is very likely that those own conventional thinking will cause the entire universe to be played with applause by Thanos and lose half of the creatures, so now Luohua is not fighting against Thanos, but with his own inherent thinking. struggle.

So that's why Luo Hua made all kinds of seemingly abnormal actions, including training these Avengers in person, including taking them back, handing him over to Hexi after the Power Stone, and even ordering others to act. Deliberately lost the power gem.

If all of these things were put before, Luo Hua would not be able to understand what he was doing now, but the reason why Luo Hua is doing this now is a last resort.

"I hope the entire universe can survive the disaster, and I hope that all the Avengers can be a little bit stronger, change history with me, and join me to welcome a complete world..."

This is Luohua's expectation.

After all, many things are not changed a little by yourself, so Thanos will change a little bit accordingly, and even in the future, because of a certain opportunity, the whole thing will return to its original track.

Just like now, even if Luo Hua has changed so much, but after he has traveled to the next 50 years, the whole world is still in depression, and half of the creatures have been lost, which proves that this little change is really not enough to reverse it. The final outcome.

This is the power of time, even if you are the greatest and most powerful king of angels in the whole world, but in the face of a powerful time, you can only follow his guidelines.

Einstein, the great scientist of the earth, once stated in his theory of relativity that as long as the speed exceeds the speed of light several times, then time can be traveled.

But in the following decades, this theory was discussed again and again by 3.1, and finally overturned by Hawking, because Hawking found that it was impossible to travel to the future, and travel to the past was also a very terrifying thing. .

After all, two identical people suddenly appear in the same time and space. This is an extremely abnormal phenomenon in both the biological field and the physical world, but even so, if you travel back in time, it is still understandable and can be overturned and calculated.

But if you travel to the future, it is impossible in Hawking's theory. The reason given is very simple, that is, the future has not yet come, where are you traveling to? .

Chapter 268: Dr. Strange completed his studies, but his ribs were broken

But after all, this is the shortsightedness of the people of the earth. After all, they have not seen what it is like to truly travel through time and space.

However, their derivation really makes sense, and Luo Hua has really practiced it, that is, if you travel to the past, you have subjective initiative, and you can change events, but it is true that you travel to the future incapable of changing.

After all, you can't change anything by traveling to the future, because the future is the result, and you can't forcibly erase it. If you have to do it against the sky, you will also be punished by the law of time, which will drown you in time. In the torrent, you will disappear forever.

So after tossing and turning a few times, Luo Hua finally understood a word widely rumored in an ancient country on earth, that is to live in the present. 28

Only by working hard from now on and changing from now can we reverse the future and change the so-called inherent order of the so-called fate, and if we do so, we will not be punished by time.

From this point of view, Luo Hua can be considered to be controlled by the law of time.

Luohua, because the mental power is much stronger than ordinary people, its obvious cycle is much slower than that of others. If it is calculated according to the time of the earth, then it is exactly one month.

When Luo Hua opened his eyes, Doctor Strange was able to skillfully use the laws of space to complete a series of magic.

"It's great, so the charm of space laws lies in this, and I can really become a well-deserved supreme mage of the earth in the future!"

Doctor Strange collapsed to the ground, screaming up to the sky, the difficulties and anguish that he had been painstakingly researching magic for this period of time finally came out.

Luo Hua also nodded with satisfaction.

In fact, to be honest, this training is really too hard and difficult for Doctor Strange, because Luo Hua is also selfish, and wants to make Doctor Strange understand as quickly as possible, and then try to shorten the time as much as possible.

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