Therefore, in this space created for Doctor Strange, the concept of time is not given to Doctor Strange at all, nor is there any object that is only time for Doctor Strange.

The most important thing is that in this space, Luo Hua also continuously absorbed the energy needed by the human body and various trace elements through the air, and completed the absorption between Doctor Strange's breaths.

So Doctor Strange can't feel the time in the flesh space. The passage of time is at most the use of mental power. After too much, he will pass out.I fell asleep for a while, or I was too tired, just lay on the ground and rested for a while.

In fact, for Doctor Strange, it seems that he has not even passed a day, but this time line may be relatively long, but he can't feel the passage of time at all, he only knows that he is working hard for a goal, to learn a magic .

If any ordinary earth person is really thrown into this space like this, then this earth person is either depressed or crazy, and cannot perceive the passage of time, which is the most terrifying thing for many human beings. It's also something that makes people anxious.

So putting Doctor Strange in this space, Luo Hua really took a big risk, not only worried that Doctor Strange would not be able to stand it because of the lack of mental power, but also really worried that Dr. I really committed suicide by not paying attention to myself.

Therefore, Luo Hua hardly dared to leave Doctor Strange for too long. Basically, after dealing with some other things, he returned to Doctor Strange at the fastest speed.

Fortunately, in the end, the supreme magician from the earth did not let himself down, nor did he let Doctor Strange let himself down.

"Okay! It seems that you really deserve to be the successor chosen by Master Gu Yi. Well, now you have to practice the space skills you have just mastered. It just so happens that Dormammu outside is also ready to go. !"

Luo Hua smiled and slowly removed 797, protecting Doctor Strange's space cover.

"wait for me……"


Before Doctor Strange could react, Dormammu immediately sensed Doctor Strange's aura, and slammed towards Doctor Strange at the fastest speed. Shot on Doctor Strange.

The sound of broken bones made Doctor Strange feel the pain before he was knocked out from a distance.

"Next, I will not give you any protection measures, nor will I treat you, everything depends on you, I have taught you the most offensive space magic, if this is the case You still can't deal with this demon, what you are sorry for is not only the vision of Master Gu Yi, but also your own life!"

Just when Doctor Strange was tormented by the sudden pain and was about to pass out, Luo Hua suddenly heard a warning sound like a bell! .

Chapter 269: At a critical moment, Doctor Strange realizes the true meaning

"Stand up, use your magic, use your spiritual power, is to defeat the demon in front of you, defeat such a powerful opponent you have never met, this is the only way for a supreme magician, you must Only by defeating these can you be worthy of yourself!"

Every word is like a knife, deeply inserted into Doctor Strange's heart.But every word was like a dose of stimulant, hitting Doctor Strange, making her blood boil instantly, and the previous fear was swept away.

With all his strength, Doctor Strange stood up staggeringly, sinking into his dantian, and the space-collapse magic he had been practicing for so long flashed in his mind.

Suddenly, the space in front of Doctor Strange seemed to be cut, and a strange shaking space appeared, and this ethereal spirit was different from the surrounding space, and the space that was suddenly divided was one by one. point compression.

The huge energy generated by the compression of the space produced a huge airflow and energy waves, Duo Numb, not far away, felt the unprecedented energy, and his eyes revealed the color of fear.

I saw Dormammu's eyes suddenly sharpen, and the original black dragon's form changed into a huge python, with its bloody mouth open, its sharp fangs wore a terrifying silver light, and the energy contained in it was unexpectedly high. Mam's charge is comparable to the enormous energy generated by the division of space.

But how can the energy of living things be compared with the laws of space.

No matter how sharp Domamu's fangs are, he will look at them immediately. The moment he bit Doctor Strange, the space suddenly collapsed, and Domamu instantly seemed to be frozen, and then the huge explosion caused by the collapse of the space collapsed It exploded like a blast.

A dazzling white light flashed in front of Dormammu's eyes, and then, he suddenly felt that his originally heavy body became extremely light, and then the sky was spinning, as if he was being pushed and rolled by an invisible and uncontrollable force. .

And then... Dormammu has no more, and a generation of demons has fallen, leaving only a complete giant head, lying there quietly, and the body has long since become slag.

However, such a large explosive force, according to the calculation of the earth, has almost exceeded tens of thousands of hydrogen bombs, and the power of the explosion at the same time, such an attack method can be said to be prosperous and damaged.

When he felt the huge power, Doctor Strange flashed a little shake in his heart, but it may be that Luo Hua's words really stimulated his heart, so in the end, he really wanted to take you. The belief that underlies, abruptly blows up this demon.

And because of the powerful shock wave, he passed out directly.

Fortunately, at a critical moment, Luo Hua used the Angel Barrier to firmly protect Doctor Strange within the barrier. Although he was affected by a little shock wave, it was not a big problem for life.

Luo Hua looked at the unconscious Doctor Strange lying on the ground with great relief. In fact, it was not only a test, but also forced Doctor Strange, when life and death were at stake, would he risk his own life? Destroy the enemy.

Although such a test seems inhuman to most people, after all, life safety is a basic human right, and no one should deprive everyone of this basic right.

But for superheroes, sometimes you have to have this kind of awareness, that is to say, when facing the enemy, facing an enemy who is likely to invade your homeland and destroy your planet, you must have the ability to sacrifice your life. Forgetful consciousness.

Even if it is your move, the meeting will be prosperous, and it will be lost if you lose, and you will even have to sacrifice your own life to destroy the enemy, but who makes you a superhero, who makes you talented, who makes you become all The protector in the hearts of people.

For the Supreme Magician, it is even more necessary to have such awareness, especially the number of magicians on the entire earth is not many, and the demons in the magic field still have enemies who want to devour the earth, but they are endless.

Therefore, invisibly, Doctor Strange possesses more powerful power than others, and possessing the Time Stone is several levels stronger than others, even comparable to Thor.

But with great abilities, he also has to shoulder great responsibilities. The previous Doctor Strange may not have such awareness at all. He only knows that he should stand up at critical moments, be brave, and have a sense of justice.

However, Mage Gu Yi did not fully tell Doctor Strange what a superhero or a Supreme Mage needs to prepare, and Luo Hua took over the baton. At this critical moment, let Doctor Strange really Really realized the true meaning of the four characters of superhero.

And the result made Luo Hua extremely happy. .

Chapter 270: The Devil Disappears, Doctor Strange Awakens

Doctor Strange had a long, long dream in a coma.

He dreamed that the collapse of his own space did not work at the last moment just now, and he was eliminated first.

After that, the demon broke through the dark realm and came to the earth to kill the Quartet. Since the demon can defend against all physical attacks, it is constantly afraid of spell damage, but none of the avengers on earth can use magic.

The entire earth was devastated, and almost all creatures devastated by this demon were wiped out.

Doctor Strange turned into a ghost, floating in the purgatory of this world, watching one by one die in front of him, watching all the superheroes can only fall because they lost to the devil.

I even saw some who sold their souls to demons in order to save their lives and became emissaries of the demons. These betrayer took up arms and even used the power given to them by the demons to slaughter their own kind.

Doctor Strange fell into infinite remorse, and his consciousness gradually sank. If it wasn't for the fear that surged up in his heart in the face of such a powerful demon, if it wasn't for the first time he encountered such a terrifying and infiltrating enemy, And let yourself be a little scared.

I may really take the first step, the powerful space collapse energy so crushed this demon, but it was only because of my own thought that caused the earth to be so miserable!

At this time, he suddenly saw a golden light appear in the sky, and then the dark cloudy sky was forcibly peeled off by this light, and then, a bunch of golden light turned into a golden sky. .

He seemed to hear a voice calling him, and Doctor Strange suddenly had some intuition, feeling that he was transparent and warm, extremely comfortable, and then he had an urge to open his eyes.


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