But it is also to protect the earth, so Iron Man did not show much resistance. On the contrary, in the entire Avengers, maybe only the two of them understand each other best.

They are all mortals hidden in armor, but they shoulder the heavy responsibility of saving the earth and protecting the peace of the earth. Such emotions are difficult to understand in the eyes of others.

But what surprised everyone the most was that after being bitten at the beginning of the mutation because of visiting the museum, Spider-Man also joined the Avengers camp with the superpowers of the spider.

In fact, being able to join the Avengers has always been the wish of the little spider, and his idol is Iron Man, although his ability and fighting level are far worse than other predecessors, 810, but the little spider is still Believe that you have the ability to protect the earth and the ability to fight with them.

This time, the Avengers Alliance has begun to take shape, and all this has been clearly seen by Luo Hua in the Sky City.

Sometimes it is really unintentional. The reason why Luohua asked Ultron to find the Pink Witch before was to have an opportunity for the Scarlet Witch to join the Avengers.

After all, the power of the phoenix will definitely play a huge role in future battles, and this kind of mind control ability is not possessed by all the Avengers.

But I really didn't think that the Scarlet Witch would join herself willingly. Originally, Luo Hua really thought about whether or not to force the Scarlet Witch to be tied to the Avengers, but if she couldn't, she would use her angel's will to directly control it. Scarlet Witch's brain.

It's been fun here.However, Sol on the other side was very anxious because of his father's departure.

Because of his own sister Hela's sudden attack on Asgard, the entire universe almost fell into endless chaos. The daughter is too harsh and banishes him to the depths of the universe.

Therefore, after realizing his mistake, the old king exiled himself into the universe in the spirit of the emperor's mistake and the common people, but what do you think of this behavior? How do you feel that the old king wants to put everything on his own son. , and then take a break for a while.

After all, as the king of Asgard, as the founder of all creatures in the entire universe, even if he wants to exile himself, there is nothing that is his opponent, and no one can make him frustrated and hurt.

However, in the process of Hela's battle, Thor's Meow Hammer was directly smashed, and his own words were also directly blinded.

Although Luo Hua also told Sol whether he wanted to help him or not, the stubborn Sol insisted on re-forging his Meow Hammer by himself, and used the blind left eye as an inspiration for him forever. power.

The so-called green mountain building outside the mountain, Saul always thought that he was the most powerful in the entire universe, but he never thought that his sister would be able to label herself like this without needing to recognize it, and others Still keep it.

Otherwise, he would have been buried in the entire universe long ago.

Luo Hua did not interfere much, after all, he and Asgard could have been said to be opposites, and he suddenly appeared in this universe, and the old king also criticized him quite a bit.

There can only be one supreme king in a space, but Luo Hua's long stay in the universe of this space has caused many twists and turns in this universe. The most obvious thing is that many things happened according to history. great changes.

The power of time cannot be resisted by all, and the rules of time must be obeyed by all.

Therefore, the sudden change in history has been considered by the old king as a punishment for Luohua by the law of time, but in Luohua's view, this matter is nothing at all, after all, all history is too fragile, only one variable is needed. Change, then it is very different from the original historical process.

And from the current point of view, all things can still be controlled by himself. Besides, there are so many interesting people and interesting things in this cosmos space. Luo Hua is really reluctant to leave like this.

Anyway, Thor, who was very sad when he went out, everyone else was living their lives step by step. Even the Guardians of the Galaxy, who were far away in the Milky Way, rarely had time to enjoy the scenery along the river. .

Chapter 296: There are waves in the calm, and politics will be involved

But sometimes the calmer it is, the more likely there is an uproar hidden behind this calmness.

Yes, Iron Man found that the Winter Soldier he had been looking for had an unusually close relationship with Captain America all along.

Captain America also contacted the Winter Soldier after being resurrected and revived. The two people also have huge differences in beliefs, and can even be said to be opposite, but there is a huge secret hidden in the east, and this secret is about Captain America fell in love with a female police officer during World War II.

The above-mentioned Captain America, who represents the stalwart of justice, even temporarily abandoned his beliefs because of the love of his sons and daughters. This news is really a bit bizarre in Iron Man's view, and even too sarcastic.

Captain America, who is believed by most citizens of the United States, can do such a cowardly thing, which really surprised Iron Man a bit, and at the same time, he was a little angry at this comrade who has always fought side by side.

Because Captain America should have participated in the whole process of his father's death at that time, even if he didn't see it with his own eyes, he must have heard of it. After all, the two are so closely connected, and the shield of Captain America was made by his father himself. completed.

After just building his own steel armor, Iron Man directly gathered all the Avengers to gather in the newly built building.

Everyone has been busy recently, and it's true that they haven't been together for a long time, and this time Luohua specially came to participate.

Luo Hua is somewhat apologetic to the Avengers. After all, it was because of his own problems that everyone was injured so badly, and the losses were so heavy, but seeing that everyone is recovering well now, Luo Hua is in the mood~ Slowed down a bit.

So Luohua Che specially proposed to change the venue of the meeting to the restaurant on the third floor.

Wouldn't it be better for everyone to drink and chat?After all, everyone here is not a particularly serious person, there is no need for a suit and leather shoe board to be sitting at the conference table discussing something.

This proposal has also aroused great repercussions from all the Avengers. Originally, everyone is used to freedom, and they have never been disciplined since childhood. Even if they were disciplined, they would have already used their abilities to break through the shackles that surrounded themselves. .

So if the most obvious manifestation of liberalism in the world is, it may be in these Avengers,

But after everyone sat down, Luo Hua was still very keenly aware that Iron Man's eyes were flickering, and he obviously had something to say in his heart. What made him even more incredible was that Captain America seemed to be hesitant to say anything. .

But in the end, it was Captain America who couldn't hold back first.

"Actually, I have been holding back something for a long time, and I wanted to tell everyone, but I was afraid that it would spoil everyone's interest, so I have waited until now."

Captain America stood up, held a glass of wine, and said in a slightly apologetic tone.

"Captain, what you said is out of the question. If you have anything, just say it directly. You don't need to be polite to us."

Iron Man smiled and looked at Captain America, but no matter how he looked at it, he felt that there was a murderous knife hidden in his smiling eyes.

"Actually, I received a decision from the American Congress a few days ago, as well as a notice from the FBI and S.H.I.E.L.D. In short, because of Ultron's problems, they felt that the Avengers' autonomy should be appropriately weakened. That means we should balance our internals with politics!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

As soon as this remark came out, almost everyone had mutiny, and everyone's eyes showed complex feelings. In fact, they didn't know the news now. A few days ago, everyone used various means. Learned a little.Especially on social media, there has been a discussion recently.

........ 0

Everyone is wondering if it is really because the Avengers have too much autonomy, so Iron Man will create a program code that should not exist in an autonomous area, and this so-called King of Angels, only It will disregard the safety of everyone and create such a monster that destroys the world.

There is no way that the Avengers really need to take some responsibility, but it is not right to blame them all. After all, they really used their own flesh and blood to protect the entire earth before.

However, the people belong to the people, but these politicians have always disliked this, and they do not belong to the organization managed by the government, and the most important thing is that the power of this organization is much stronger than that of the ordinary army.

Therefore, controlling this part of the power can not only ensure that domestic security can be controlled to a greater extent, but most importantly, will they be able to turn them into guns in their own hands in the future, or even be at war with other countries It's time for them to subvert the whole situation.Inch.

Chapter 297: Captain America's surrender, Iron Man's rebellion

"So what's your answer?"

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