Iron Man almost gritted his teeth and looked at Captain America. According to what he knew about Captain America, this guy must have chosen to recruit. After all, his life ability was given by the state, and being able to be thawed and resurrected was also given to him by the state in times of crisis. grace.

And it was because of Captain America's insistence that he advocated accepting the control of S.H.I.E.L.D., and finally the Avengers was forced to accept it.

"Tony, you don't have to look at me like that, of course I won't make up my mind, that's why I want to take this matter out today, let's vote and discuss it, it's the old rule, the one with the most votes is our final consensus. Opinion."

Although Captain America really wanted to agree at the time, he also understood that although he was Captain America in name, and everyone had a lot of respect for him, it didn't mean that he could become their boss. Let them make any decision.

What's more, his ability is not the strongest among all people, and he is even the weakest one under certain circumstances.

But on the other hand, Captain America also firmly believes that this group of people will obey the country's arrangements. They are tougher than chickens. At least with the state control, life is guaranteed. Like Captain America's car, a man who has lived in a poor family since he was a child For children of young age, it is still tempting to have a secure life.

And after accepting state control, your status in the whole society will also improve, and the state will help you to promote your positive news, so that you don't have to sit and work hard and tired, even the most life-threatening work, and finally be caught by most of the people. The people do not understand.

So this is like a question before everyone, do you want to go?Although the wages of state-owned enterprises and institutions are not too high, they can guarantee income during droughts and floods, and various social security and work benefits are among the top in the whole society.

For children from poor families, this is of course a great blessing.But for an already powerful man like Iron Man, money certainly can't shackle his freedom.

Maybe this is why Iron Man can never understand the real reason behind some of Captain America's actions and tactics.

"First of all, I want to interrupt the captain, although you said it very well, and I am also very glad that you can bring this out and discuss it together. But I said bluntly, if we are controlled by the state, then we will be in the future. If you are tied up, you will even be used as a gunman."

"You must know that this country has a war with foreign countries every ten years. After this time with the energy of our avengers, maybe in the future we can only be used as war machines for them to expand and implement hegemony. I am absolutely This will not be allowed to happen!"

Iron Man has a vision and a bigger picture than everyone else. Of course, how could he eat such a piece of fat and fall into your mouth in vain.

Especially in a country with a congress controlled by capitalists, how can it possibly give you such a powerful and even capable superpower who can subvert a country, a position that is both safe and guaranteed income.

To put it bluntly, it's just that the people in power want to take these beasts full of energy and let their energy be released for their own selfishness and interests...  

And this is really very possible. On the battlefield, the United States will never be soft-hearted. Even if it is a small Southeast Asian country, Yuenan, it can use millions of troops, and even finally use ecological damage. Biochemical weapons to exterminate people.

If it weren't for the darkness of the red country, a small country like Yuenan, which has neither mineral resources nor a particularly advantageous geographical location, would have been won long ago.

The military operation this time is only to help the island country recover its economy, because all military weapons are purchased from the island country's military projects, but behind this, all the island country's military factories are all controlled by capitalists such as the United States.

Therefore, the United States still cares about the fate of this small country, to make its own war money, and there is no reason for it. Even if they make up a ridiculous card, it seems reasonable fighter 3.1, but this itself It is a kind of power and slaughter!

Iron Man doesn't want this kind of thing to happen again. Although he can't control a country's war with his own ability, he is never willing to be the perpetrator, and even less willing to be the participant.

"How old is Tony? How can there still be unwarranted occurrences? And once we are controlled by the state, it means that our identity can run for Congress. At that time, we can completely enter the parliament. At that time, we Get the right to vote!"

Ant-Man stood up and retorted at this time. .

Chapter 298: Luo Hua's suggestion, the real situation

Obviously, Ant-Man is on Captain America's side.

"Don't be stupid, war can be controlled by the president. As long as he signs the presidential decree, then war will definitely be launched. When he persuades the Chancellor of the Exchequer to allocate funds, there will be sufficient reasons and money to go to war. We only Can be used as a gunner!"

Iron Man looked at this group of ignorant and ignorant people, he was really angry, how old he was, and still living in fantasy, especially in such a realistic and cold transition, how could he be so naive? Consider the problem with the blind propaganda of politics in elementary school textbooks.

"I think what Tony. said is right, don't forget, everyone has their own selfish desires, if it is purely for the security of the country, then why didn't we include us in the national management system before, but must now Woolen cloth."

The Hulk is also opposed to being recruited. As a university professor, he can also know a lot of knowledge and insider information that ordinary people cannot access.

At such a special moment, it was suddenly necessary to call for security, and the method was very strange. It was not announced to everyone, but only to Captain America.Then it is very likely that the other party wants to use Captain America's influence in the Avengers to force all members to agree.

Such a coercive and hegemonic behavior is hard not to let people guess whether there are other tricks behind it.

"Luohua, do you have any good suggestions for us?"

When Captain America saw such strong opposition from two such important members, he couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed, and could only pin more hope on Luo Hua.

After all, in his opinion, the King of Angels represents justice and freedom, and being controlled by the state is a very just way in the eyes of Captain America, both for the whole country and for them personally. of.

However, this made Luo Hua a little distressed. After all, there was nothing to think about and nothing to choose from.

First of all, it is not a member of the Avengers, and this recruitment has nothing to do with him at all, and on the other hand, he does not agree that such a great and free organization as the Alliance of the Worried is fascinated by such a greed controlled by the country.

Originally, Luo Hua didn't want to speak at all. After all, to him, it doesn't matter what the outcome is in the future. What should come will always come, and it won't be because you are under the control of the state, others will not come to destroy you.

But now he has turned the focus of the problem on himself.

"Well... In fact, I have no right to speak in this, but I still hope that everyone can think about it carefully and weigh the pros and cons. After all, you are now a very free, completely democratic and autonomous organization."

"Just like you are now, you can discuss any decision with each other, or even ask for my opinion. I can also think about it and give you an objective that is better in my opinion. Suggest."

"But if you are controlled by others, then you are likely to sign all kinds of contracts, even deeds of prostitution. In the future, it is impossible for you to make some decisions independently, even if you are only ordered by the state to do what you want to do. ."

"Like Tony said, it is very likely that you will go to the Middle East to attack an oil country the next day, and you may be the vanguard. You really need to kill people with your own hands, and kill those unarmed or even innocent with your own hands People are killing their lives."

"I believe that you don't want to be a killing machine, let alone an executioner. From my point of view, I hope you can maintain your current state, at least be more free, and besides, you are not bad money now! "

Luo Hua's remarks made Iron Man nodded in approval.

But it's really not unreasonable, and the most important thing is that all the people in the Avengers are really not short of money.

Tony provides them unconditionally on the equipment and weapons. In their daily life, they themselves have their own jobs in real life, so they have an income.

The most important thing is that they are now more than just heroes who will fight to protect the earth. Their faces have already been exposed in the media, so they are now also public figures throughout the United States.

Therefore, some interviews and even endorsement advertisements for them are emerging one after another, and these endorsement fees are basically sky-high, so they are not short of money at all.

Now that life is guaranteed, and the current trajectory is also very good, why must we break all the rules and turn to the arms of the country?

Especially in such an arbitrary and domineering capitalist country like the United States, a country where big capitalists completely control Congress and even national politics. .

Chapter 299: The result of the vote, Luo Hua is relieved

"But if we have the guarantee of the state, it will be easier for us to manage. And if the state must let us perform particularly cruel tasks, then I am here to assure you that I will be the first to object, and I will take you with me Get out of your grip!"

Captain America is really in a hurry now, and even feels that his face is a little out of place.

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