Shinichi's right armor turned yellow, his right hand was stretched like rubber, and he flicked his arm to knock all the Kamen Balls who were trying to get close to the ground, and Shinichi took out the Luna memory and stuck it in the side of his belt. 】

["Luna Extreme Drive!" Shinichi's right foot condensed with yellow ability, he jumped up and kicked out his right foot, and his right foot was also stretched several times, and those masquerade dancers who had just gotten up were kicked by Shinichi again before they could stand firmly, and this time all their memories were shattered and turned back into human form. 】

["Luna Metal!" The poker doped sent out a large number of poker attacks towards Shinichi and Lin Mu, and most of the attacks were aimed at Lin Mu, who had not transformed. After Philip noticed, the right hand that controlled Shinichi replaced the memory. Shinichi removed the stick from his back, but this time the stick was soft, like a whip. 】

"We're going to go!" Shinichi knocked down all the cards that came close, and then the soft stick was drawn mercilessly on the body of the poker dopeder, and it only took a few strokes to cause great damage to the poker. The whip wrapped around Poker's neck, and Shinichi threw him upwards with all his might, and Poker smashed through the floor several times to the ground. 】

[Shinichi also chased out of this hole and came to the poker, on the empty ground, the power of the moon metal can be better played, Shinichi swung his long stick and knocked the poker to the ground again.] 】

["By the way, your partner still has a weakness, family! The word family will affect him, right? You will suffer for the psychological shadow of 'family'!" 】

["Philip!" Shinichi said worriedly, he was indeed afraid that Philip would have a problem at this critical moment. 】

["Family?", but I only know a little about the word, but now I have a substitute. In Philip's mind, although the book about his family is still broken, new pages have appeared on it, Shinichi, Xiaolan, Lin Mu and Maori Kogoro, these people who have selflessly helped him and given him love in Philip's memory are his family. 】

Shinichi changed his memory once more, and the long stick struck Poker's body, each blow erupting into very violent flames, and Shinichi repeatedly punched the doped body, knocking him into the air again. 】

["Metal Limit Drive!"] A new metal memory was inserted into the slot on the metal iron, and the power of the memory was developed to the limit. The two ends of the stick erupted into very hot flames, and Shinichi spun the stick flame to accumulate strength, and finally he threw the disc of flame at the dop, and after the frenzied flame wrapped the dop, the memory of the other party was shattered in an instant. 】

["I'll leave it to the police next, right?" After Shinichi confirmed that his memory had been destroyed, he also notified Officer Twilight to arrest someone, and casually seized the illegal casino. 】

[In a villa, an old man in a wheelchair with a ventilator, in front of this old man, there are many people lying on the ground, from the frivolous chest can still see that these people have not died, but all of them are in a coma full of pain. The old man looked at the people in this place and said in disappointment, "Is there no one who can do it?

"That old man looks familiar, huh?"

"Not only that, but the people who fell to the ground looked familiar. "

"Isn't that the head of the Shinomiya family, the Shinomiya Yanan?"

"As soon as you say that, I remember, aren't those people on the ground also from the Shinomiya family?"

["Is there only one person left? No way, you can try it too, Kaguya."] Shinomiya Yanan looked at the last person standing here, his youngest daughter, Shinomiya Kaguya. Kaguya Shinomiya looked expressionless on the surface, and it could even be said that she was very cold, but she looked at her brother, cousin, and some relatives who couldn't be named, falling down one by one, and now Kaguya has actually been scared for a long time. 】

[But Kaguya Shinomiya still pretended that she didn't care about anything, because she didn't want to show weakness in front of her ruthless father.] Looking at the two things in front of him, Kaguya just watched those people fall one by one because of them, and there is no need to say more about the danger of this thing, but now Kaguya has no choice. 】

[Kaguya picked up the silver belt-like thing and put it on his waist, and then Kaguya looked at the memory, and after those brothers and sisters of his own just now just now were stuck in this thing on their waists, they fell down in pain, and Kaguya didn't know if he would become like this.] 】

["Clay puppet!" Kaguya closed his eyes, and with a ruthless heart, he inserted the memory body into his waist, and the imaginary pain did not appear, and when Kaguya opened his eyes again, he found that his body had become a different shape, gray skin, bulky body, and Kaguya had turned into a clay puppet. 】

["Hahaha! Great, finally someone can use the superior memory, hahaha!" Sigong Yan'an excitedly ripped off his ventilator, he was going to stand up but he didn't have the ability, and even after leaving the ventilator, he had some difficulty breathing, but now Sigong Yan'an completely ignored these, he tightly pressed against the doped body that Shigong Kaguya had become, with a crazy smile on his face. 】

[The clay puppet doped took a look at the Sigong Yan'an, and all kinds of dissatisfaction and negative emotions that had been squeezed in her heart by her were like a blown up dam at this moment, and the torrent came out uncontrollably. The clay puppet felt as if it was slowly losing control of its body, and it walked towards the Sigong Yan'an step by step. 】

["Wait, Kaguya, what are you going to do!" Sigong Yan'an also noticed the clay puppets walking towards him, for how powerful these dopings are, Sigong Yan'an is very clear, this time it was also the organization that found him, hoping to find a person who could use this memory, so Sigong Yan'an, who didn't plan to risk his life, chose among his children. 】

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