[Finally, after the last Kaguya successfully turned into a doped, Shinomiya Yan'an has begun to fantasize about using the power of the doped to bring any benefits to the Shinomiya Group, but the current situation seems to be a bit more than he expected, Sigong Yan'an doesn't know at all, Gaia's memory will also have a certain impact on people's spirits. 】

["Don't come here!" Sigong Yan'an didn't even have the strength to push the wheelchair, so he could only watch the clay puppet slowly approach. The clay puppet looked at the Sigong Yan'an who was showing fear in front of him, and a trace of happiness appeared in his heart, and it raised its fist and slammed it on the head of the Sigong Yan'an. 】

[It's like a pomegranate tree on the side of the road, during the fruiting season, the pomegranate on the tree falls to the ground due to gravity, the pomegranate's shell crushes the harder ground, and the pomegranate fruit inside is spilled everywhere because of the collision, white pomegranate skin, red granular stone fruit, and light red juice. Now that these three are mixed together, it is similar to the situation in front of Kaguya Shinomiya. 】

["Ahh 】

[After Kaguya Shinomiya fell unconscious, a group of people dressed in black broke into here, and the leader made a gesture to his subordinates, and then he took the unconscious Kaguya Shinomiya immediately. Those subordinates took out their pistols and shot at the children of the Shinomiya family on the ground, and within a moment, all the people of the Shinomiya family were dead, except for Kaguya. 】

[End of video.] 】

"Bang!" After watching the last paragraph of the video, the eldest brother of the Sinomiya Kaguya, Sigong Huangguang directly slapped on the table uncontrollably, and the second-in-command of his dignified Sigong family would die in the hands of these people so casually, which made him completely unacceptable.

Also excited was Sigong Yan'an, who was lying in the hospital, was also planning to do something, but his body couldn't allow it, and he also attracted a nurse because of the rise in blood pressure.

Most of the direct members of the Shinomiya family were very angry, but they couldn't do anything other than be angry.

And as the only survivor, there is also a 'beneficiary', Kaguya Shinomiya was excluded by the other people of the Shinomiya family, and for Kaguya Shinomiya herself, she was originally the most unpopular one, so it made no difference to her.

Compared with the indifference of his family, Kaguya is more concerned about his changes in school, especially those who have managed to get a little closer to him, but now they have become estranged.

"President, this is a statement of debts. "

"Ah, it's hard to do it. "

Baiyin Yuxing took the USB flash drive handed to him by Lin Mu, but Lin Mu could still see that Baiyin Yuxing's expression was a little uncomfortable, and at the same time, the atmosphere of today's student union was very dignified.

Baiyin Yuxing's expression was very uncomfortable, and occasionally he looked at Shinomiya Kaguya, who was sitting on the side drinking tea.

It's a very common thing, and it's not a new thing for Silver Imperial Lines to often observe Kaguya in the Four Palaces, but in the eyes of Silver Imperial Lines looking at Kaguya today, it's not a complicated fan-shaped diagram like usual, but a very simple fear.

If it was Ishigami looking at Kaguya with this kind of eyes, it would not be a normal situation, and he would not be afraid of Kaguya for a day or two, but when did the silver goyo become like this?

Lin Mu didn't seem to realize that the picture of Sigong Kaguya breaking the 'pomegranate' was a bit too exciting for students who had not experienced social suffering.

As for Sinomiya Kaguya, she suddenly stopped sand and frozen, and today she didn't use a red head rope to fry her hair, but scattered her long black hair, turning back to the first time Lin Mu saw Kaguya.

"Secretary Fujiwara is the same as he always has today. Lin Mu looked at the only person in the student council who was still sitting next to Kaguya, that is, Chika Fujiwara.

"I believe Kaguya-san is a good person and will never hurt us. Fujiwara Chika hugged Shinomiya Kaguya and said that it was as always, but today's Chika was even more enthusiastic than before.

However, Fujiwara Chika's words made Baiyin Goyuki's face even more uncomfortable, didn't he just doubt the character of Shinomiya Kaguya? But sometimes Kaguya really looks like he has a life in his hands.

Ishigami said that he was already afraid of Kaguya, but now he feels like he is only 3 months old.

As for saying that Fujiwara Chika, I don't know if it's a rough nerve, I didn't understand the seriousness of the incident, and as for saying that Chika was deliberately comforting Kaguya, Lin Mu felt that she didn't have such a brain.

"Accountant Lin, is there nothing wrong with your body?" the weak-hearted Bai Yin Yuxing changed the subject.

"No problem, at least I haven't fainted yet. "

In short, today's student council activities ended in such a strange range.

"Kaguya-sama. Back at home, Kaguya Shinomiya had a little sandy again, she fell on her bed without any movement, and Ai Hayasaka, who was a close attendant, looked at Kaguya with some concern.

"Hayasaka, I'm very tired today, can I say anything later?" Shinomiya Kaguya buried his face in the pillow decadently.

She doesn't care about the attitude of the other people towards Kaguya in the four palaces, the identity of the eldest lady of the four palaces has caused most people to be afraid of her, but now most people are not afraid of it, but are afraid of Kaguya.

It's clear that she's just an ordinary person, but those people are because she's a monster who can blow their heads with one punch.

And even Shinomiya Kaguya, who had a little hazy good impression at the beginning, looked at him with such eyes, and this was the thing that hit him the hardest.

"Is the relationship that I haven't started yet coming to an end?" Shinomiya Kaguya thought, obviously thinking about anyone who made him a little liking confess to himself yesterday, and today the other party looked at him with inhuman eyes.

"If the president apologizes to me tomorrow, will I forgive him?" but will the president do the same thing in the future?' Kaguya Shinomiya was undecided, she didn't know what to do with it, maybe it was time to give up on this impossible relationship.

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