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“This is the BA3 cruiser.”

“Report the latest progress.”

“No trace of the siren has been found so far.”

“It’s been a month, and there’s still no clue? ”

“Yes, I… Shit!”

“Oh my God…”

“Hey, what happened!”

“We, we saw a… Boom!!”


“Call headquarters, This is the BA2 cruiser fleet!"

"Report immediately!"

"We...we saw a giant octopus, or something like a squid, it was terrifyingly big!"

"Oh my God, it's bigger than Two blue whales are bigger than that!"

"We need video footage, quick, immediately!"

"We...bang, boom!!"


Recently, two cruiser fleets of a certain country sank one after another.

No video footage was sent back during this period There are only two vague audio recordings.

In this regard, all the coastal countries fell silent.

"An octopus or something like a squid that is bigger than a blue whale?"

"What do you think it is, a giant squid?"

"The size of a giant squid cannot reach The level of the blue whale, let alone two blue whales, unless it is some kind of prehistoric creature..."

"Could it be a creature from the Cretaceous period?"


"Let's not talk about how it survived the mass extinction. Even if it has been frozen in the deep sea, it cannot have survived for nearly 4 million years!"

"I mean, is it possible that this is the remnant of some prehistoric octopus species that we have not yet discovered? ?”

“Whether it’s an octopus or a squid, I don’t think they have the ability to destroy two cruiser fleets in an instant!”

“Have you contacted the GOC?”

“We have contacted them, but… there are serious problems within the GOC. Currently in the rescheduling and preparation stage."

"So, we can't count on the GOC, right?"

Just then, a picture suddenly intervened in their meeting.

"Good morning, everyone. Or good evening."

"My name is Qin Leng, the former head of the O5 Council of the Nine-Tailed Fox, and now the only supreme commander."

One of them cut off a cigar, "I have heard of you, Nine-Tailed Fox is "But, I don't remember that we invited you." "You are a bit presumptuous." Qin Leng put his hands behind his back and said, "Excuse me, whatever you see on the sea, no matter what it is, It's not something you can handle."

"The Nine-Tailed Fox will intervene in this operation. Of course, I'm not asking for your help again. I'm just informing you."

The man holding the cigar stared, "Wait, Commander Qin, I have a question I want Let me ask you, do you speak only for yourself or for the country behind you? "

"If this is just your personal opinion, I think we can just treat it as a funny play."

" If this is the opinion of the country behind you, I think you should ask someone else to tell us. You are not qualified yet. "

Qin Leng said calmly: "What do I represent? For you, this is Perhaps it is too complicated. "

"To borrow Mr. Zhang Zai's four lines from Hengqu, I establish my mind for the world, my destiny for the people, my inheritance of the lost knowledge of the past sages, and my creation of peace for all eternity."

Several translators heard Qin Leng's words. After that, they all looked embarrassed.

"Why didn't he say anything? What was he talking about?"

"Uh... He said he borrowed four sentences from Mr. Zhang: My heart is for heaven and earth, for the lives of the people, for the sacred inheritance of academics, and for eternal peace. "

Everyone looked at each other after hearing this, "Do we have any famous sayings to take back and fight back?"

"Uh... this..."

"I'm not here to argue with you. I'm doing this for the sake of my life. Get your people out of the ocean."

Qin Leng cut off the communication after saying this.


In the crack space.

Chen Ye closed his eyes and tilted his head, sketching a picture in his mind.

An anatomical diagram.

Before this, Chen Ye asked 002 to capture giant marine creatures such as blue whales and giant squids.

He extracted many cells from them and fused them together to create the first version of the giantizing potion.

The actual application effect was not particularly successful, at least it did not meet Chen Ye's expectations. 002's body rapidly expanded after taking the drug, and its limbs

Still, it can even be said that the human body shape is still preserved.

However, many new fish species have been added to its body.

Its height when standing upright is nearly 80 meters, its shoulder width is 19 meters, and its weight cannot be measured at present. Its head is shaped like a lizard's bone, and the back of its head is covered with squid or octopus tentacles.

And these tentacles are not only behind the head, but also on other limbs.

His whole body is like a polymer twisted together by tentacles, and there are multiple overlapping mouths in the mouth of the head.

After 002 stood up in the sea, its head floated out of the water like some kind of giant squid or octopus creature.

This shape of the head alone is similar to the horror nautilus.

Perhaps humans are born with a fear of unknown creatures, or perhaps the giant itself makes the short life feel afraid. After evolving into a new form, 002 has evolved an inherent characteristic called fear.

People with weak wills will be immediately swallowed by fear after seeing 002's appearance, trembling all over and unable to move.

This is an unexpected gain.

Chen Ye is studying the characteristics of fear and the unknown, and 002's characteristic breakthrough just gave him a direction.

In addition, 002's original inherent and secondary abilities have been strengthened.

002 can split a higher-level follower through his body, and Chen Ye named this follower Dagon.

002 himself called Dagon a priest.

This follower cannot become a human, they will always remain in the state of fishmen, and their abilities far exceed those of deep divers.

And they can control the tides to a certain extent and perform some sacrifices with special abilities.

At the same time, this unit called Dagon can convert deep divers in large quantities and control them.

A more interesting point is that 002 does not have the ability to control the tides.

But his every move can set off huge waves.

And 002's original sound wave ability has also been strengthened, and the limit of the sound waves he emits can cover half of the earth in an instant.

And this sound wave can also choose which creature to receive it.

Simply put, 002 can choose who can't hear his voice.

For example, if he doesn't want someone to hear his voice, his sound waves will automatically avoid that person.

In addition to being able to sense the location and physical signs of living things, 002's sound waves now have another ability.

That is mental pollution to a certain extent.

This mental pollution is not strong, but if heard for a long time, people's minds will become trance and fragile, close to madness.

The above are what Chen Ye saw, plus the changes 002 himself said.

In order to ensure that this information was not missed, Chen Ye took a magnifying glass to observe 002 again.

Don't say, Chen Ye really saw a piece of information that neither of them knew.

"The mystery in the ocean is reviving"


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