The moment he appeared, the ocean was infused with a certain vitality, and an invisible energy was released." "Those things buried under the deep sea, they exist, they become real." "Including the things that sailors brought back from the other side of the ocean, those ancient, those lost, those weird, those incomprehensible, they were awakened." It was just these few words that made Chen Ye feel a little subtle. They became real, what does this "they" refer to? Is it an object or a living thing? Chen Ye has been thinking about this matter recently, so he has asked the 002 deep divers to look for it. On the other side, the pupils of the big snake in the dark flashed. It carefully glanced at Chen Ye, whose eyes were tightly closed, and then opened its mouth and stuck out its tongue.

There was a bead on the snake's tongue. This bead was like a pearl, pure white without any impurities.

A certain halo emanated from the bead and began to spread outward. Suddenly, Chen Ye opened his eyes.

Sensing that Chen Ye had awakened, the snake immediately closed its mouth and swallowed the bead back into its throat.

Chen Ye turned his head to look at the snake, and cold sweat began to flow down the snake's forehead.

At this moment, Chen Ye suddenly stood up and approached the snake, and raised the corner of his mouth to reveal a terrifying smile.

Snake: 〣(ºΔº)〣.

It's over!

It's all over!

He found out!

My life is over!

The snake closed its eyes in despair, but Chen Ye suddenly reached out and patted it on the head, "I'm going to go outside for a walk. It should be okay to leave you here alone, right?"

The snake was stunned for a moment, then nodded repeatedly.

Chen Ye smiled faintly, waved his hand and tore a crack, and at the same time, he shed the appearance of the god of death and turned into a human appearance and walked out.

Looking at Chen Ye's departing back, the snake suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, it opened its mouth again and spit out the beads...

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Chen Ye's head suddenly poked back from the crack!

The snake was directly frightened and immediately closed its mouth and swallowed the beads back.

"Be good."

Hearing Chen Ye's words, the snake nodded repeatedly while sweating.

Chen Ye left, and this time he didn't come back for a long time.

The snake also learned to be sharp, and it waited for a long time before opening its mouth.

It first tentatively spit out the beads, and then quickly swallowed them back.

After confirming that Chen Ye did not appear, it nervously spit out the beads again, and the halo began to spread outward again.

Various information penetrated the crack space at this moment and reached the world where people existed.

At night.

In a basement somewhere.

A large group of black-robed people gathered together, with a snake pattern on their black robes.

This pattern looks like a tree, with the snake head extending downwards to the trunk, and countless hands on the snake, representing leaves.

"The Creator taught us to believe in God, the Creator taught us to stay away from good and evil, and the Creator told us that the fruit of good and evil will die if we eat it!"

"We believed it firmly until one day, the big snake came to us and told us the truth of the matter!"

"Paradise is a place created by snakes, and the tree of good and evil was planted by snakes. The Creator came from an unknown other world and sealed the big snake here, suppressing it forever!"

A black-robed man stood in front of a group of black-robed people and showed his arm. There was a tattoo on his arm.

It was still the Snake Hand Tree.

He put his arms on his chest and shouted to the people below!

"We are the ones who guard the paradise, and we are also the prisoners of the paradise. We are ignorant and uneducated, but the fruit of good and evil can open up wisdom!"

"The big snake let us eat the fruit of good and evil, so that we gained wisdom, and we escaped from the prison of the Creator!"

"The Creator angrily denounced us as twisted and abnormal, and cursed us to die a bad death. The Creator sent his servants to take us back to the sealed place!"

"But we will not sit and wait for death. We spread our ideas, recruit our companions everywhere, and give them our knowledge!"

"The Creator wants to erase wisdom, so we spread wisdom!"

"The Creator wants to rule the obedient people, so we rebel!"

"The Creator wants to imprison us, so we run away everywhere!"

"We will set the prairie on fire and no one can defeat us!"

"The world will change from now on, and will merge and change from now on. We will be free and rebuild the real paradise!"

"Everyone will open up wisdom, everyone will become abnormal, and this wave will be unstoppable!"

"It is the will of heaven!"

"Paradise is the land of snakes, we are the hands of the snake, we will hold high the name of the snake, even if it will bring doomsday!"

"We are the creatures of the Creator, we are the ones who serve the great snake, the hand of the snake will surely reshape the world!"

"Swear here!"

"Swear here!!"xN

A group of black-robed believers raised their right hands together, and on their arms, they all had tattoos of the hand of the snake.

They were dreamed of by the great snake, and they thought they had received the revelation of the truth. They planned to rescue the great snake trapped in the paradise.

As for where the paradise is, although they don't know, they will find it one day, at least they firmly believe so.


Nine-tailed Fox Headquarters.

Qin Leng was sitting in the office reviewing documents until there was a knock on the door outside the office.

"Come in."

Nerasokin walked into the office after hearing that. "Chief, which of the three abnormal events do you want to hear about first?"

Qin Leng raised his head. "Let's start with the most important ones."

Nerasokin nodded, then took out a document. "Recently, a secret society called 'Snake's Hand' has appeared somewhere abroad. Their scale is growing at an unstoppable speed."

"This is not a simple missionary. Everyone in the church said that they had received the revelation of the great snake. I think this should be related to a certain containment."

Qin Leng nodded. "Next "

Nairasokin continued: "There is another organization, the Church of Light. They were originally a money-making organization that took advantage of the vampires to sell holy water to make money in the national crisis, but..."

Qin Leng raised his head, "But they took the angel away, right?"

"Yes." Nairasokin nodded, "But the angel is still immersed in the eternal dream of nightmare and has not awakened yet."

Qin Leng thought for a while, "We should find a chance to take the angel back."

"But the process will never be smooth. GOC will definitely take back the angel as soon as possible after the reorganization." Nairasokin said.

"In addition to the social opinion caused by our forced intervention in the 008 incident last time, all parties will not let us successfully take in the angel."

"What's one more thing?" Qin Leng said.

Narasokin took out a photo and placed it in front of Qin Leng. "Recently, many collections have suddenly appeared in various countries and regions."

"They are almost all related to the ocean, or in other words, they were all dug out from the ocean."

"Please look at this photo. This is a golden key salvaged from the ocean by a fishing boat. It can change its shape at will and open any lock with a lock core in the world."

Qin Leng narrowed his eyes. These collections must not be split from the original 009.

Therefore, they can only be made by 'that' thing in the ocean.


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