Bai was full of confidence at this time, his back was straight, and he turned his head sideways and said, "Cousin, you leave with the student and this sister first." I'll leave it to me here. "

"Don't. Disya refused.

She didn't want to argue with Bai at this time, but she was sure that her combat power was important.

Look at the monster.


The ground had been corroded by a large hole in the purple liquid.

The inky black unicorn fell to the ground, standing on all fours, dozens of meters long, with a slender head covered with sharp teeth, and a pair of tails swinging.

It had multiple wounds, the largest hole the size of a basin, and purple blood dripping from it, wilting vegetation and eroding the ground.

Its purple eyes stared at the Ice and Fire Dragon, a greedy look.

This expression made Shiro feel uncomfortable.

Ye Zixi sealed the wound, and she opened her mouth to remind: "This fierce beast will devour the magic card, and once it is eaten, the magic card will disappear forever." "

This is a bloody lesson.

"What!" Bai's face moved, these two dragons were very important to him, and to any card master.

A magic card is the soul and bone of a magic card master.

"Firescale Dragon, come back..."Bai didn't hesitate to recall the Natal Demon Card.

At this moment, the unicorn turned into a puddle of liquid and pounced on several students on the side.

Critical moment.

"Stop it!" Shiro blurted out, reversing his original intention of retrieving the card.

The firescale dragon's dragon wings spread, and when it spat out dragon breath and poured into the puddle of liquid, it suddenly turned into a huge black pocket and swallowed the firescale dragon in one gulp!

The swollen black pockets shrank dramatically, and the firescale dragon was digested by it.

The natal demon card was devoured, and Bai was also counterattacked! Blood spurted out of his mouth, and he felt a heart-wrenching pain, and the whole person collapsed to the ground!

The Ice Dragon was badly damaged by White, and was unable to maintain its summoning state, turning into a six-star magic card and falling to the ground.

All that was left was the gurgling, the unicorn digesting the red-scaled dragon.

"How is this possible!" Disya was shocked, she had never heard of anything that could devour a magic card.

Even if it is a war with other powerful civilizations, there has never been a case of a magic card being devoured like this.

After the unicorn beast devoured the firescale dragon, its vitality was much more abundant, and its body also swelled again.

Seeing this, Ye Zixi said bitterly: "Don't summon the magic card again, otherwise it will recover faster and faster, and it will be difficult to clean up in the end." "

"Take him with you, I can stop him for some time. "

Disya stopped talking.

The fierce beast that can devour the magic card, she really doesn't dare to summon the city lord and the ice dragon, in case it is also devoured, it will be a big trouble.

And at this very moment.

A swift wind blew, and after the wind dissipated, it was Su Qin and Borodin who appeared.

Su Qin saw the miserable appearance of Bai and Ye Zixi's serious injuries, one of these two people was his student and the other was a benevolent person.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Su Qin looked at the unicorn beast, his eyes as sharp as a sword.

"Did you hurt my student and hit Ye Zixi hard?".

"Boom. "

The unicorn strolls leisurely, its long tongue sticking out of its mouth, its greedy gaze aimed at the Immortal King Borodin.

Disya on the side hurriedly reminded: "Teacher Su, my cousin's natal magic card has been swallowed by it! Be careful, it will eat the magic card!".

The weak Ye Zixi found that it was Su Qin, she breathed smoothly and said, "It's you, Su Qin." With Borodin's strength it was enough not to be devoured, it was impossible for it to defeat this beast. Run. "

When a few people said a word.

Gao Yao also appeared here, she was the fastest among the other students, and naturally arrived the fastest.

Witness the scene in front of you, especially the beast.

"Senior, how's it going?".

"It has swallowed the fire dragon, and it has recovered the strength of the seven-star two-order, and Borodin will be defeated. The Empress shook her head silently.

I can't help but recall the remnants of the memory, the dark era, the terrifying hellish world, as if reincarnation is about to come to this prosperous era.

Gao Yao pursed her lips and said in her heart: "Senior, can't we help Teacher Su? "

"It doesn't make sense. "

"Hmm. She nodded, knowing that it was.

In the past, in the process of evading pursuit, the empress consumed too much strength and vitality.

At this time, the other students were late.

"Teacher Su, come on, destroy this monster!" a student shouted, although this seemed a little too simple to Ye Zixi and the empress.

Su Qin stood in front of the beast and the Immortal King Borodin behind him, holding the long-handled war hammer in both hands, its crimson cloak rattling.

"Borodin, kill it. There was no emotion in Su Qin's tone, and he issued a death announcement.

"Follow your orders!".

The Immortal King Borodin raised his hammer and strode forward.

The extension of the long arm was swung out by the war hammer, which broke through the air and made a tearing sound, and smashed the unicorn beast a hundred meters away with ten thousand catties of force!

"Unfortunately, it doesn't make sense. Ye Zixi muttered.

She had been fighting with this beast for a long time, and had seen similar scenes many times.

Nearly unscathed, the unicorn writhed as it flew away, turning into a giant black pocket once more, engulfing the Immortal King Borodin like a firescale dragon

"Is that how it devoured? "Su Qin came to his senses.

A deep voice came from the black pocket, and if you listened closely, you could hear the phrase "You!—kneel!".

The black pocket was attacked internally by Borodin's ultimate, expanding and exploding, and pools of black slime spilled on the ground, gathering together to regain the form of a unicorn beast again.

"Senior, can you win like this!" Gao Yao was extremely excited, as if she saw the moment when Borodin won.

"Unfortunately, no. Unless Borodin has more life force, it can't consume the beast. The Empress denied it.

The smile on Gao Yao's little face disappeared.

"It's pretty tenacious. Su Qin muttered to himself, seeing that the fierce beast had recovered from his injuries, he counterattacked and stabbed Borodin from time to time.

"But that's the end of it. "

The corners of Su Qin's mouth raised, and he said confidently: "You can make my natal demon card appear, and you can be regarded as a little strong." "

The many students around him, Di Siya, Bai, Gao Yao, including Ye Zixi, and the empress felt abruptly stunned and shocked!

Isn't the strongest six-star magic card the Immortal King?

This is a kind of thinking inertia, and they subconsciously think that Su Qin's natal demon card is the king of immortality!

It was precisely in this way that when Su Qin said that the natal magic card was going to appear, most people were shocked.

The Immortal King is already so powerful, wouldn't the Natal Demon Card be even stronger!

A pair of eyes stared at Su Qin.

Patches of holy white feathers fluttered in the air around him.

When the white feathers are increasing, they are stacked.

There are also verdant plants growing on the ground, and bright flowers blooming.

Among the flowers and white feathers, a petite figure with its own holy light condensed.

For the first time, the Angel Flower Demon appeared in front of people in actual combat!


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