She was delicate, with bare white feet, big eyes, and a small horn with angel wings in her hand.

Everyone looked at Xiaohua incredulously, cute is cute, and cute, but this cute thing can beat that beast?

"It's so cute. Gao Yao's small mouth turned into an O-shape.

The Empress reminded, "Don't underestimate her. Plus she might be able to kill the beast. "

But she looks so weak, so soft and cute, and her breath is not too strong. Gao Yao muttered, "It will be swallowed by the fierce beast." "

The Empress said no more.

Xiaohua was still carrying a small horn, and threw three sunflower seeds in her other small hand.

The sunflower seeds fell to the ground and sprouted, and the roots grew into sunflowers that were 1.5 meters high, and the interesting thing is that the sunflowers resembled a child's smiling face, and there was a solar circle on the edge.

"Sunflowers?" Disia was confused, this is a trick of the plant-based magic card, but it looks too unremarkable.

She looked at Su Qin with small eyes, wondering if he chose her to be the natal magic card because this magic card was too cute!

This kind of behavior is not uncommon in the magic card civilization, and there are even a group of bad card builders who specialize in constructing 'husbands/wives' for a living.


The three sunflowers emit soft sunlight, they are like large light bulbs, and the soft sunlight illuminates a large area in front of them.

The battle between Borodin and the beast is becoming more and more intense, and Borodin's HP has reached 3000 points, which is in danger!

The hammer danced like a storm in its hands, its red cloak stained with blood, and suddenly a soft ray of sunlight shrouded it.

Borodin's life breath suddenly swelled in it, recovering at a rate of 900 points per second!

The powerful magician can roughly judge the state of summoning monsters through the fluctuation of life breath.

Di Siya, Bai, Ye Zixi, Gao Yao, and the empress, the five strong people, obviously perceived this!

The heart shakes!

The recovery ability of this magic card is inevitably too strong, and it is a group recovery effect.

As the breath of life expanded, Borodin's war hammer became more and more powerful, and the war hammer landed and smashed into a large pit with a diameter of more than 30 meters, several meters deep.

Splashing large slag and rubble!

"Good metamorphosis recovery effect. Disya's lips opened slightly, and she suddenly realized something.

If it is the Borodin + Angel Flower Demon lineup, she can also defeat the five-star + six-star magic card combination in her current hand.

The beast roared in pain.

It aimed at Xiaohua with a pair of dark pupils, turning into a pool of liquid and rushing away! It was so fast that Borodin didn't have time to stop it.

Su Qin saw this.

Said calmly.

"Little flower, put the trumpet of the Holy Spirit. "

"Woo-" Xiaohua picked up the horn and blew the melody of the Holy Spirit.

The two sunflowers condensed a rich light element, turning into two Holy Helmet War Spirits! One of them flew straight towards Xiaohua, and the volley was divided into different parts of armor.

The golden holy helmet was equipped on Xiaohua's body, and she said 'yaa' in a childish voice, releasing the four-star skill-Sun Javelin.

In the eyes of everyone, the fierce beast that turned into liquid unfolded its black pocket, but was forced to retreat by the divine aura that erupted from the Holy Helmet!

A sacred javelin pierced the beast's back with a whistling sound, nailing it to the ground.

Borodin, who was also wearing a holy helmet, pursued, and its war hammer fell, slashing the head of the beast alive, splattering rich blood and brains!

"It's so strong. Ye Zixi took a deep breath and felt the stinging pain of the wound, and she frowned.

At this time, she noticed that a sunflower turned her head and smiled at her, and the soft sunlight warmed her body, and the injury quickly recovered.

Bai on the side also felt that the severe pain was slowing down.

"Could this be a new magic card he constructed, created by himself, or obtained it in another way!" Ye Zixi had a lot of thoughts in his heart.

What is certain is that she realized that she and the president of the Card Constructors Association had seriously underestimated Su Qin's strength.

The combination of the Immortal King + Angel Flower Demon can run rampant in six stars! and can even defeat a lot of seven-star magic cards.

Few of the ordinary students in the class saw it so deeply.

Although they don't understand the connotation, they understand a little!

Borodin is blasting the beast, and the cute girl's magic card support ability is ridiculously strong.

They were emotional and shouted excitedly.

"Borodin is invincible!".

"Little cute girl is awesome!".

"It's awesome, Mr. Su is invincible!".

Being praised so excitedly by the students, Su Qin was in a good mood, he did not relax, but continued to pay attention to this battle.

Until now, Su Qin has not driven with all his strength!

He has one more Mark than the others, and can summon another if necessary.

Choosing the City Lord of Light and the Ice Dragon is also a hidden backhand.

Watch Borodin fight the beast again.

"Why is it so tenacious?" Su Qin couldn't help but ask Ye Zixi.

"Of course..."Ye Zixi smiled bitterly: "It is an eight-star quasi-epic-level existence, but it was hit hard by my efforts, and only then did it fall to the strength of the seven-star two-order." "

"Eight-star quasi-epic!" Su Qin took a deep breath, no wonder it was so difficult to solve.

He suddenly thought of something and asked, "Epic-level magic cards will have a talent skill, is there a quasi-epic level?" "

"This..." Ye Zixi was asked, and she couldn't be 100% sure so she had to answer: "I don't know either." However, considering the danger of the previous battle, it should have used the epic talent, I suspect it is devouring!".

"That's right. "

Su Qin was stunned.

He looked at the battle situation hundreds of meters away, as a six-star magic card master, he had the basic attributes no less than the six-star magic card.

However, when it is not necessary, the Magician will not be directly involved in the battle.

"I don't think there's something quite right with this beast. Disya suddenly said, "The purple light in its body seems to be stronger!"

"Oh no, it's going to blow itself up!" Ye Zixi suddenly realized.

The voice fell.

The unicorn beast turned into a ball of slime and wrapped Borodin, and the energy in its body poured out without reservation! Purple light burst out blindly, and the shockwave of concussion swept through without dead ends, and the purple mushroom cloud rose into the sky!

Su Qin and Disya drove the magic power in front of them, protecting everyone present, and the shock wave blew head-on, and he squinted his eyes.

I saw a huge crater with a diameter of 100 meters and a depth of more than 20 meters in front of me!

The Immortal King Borodin is gone.

Xiaohua was only traumatized because of the distance between them, and did not die because of this.

And at this moment....

At the bottom of the huge crater, a cloud of purple liquid burst out! It once again turned into a unicorn beast in the air, but its breath was significantly weaker.

The strength fell to the peak strength of six stars.

"Boom!!" it roared and pounced on the little flower.

This sudden change caught everyone off guard.

The empress said solemnly: "This is the innate skill of an epic existence-rebirth, at the cost of losing strength and restoring part of its vitality. "

"How could it be!" Gao Yao fell into an ice cave, watching the fierce beast pounce on Xiaohua.

"This beast is very unusual, it is not an ordinary quasi-epic beast!" the Empress was extremely sure.

"Oops..."Disia pulled out the City Lord of Light's Seghart magic card, and just as she was about to summon the City Lord, she was held down by Su Qin.

She wondered.

looked at Su Qin's side face, but saw that he was calm and confident, and he was strategizing.

Speak a short word.

"Little flower, the trumpet of heaven. "

After hearing Su Qin's command, Xiaohua blew the horn again, and she completely ignored the fierce beast that pounced.

With the sound of the trumpet of heaven, a divine beam of light fell from the sky! It landed in front of her, and a domineering figure gradually solidified in the beam, wearing heavy armor, a long-handled war hammer, and a crimson agitation cloak.

It was—the Immortal King Borodin.

It's reborn!


PS: [1/4] Guaranteed update.

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