For a while, Fang Yu felt that he was surrounded by raging waves.

A seductive woman's scent hit her face.

"I'm okay, Sister Ye."

Fang Yu patted her shoulder with a smile, indicating that his hands and feet were flexible.

"So you have so much blood on you?"

Ye Yuxi opened his hand, and Dai frowned slightly to examine him.

"Don't worry, it's all someone else's."

Fang Yu said.

"Then why is there a knife mark on your star clothes?"

Ye Yuxi saw that on the star clothes on her chest, there was a sword light trace from top to bottom... Although not deep, it is clear that he was cut by someone!

Seeing this, Fang Yu was also a little embarrassed.

At that time, he was cut in half by Shimizu Yukino, but the quality of the clothes in this Star series was too good, leaving only one knife mark.

That sword is penetrating damage!

The damage to the human body is extremely high!

That is the armor-breaking effect of the SS-level Demon Dao Ji, which can penetrate the armor and cause penetrating damage to the human body, which is the strength of the Demon Dao Ji!

Of course.

Fang Yu seemed to be seriously injured, but in the next few days, he had completely taken revenge.

Under his baseball bat attack, Qing Shui Xueno's bleeding was far less than Fang Yu's being cut in half, but it was also bleeding...

At this time, the big bear loli with two ponytails also ran up.

This girl is different from Ye Yuxi.

As soon as he saw Fang Yu jumping alive, he immediately didn't worry, but looked suspicious: "Fang Yu!" How can I smell you, there is another woman? "

"Do you still need to ask?"

Fang Yu coughed: "I fought with that demon Dao Ji for three hundred rounds, and finally drove her away..."

"Great war?"

Su Qiansha looked confused, always felt a little wrong?

At this time, Tang Youlong, Gongsun Granny, and some other elder-level powerhouses all greeted them.

"Don't worry, this kid is really fine."

There was an old man with glasses who said with a smile.

He just released his skill and checked it, Fang Yu was very healthy, and his blood volume was full.

"It's too dangerous, look at this knife mark..."

Gongsun's mother-in-law looked distressed: "It seems that the demon Dao Ji of the cherry blossom country found the body?" Fortunately, you drew the Void Angel, ten Void Angels, and it's still no problem to block one demon Dao Ji! "

"It's just a pity that the copper mirror was snatched away..."

There was a thin old man who said in a deep voice.

"By the way, the copper mirror."

Tang Youlong's face became serious: "Listen to Su Qianshian, that is your newly created source of pollution?" Will there be any problem if it is snatched away by Sakura Country now? "

"Old man, what nonsense?"

Grandma Gongsun glared at him: "It's okay if our little Fang people are fine, the copper mirror was snatched away, what's the matter?" Come back! "

"It's okay, mother-in-law."

Fang Yu was still quite impressed by this mother-in-law.

At that time, he won the bet, and "Stargazing" and "Void Angel" were sent by her.

He looked around, except for Ye Yuxi and Su Qianshian, there were only twelve elders here.

Everyone else was blocked out of the room!

So Fang Yu smiled and explained the role of the copper mirror...

"Now I have two things that I need the help of your seniors to arrange."

"The first is this copper mirror, in fact, this is a trap deliberately left for the Sakura Country, and when they send someone to study, I can drag the researchers into the mirror world at any time!"

"At that time, the strong people we have prepared will enter the mirror world with me and can surround them one hundred percent!"

"In the mirror world, they will gradually get lost, I will also cooperate with the curse wooden comb, as long as there are strong people to drag them down, it is a final kill!"

When he said this.

The twelve elders of the Longxia Kingdom in the field, as well as Ye Yuxi and Su Qianshian, were all dumbfounded.

This is too exciting, right?

In fact, they had just learned about Shimizu Yukino of Sakura Country who had snatched the copper mirror.

I'm still worried.

I didn't expect that...

This turned out to be a set that Fang Yu gave to Sakura Country?

"Sakura Country, the strong people of various countries have been invited to investigate."

Grandma Gongsun's eyes lit up: "Doesn't that mean that we have the possibility to catch several big fish?" "

"That's right, it depends on whether we can eat it, specifically, we'll discuss it at that time."

Fang Yu smiled and said: "Now that copper mirror, equivalent to my eyes, can see the situation over there at any time, but now, the things have not been transported to the place, and the researchers have not gathered it so quickly." "

"As for some of the first basic researchers, I personally don't think it's necessary to hook."

This view made the senators all agree.

A rare opportunity, after taking effect once, the other party will not be fooled again.

So, if you want to fish, catch the big fish!

Obviously, Fang Yu's idea made the elders look at him impressed.

This kid...

It's not just the horror of its own professional strength.

And most importantly, brains!

Actually leaving such a trap for Sakura Country, who would have thought that there could be such an operation?

"We have such a seedling in Longxia, and those hostile countries will be guilty in the future, haha!"

The senators laughed one after another.

"There's a second thing, about my level 30 second-turn mission."

Fang Yu mentioned this.

The second turn is completed, and with the experience he has accumulated now, he can directly break through level 50 or above!

"It's time for a second turn."

Grandma Gongsun nodded with a smile: "With your ability, although it is an S-level mutant class, there is absolutely no problem in choosing the second turn task of SS difficulty!" "

"Indeed, the second transfer task of SS difficulty is the highest difficulty transfer task that can be cleared at present!"

A kind old man with black hair said with a smile.

Once the second turn mission is completed, the professional level up will gain more attribute points!

When you first change jobs, every time you upgrade 1 level, you will get 1 four-dimensional full attribute, plus 1 free attribute point.

But after the second turn, the benefits of upgrading will increase.

As for the extent of improvement, it is related to the difficulty of the second transfer task chosen by the transferor.

Starting from the lowest difficulty D-level 2nd turn, the more difficult the task is completed, the more attribute points the professional will gain by leveling up!

At present, in the history of Blue Star humans, people have completed SS-level second-turn missions at most, which allows people to upgrade the attribute points obtained to the basic 4!

Once the second turn is completed, the previous upgrade attribute points from level 1-30 will also be replenished at one time.

You can imagine how important the second turn is for every professional.

However, what Fang Yu wanted to choose now was not an SS-level second-turn mission, but an SSS-level second-turn task that no one had ever cleared!

"Generally speaking, professionals will choose a second-turn task with the same level as their own occupation." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"For example, for an S-level occupation, choose an S-level second-turn task."

"If it is an S-level mutant class, you can choose an SS-level second-turn task according to the situation."

"Once the difficulty is too high, the mission can easily fail!"

"Each professional has a maximum of two opportunities to change jobs at a time. If both job changes fail. The level will get stuck and cannot be broken. "

For example, failing two turns at level 30 means that the professional can only have level 30 forever and can no longer be promoted.

"For me, I should be able to try SSS-level second-turn missions."

"Although no one has ever cleared the level in human history, I am invincible and resurrected, what am I afraid of?"

"Even if you fail once, you have a second chance."

Fang Yu thought to himself.

So he said to the elders of the Longxia Kingdom in front of him: "Seniors, I plan to choose the SSS-level second-turn mission. Is there any information about this? I would like to take a look in advance. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone around them was shocked.

Tang Youlong frowned: "Fang Yu, we do have relevant information." But at this level, all those who tried before failed. Among them, there are many proud sons of heaven, a bit of adventure! "

Grandma Gongsun solemnly said, "Fang Yu, you should know that there is one biggest difference in the SSS-level second-turn mission. That is, there will be other professionals involved. "

When Fang Yu heard this, he nodded and said, "I know this. "

Although it is a useless knowledge point, it will be repeatedly taken out during high school classes to educate students not to be ambitious.

"Once you choose an SSS-level second-turn mission, when you enter the mission, you will select 10 hostile professions around the world who have already turned second, but have not yet turned three. At the same time, enter the mission map to block and even snipe the transferees. "

Fang Yu said what he had learned.

"You're right."

Ye Yuxi analyzed on the side: "Based on your performance on Treasure Island, once you choose the SSS-level second-turn mission, those countries will definitely send the strongest 60-level second-turn professional to enter to prevent you from successfully changing jobs!" "

"Isn't that just right? If you dare to come, kill them all. "

Fang Yu smiled lightly.

Listening to him say this, Ye Yuxi, Su Qianshian, and the elders around were all stunned.

Then Tang Youlong clapped his hands and smiled heartily: "Wonderful!" Our Fang Yu has a wooden comb and a red coat, isn't it hand-to-hand to deal with some level 60 guys? As long as they dare to come in and snipe, there is only one way to die! "

Mother-in-law Gongsun was also pleasantly surprised: "Not bad!" Our small party is still different, and we can't look at it with common sense! "

Although they didn't know that Fang Yu was invincible.

But there are cursed wooden combs and red-clothed senior sisters, dealing with some level 60 second-turn powerhouses, it is definitely hand-to-hand!

As long as Fang Yu Honzun doesn't have an accident.

In the course of his mission, no matter how many people come in, there is only one way to die!

"Moreover, no one has ever had an SSS-level second-turn mission in the past, and another reason is that the final mission target is a mythical-level monster."

A kind black-haired old man smiled and said, "Anyone who wants to single out a mythical-level monster and face ten top second-turn powerhouses at the same time is as difficult as ascending to the sky!" "

"But Fang Yu is completely fine, for him, as long as there is a wooden comb, it is only a matter of time before he destroys the mythical-level monster!"

SSS-level two-turn task, two difficulties.

A mythical monster boss.

A sniper from an enemy country with ten top two-turn powerhouses.

But for Fang Yu, neither aspect is a problem!

"In other words... Fang Yu, you are likely to be the first professional in the history of the world to complete the second turn of the SSS level! "

Tang Youlong, Gongsun Mother-in-law and other elders looked at Fang Yu's eyes and became even more eager!

"Of course, the prerequisites have to be done well."

Tang Youlong said with a smile: "Let's prepare enough magic scrolls for him, the most important is the stealth scroll, as long as you protect Fang Yu Honzun, you can win with a wooden comb alone!" "

"A little more defensive scrolls, it's best to be solid!"

Grandma Gongsun nodded.

Fang Yu listened to their conversation, a little crying and laughing.

Is this to make him a turtle?

Of course......

Whether you use it or not, the more scrolls on your body, the better, and the means are not too many!


Soon, the crowd dispersed.

Ye Yuxi (Qian Hao) took Fang Yu and left the Conversion Temple with Su Qianshian.

Just after leaving the temple, Fang Yu was drowned out by the oncoming cheers.

He never expected that outside this Career Transfer Temple, there was already a sea of people, and even many professionals who were old enough to be his grandfather looked at him with extremely excited and excited expressions.

This trip to Treasure Island made Fang Yu's name spread directly around the world.

It is even in Longxia Country that has become a well-known existence!


Ye Yuxi took Fang Yu and flew back to the office of the Twelve Legions with Su Qianshian.

"Be mentally prepared."

On the way, Ye Yuxi put his arm around Fang Yu and whispered in his ear: "Because of your affairs, our legion leader Li Hu came out of the other world and specifically wanted to see you." "

"Speaking of which, the nineteen members of the staff committee of our twelfth legion have not gathered together for a long time, and I didn't expect that all of them would arrive this time."

Fang Yu enjoyed the softness of her bosom.

Hearing this, I was a little surprised: "Then should I feel honored?" "

"Slippery head, now our Twelve Legions are proud of you."

Ye Yuxi pursed his lips and chuckled, his little hand squeezed his waist, the strength of this squeeze was appropriate, just like massage, making Fang Yu's whole person refreshed...


She took Fang Yu and entered the soundproof conference hall with Su Qianshian.

As soon as I entered the door, I heard a violent and excited voice: "I wipe!" That kid wants to enter the SSS-level second-turn mission and counter-snipe the enemy's level 60 second-turn master? This is also too inflated, but Lao Tzu likes it, hahaha! "


(The picture is Yining in the well ~ In addition, the picture is only for you to see, in fact, it will not be dressed like this!) )。

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