The loud voice reached the door, a little deafening.

Fang Yu was a little dizzy by the shock.

Turning his head, he saw that Ye Yuxi and Su Qiansha had already been prepared, and they actually covered their ears.

"You two, don't remind me??"

Fang Yu couldn't laugh or cry.

"Okay, get used to it, let's go in."

Su shallow covered her mouth and chuckled, hugged his arm and walked into the conference hall.

Fang Yu came in and saw that in the conference hall, there were already eighteen people gathered together, all of them were the big guys of the Twelve Legions!

Among them are Lin Siwen, Guan Xiutian and so on that he has seen.

But more than that, it was unfamiliar faces that he had never seen before, most of them with killing intent.

Different from Ye Yuxi, Guan Xiutian, who are professionals who are active in the real blue star.

Many top powerhouses, including Li Hu, are basically shouldering the heavy responsibility of guarding the other world, and the number of monsters they kill is much more than Ye Yuxi's, and of course the murderous aura on their bodies is much heavier!

Simply put.

Ye Yuxi is a very young junior.

Although he is the minister of talent, this position does not need to be too strong.

As for Li Hu...

Fang Yu looked at a middle-aged man in the middle, a man who looked bloody with killing intent and a cross scar on his face, making him look very fierce.

When Fang Yu came in.

The eyes of everyone in the room fell.

"Hahaha, here it comes!"

That scar-faced Li Hu, seeing this, laughed, and actually jumped on the table!

He's fast.

In an instant, he came to Fang Yu, squatted on the table in front of him, and looked him up and down carefully: "Hello, hello, I am the commander of the Twelve Legions, the chief of staff, and the minister of the War Department, Li Hu!" Fang Yu boy, you can call me Brother Tiger! "

"At your age... Shouldn't it be Uncle Tiger? "

Fang Yu asked.


Everyone around was stunned.

Even Li Hu is dumbfounded, Ma Ya, this kid is not polite at all?

"Okay, that's great."

Li Hu laughed quickly, he liked Fang Yu's personality.

After all, he has always been on the front line, and what he appreciates the most is that kind of straight nature, if there is anything, do it directly!

He smiled and patted Fang Yu on the shoulder: "The young man is good, but your tiger brother is really not old, you are not allowed to call uncle, understand?" Call brother! "

Fang Yu felt awkward.

Nima, obviously sixty or seventy years old!

Call brother?

Sure enough, as Ye Yuxi said before, this product is completely faceless...

"Ye Yatou, this time you finally brought a talent back to our Tenth 477 Second Legion."

Li Hu looked at Fang Yu with a look of appreciation.

Fang Yu's situation on Treasure Island, he naturally heard about it, it was simply shocking!

Instantly kill three hundred geniuses!

Breaking the Blue Star History!

Although he released an SS-level demon Daohime from Sakura Country, it had little impact.

Not to mention...

Li Hu also knows now that Fang Yu deliberately let people go, in order to give the misty copper mirror to the cherry blossom country as a big gift!

The performance of Treasure Island is nothing.

The key is that there is a follow-up!

This follow-up arrangement shows that Fang Yu, this kid, not only has a good career, but most importantly, he has both talents!

This is the talent that Long Xia Kingdom really needs!

With Li Hu's personality, if he knew that Fang Yu not only did these things, but also killed the SS Demon Dao Ji on Treasure Island, he would definitely appreciate him more!

Nima, people are the goddess of the whole people of the cherry blossom country!

Or the daughter of Ichiro Shimizu, the top powerhouse of the Sakura Country!

This is a real prestige of our country!

Of course......

This kind of thing, Fang Yu naturally wouldn't take it out casually...


Soon, under the chairmanship of Li Hu, the internal meeting of the 12th Army Corps began.

In addition to Fang Yu and Su Qianshian, the other nineteen were all members of the staff committee of the Twelve Legions.

Su Qiansha was originally from the Ministry of Land Reclamation.

But now...

He was specially dispatched by Li Hu to become Fang Yu's protector.

It was the same as Tang Youlong's arrangement before.

She is responsible for protecting Fang Yu closely.

After all, she has many invincible skills, and she is not much bigger than Fang Yu, which is very suitable for this.

At the level of Li Hu and Tang Youlong, there must be an idea of matching the two...

"Since this kid is going to take the SSS-level second turn, let's use the strength of the country to help him!"

At the meeting, Li Hu first analyzed the situation: "Although the treasure island has just ended, Fang Yu, the name of your kid has been widely spread. "

"The North American Empire, the Sakura Country, the Great Australia Country, the Three Kingdoms of Afghanistan, the West Pakistan Country, and the Western Countries must all be eyeing him!"

"Our Longxia border has been closed, strictly guarded, and four days ago, all strong people with more than four turns have been banned from entering."

"So now, it's safe inside the country."

"If the other party wants to attack the other party, he will definitely not miss the opportunity of his SSS-level second-turn mission!"

The crowd began to analyze.

SSS-level two-turn missions, the maps are not necessarily the same, but the final bosses must be mythical bosses, which is beyond doubt.

If it is a level 150 mythical boss, not many people in the world can kill it today!

It can be imagined that the gold content of these three words of mythical level.

If you want to pass the SSS-level second-turn mission, the ultimate goal is to kill the mythical boss, which shows its difficulty.

Not only do you need to kill alone, but you will also face the encirclement and interception of ten other hostile professions, which is the most terrifying.

"When you initiate an SSS-level second-turn mission, there is an hour-long waiting time."

"The system will select ten professionals with the strongest combat power and the strongest hostility to you according to the registration situation, and enter the mission to block you."

Li Hu looked at the information sent by the elders, and his expression was solemn: "According to the past failure experience, in terms of selecting people, there is no way to take advantage of it, and we can't arrange for our own people to go in and help you..."

"Most of these ten people are from enemy countries, of course, even if there are really our dragon country players, they must be very hostile to you, don't be deceived."

"No matter who stops you, kill directly!"

This kind of rule details, Fang Yu really has not heard of.

So he nodded: "Understood." "

"Also, your high school grades are good, now it comes in handy."

Li Hu glanced at his report card information, and then said: "There are thousands of various occupations and mutated occupations in this world. The ten people who enter the other party are likely to appear a unique mutant class, or a special class! "

"Except for some particularly partial ones, our Longxia Kingdom basically has records ..."


The details of the SSS-level second-turn mission were talked about for more than an hour.

Fang Yu basically figured it out.

Only then did the meeting adjourn.

With Ye Yuxi's help, he gathered the top auxiliary classes of each legion, ready to provide Fang Yu with the highest attribute increase!

As for Fang Yu, he went back to the villa to take a bath with Su Qianshian.

Big Bear Lori stood close to the bathroom door.

But I didn't know at all...

Fang Yu seemed to close his eyes and rinse, but in fact, his attention had drifted to the North American Empire hundreds of thousands of kilometers away!

Nowadays, the surface area of the blue star has expanded by an unknown number of times, and the distance between countries has also become extremely far.

If you don't pass through the teleportation array, it takes a lot of time to cross the border...

At this time, he could hear the hearts of the two women, Yukino Shimizu and Liliana.

Of course, you can also perceive the exact location of their location!

Coincidentally, Liliana is also taking a shower now.

North American Empire, Twisted Waist City. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In a manor house, in a spacious bathroom, Liliana's blonde curls were completely wet and clinging to the perfect curves of her figure.

In the water vapor, the graceful snow-white body looms, and the mountains stand tall...


A pale woman's face with a shawl appeared coldly in front of Liliana's eyes.


The blonde girl was taken aback on the spot.

But soon...

The pale woman chuckled: "Don't be afraid... We have co-owners..."

It is Fang Yu's new weirdness, Yi Ning in the well!

She only appeared one head, and half of his (BGDJ) body was integrated into the water, and there were gray Styx ripples around her, eerie and cold, which looked extremely strange!


Liliana was almost frightened, and when she heard this voice, she slowed down slightly.

However, as the scream she just came out.

A few seconds later.


A blonde beauty wearing pajamas and a plump and seductive figure instantly appeared in the bathroom, with a nervous face: "Anna, what's wrong with you?" "

Rebecca has been guarding her daughter.

However, when she came over, she saw nothing.

"Hmm... It's okay, Mom. "

Liliana calmed her mood and said with a smile: "I saw myself in the mirror and was startled. "

"Good boy."

Rebecca also didn't care that the shower was still spraying water, so she hugged her daughter in her pajamas, very distressed: "Look how you are scared by that Fang Yu of Long Xia... Mom, let's take a bath with you~"


Fang Yu never expected that he would see such a scene of blood spraying through Yi Ning's perspective.

That Liliana mother and daughter are simply...

That's great!

At this moment, Fang Yu found himself a little hungry and wanted to eat rice bowls, what's going on?

Of course.

In fact, he had something to do with Liliana.

Soon, after the mother and daughter finished washing, Fang Yu asked her to find a sink and put water.

Yi Ning's long black hair emerged from the pool.

"Later, I will carry out the SSS-level second transfer mission, I need you to get me the details of your North American Empire players through your mother's channels, of course, you can also have the information of players from other countries!"

"Telling you in advance is to let you think of a way in advance, remember, the more complete the information, the better."

Through Yining, Fang Yu gave Liliana an instruction.

Hearing this order, the blonde girl was a little shocked: "SSS-level two-turn mission? Master...... You're dead! "

"You don't seem to want me to die?"

Fang Yu asked with a smile.

"Now our relationship ... If you die, you will definitely kill me first..."

Liliana said with her head down.

"That's right, you're highly conscious. So be it, when the time comes, I will let Yining come to you to get information, old place. "


Even Fang Yu, he was not arrogant enough to go straight in.

Be careful to sail the 10,000-year ship!

The more detailed the opponent's information, the better.

Fang Yu finished taking a bath, changed into a brand new star suit, and set off with Su Qianshian!

Since Su can fly, he flies very fast with him.

Most importantly, there will be no traffic jams on the road or anything.

With Fang Yu's popularity now, once he appeared on the street, it would definitely make it blocked in all directions...

On the road.

"What phone are you secretly looking at?"

Su looked at Fang Yu, who was wrapped around her waist.

"Reply to the news, Minister Xiao's, Gu Mengyi's, and Qin Yue's... Alas, I'm so popular! "

Fang Yu sighed.

"Gee, it's stinky enough."

Su shallow looked disdainful.

In fact, Fang Yu was a little unexpected.

Originally, he felt that Gu Mengyi looked fluttering, like a fairy, it might be very cold, and it would be more difficult to communicate.

But I didn't expect it...

Just now he had been chatting with her.

I found that the girl was actually quite active, and she returned the message quickly.

Thinking about it carefully, before Fang Yu entered the Treasure Island, that Gu Mengyi sent him a lot of news, one after another... It's a pity that Fang Yu was busy upgrading at that time, and on Sky Island, he didn't reply much...


Su Qiansha entered the transfer temple with him, the transfer area!

The transfer area of the imperial capital has been prepared for him.

Many of the young people who were originally going to make the second turn were also very conscious, giving way to Fang Yu and not robbing him at all.

When Fang Yu entered the Conversion Temple.

All the professions around are boiling!

They happily guessed, what level of second-turn mission would Fang Yu perform?

It's not just them.

Even Xiao Qing, Qin Yue, Gu Mengyi and the others, they had not participated in the relevant meetings, and they didn't know what choice Fang Yu would make!


Just ten seconds after Fang Yu entered the transfer room.

All professionals in the world who have completed the second turn, but not the third turn, heard a system prompt at the same time:

[Fang Yu (Lv30) (Long Xia Guo) chose the SSS-level two-turn mission! ] 】

[Ten snipers are now needed to enter the mission to block, those who meet the conditions can sign up.] Registration deadline: 30 minutes later! 】

[After 30 minutes, ten contestants will be selected and announced! ] 】

When this system prompts out.

All of us globally... It's all boiling!

SSS level two-turn mission?

Having just won the first place in the history of Level 30 Treasure Island, this kid dared to make this choice?

There is no doubt that this is provoking the whole world!

The Three Kingdoms of Afghanistan, the Western Countries, the Sakura Country, the West Ba Country... And all the countries that were hostile to the Longxia Kingdom all reveled at this moment!

That eagle sauce across the coast, the North American Empire, is even more crazy!

They all thought that this Fang Yu was dying!

SSS-level second-turn missions are inherently extremely difficult and require facing mythical bosses.

There are even ten level 60 top second-turn players to snipe!

Moreover, it is still the ten top second turns that are the strongest in the world and the most hostile to the Dragon Xia Kingdom, who can withstand this?

Among them... It's not just genius.

There are many more, the older generation of players who failed in the third turn of level 60.

Although some people have a strong career, their hearts are higher than the sky, and they failed in three turns that year and stopped at level 60, which is regrettable!

This type of player...

Also qualified for sniping!.

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