Song Yingying was stunned, unable to believe what she heard.

"What did you just say?" She couldn't help but ask, trying to confirm whether it was a hallucination or something.

Wen Yijia did not speak.

He lowered his eyes and looked at her quietly, with seriousness in his eyes.

Song Yingying raised her head and looked at him blankly. After a long while, she suddenly got angry and threw him away: "What are you kidding?"

He couldn't possibly like her. They are usually together, just brushing papers and doing questions, and there is no other intersection. How could he possibly like her?

"If you don't want to go to the same school with me! Why are you making such a joke?" she said angrily.

No matter how serious his eyes were, she didn't believe what he said was true. They are obviously friends, girlfriend is a ghost!

After Wen Yijia was thrown away by her, she pursed her lips, said nothing, raised her feet and walked forward.

Song Yingying was still standing there, very angry.

She thought about her daily life for the past two years.

She has been Wen Yijia's deskmate, covering him and ensuring that he will not be bullied. At the same time, give him supplementary language to help him improve his language performance. He has also been obsessed with studying, and has no distractions in other things. His life is simple and regular.

He couldn't possibly like her.

He didn't like anyone else either. As his deskmate, Song Yingying could see clearly, he never glanced at any girl, including Bai Ling.

He didn't like Bailing like the original plot. Inadvertently let him avoid the heroine, Song Yingying was still very happy. She thought that as long as she didn't **** women from the male protagonist, whoever Wen Yijia liked in the future would basically be able to catch up.

Then, he will definitely be very happy in the future. It doesn't matter if she doesn't go to the same university as him. He didn't need her company to this extent. Good friend, just give me a call if you need anything. If he has a need, a call comes, and she will definitely rush over.

He wouldn't cut off contact with her after graduation, would he?

Thinking like this, Song Yingying felt that it would be fine if she couldn't ask. Whatever college he goes to.

After thinking about it, she came back to her senses and shivered. There was Wen Yijia blocking the wind just now, and she was not blown at all. Now that he is far away, she just feels really cold.

Shrinking his neck, he ran after him: "Wait for me! Come out and play together, why are you walking so fast?"

Wen Yijia stopped and waited for her to run over.

When she saw her running close, she cleverly measured the wind direction, hid beside him, found a position that was completely sheltered from the wind, and then pulled his sleeve: "Let's go, let's go."

He was kind of funny.

Lift your feet and walk slowly forward.

Yu Guang noticed that she kept staring at him, held back for a while, and when she saw that she was not finished, he turned his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Song Yingying hesitated and asked him, "Wen Yijia, you don't really like me, do you?"

She thought about it, and then confirmed with him. Although she didn't quite believe it, what if what he said was true? If he likes her, she can't get along with him like she used to.

Wen Yijia's footsteps stopped, and he was adjusted immediately. He turned his head and said lightly, "No."

The fingers hanging by his side were curled up.

Song Yingying didn't realize it. Seeing his calm answer, she breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

Fortunately, he doesn't like her.

He just said that just to refuse to go to the same school with her. Thinking of this, Song Yingying couldn't help but beat him: "Don't make jokes like this in the future! It's nothing if you don't go to a school!"

Wen Yijia stiffened her neck and nodded reluctantly.

Don't dare to look at her at all.

Her eyes were so clear, which made him look particularly dirty. She only regarded him as a friend, but he wanted to date her.

He answered her just now, it sounded very bland, only he knew how much effort he used to control it.

He said to her before, "If you are my girlfriend, I will go to the Agricultural University with you." After that, he regretted it. She didn't like him, he shouldn't have said it at all. But he couldn't help it, he had been hiding it for too long, and he wanted someone to share his secret.

Even if she doesn't understand or believe it, she still wants to tell her.

Now that I say it, it's not so hard to hold back.

And she really didn't believe it. Don't believe it. Don't believe in the best. Even, he thought, fortunately she didn't believe it.

He won't let her know that he likes her.

"I won't talk about it later," he added.

He would never talk to her like that again. Once is enough. He couldn't hold back because he held it for too long. Now that it has been said, it is like a flood pouring out, and it will take a long time to vent it next time.

Unexpectedly, he was hit on the arm again: "I'm so cute, you don't like me!"

Wen Yijia choked. Turning his head slowly, he lowered his eyes to look at her.

Seeing her puffed up look, as if he doesn't like her, he has no vision.

"No vision, huh!" Sure enough, she snorted heavily at him.

Wen Yijia laughed. I originally planned to hold it for a long time, but when I was about to die, I said it smoothly at this moment: "I like you."

"Hmph, it's not too bad." Song Yingying turned her head away, and chatted with him about something else.

Wen Yijia kept smiling.

He confessed to her generously, and she responded generously. Although there were some misunderstandings in the middle, he was still very happy.

Just so happy. Even simply saying "I like you" to her makes people happy.

There is a milk tea shop in front, Wen Yijia walked in, bought a cup of brown sugar milk tea, added a lot of pearls in it, and came out to her: "Take a warm hand."

"Thank you." Song Yingying happily took it over, gave him the small gift that Wen's mother gave her in her hand, and drank the milk tea herself.

While drinking, he said regretfully, "I originally said that Yang Zijin invited me to drink, but you bought it for me. When I watch a movie later, let him buy me popcorn."

She was called out by Bai Ling as a shield, so of course she had to receive some benefits.

Wen Yijia glanced at her and said, "I'll buy it for you."

Song Yingying was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at him: "Brother Fat, are you stupid?"

Someone bought it for her, and he didn't need to spend it, how could he still spend money in a hurry?

"You are my female companion." Wen Yijia said.

Song Yingying was stunned when she heard this, looking at his chubby face, inexplicably felt that he was a little handsome.

She took a big sip of the hot milk tea, only to feel the warmth flowing in her chest, and she gave him a thumbs up: "Brother Fat, it's very good for you to come out!"

"What?" He glanced at her, "I'll buy you popcorn to save face?"

He is so fat, and when others see her walking with him, they don't know what to say behind their backs. She doesn't feel ashamed. Instead, she bought her a bucket of popcorn, and she felt that she had a good face.

He also didn't understand what the girl was thinking.

"No!" Song Yingying retorted, "It's not just popcorn!"

how to say? It was his insistence, "You are my girlfriend, so I will buy you the popcorn", which made her feel handsome.

"Anyway, he's handsome!" She compared him with caution again, "Fat guy is super handsome! Flesh can't stop you from being handsome!"

Wen Yijia lowered her head and looked at the two shadows next to each other on the ground. Like a big bear, standing next to the little girl, three times her size, it was more than enough to swallow her whole.

handsome? He laughed at himself.

At the cinema, the four meet.

"You really are here!" Bai Ling said very moved, she stepped forward and hugged Song Yingying, "You came out to save me on such a cold day, you are really the best friend!"

Since the last time the four of them dated, the two gradually got closer and gradually became friends.

"My best friend is Fat Brother!" Song Yingying rejected her words mercilessly, and compared Wen Yijia with caution, "You will only call me out to block arrows when it's freezing cold, Fat brother will buy me milk tea in the cold and bleak season! You are far behind!"

Bai Ling immediately said, "Let Yang Zijin buy you popcorn! The biggest bucket!"

"Hmph, fat brother bought it for me." Song Yingying raised her chin and said.

Bai Ling had no choice but to say: "You haven't bought your movie tickets yet? Yang Zijin! Go and buy movie tickets! Hurry up! Otherwise, Yingying will definitely not come out next time!"

Yang Zijin went to buy movie tickets.

"Brother Fat, don't rob him, they call us out, they have to give us something, right?" Seeing Wen Yijia following, Song Yingying hurriedly stopped him.

Wen Yijia turned around and said, "I'm going to buy popcorn."

"Oh, then you go." Song Yingying waved at him.

On the side, Bai Ling looked amused, put her arms around her and asked, "Hey, are you guys reconciled?"

"What's the reconciliation?" Song Yingying asked pretending not to know.

Bailing just pushed her: "Still pretending? When we are blind and can't see?"

Song Yingying said a little embarrassedly, "Is it so obvious?"

"Obviously." Bai Ling nodded and asked curiously, "Why are you two fighting each other?"

Song Yingying told the matter.

Of course, I skipped the "confession" part, and only said that Wen Yijia refused to say which school to go to, and even showed his face.

Hearing Bai Ling laugh straight, when Yang Zijin and Wen Yijia came back, she still laughed, leaning back and forth, fell on Yang Zijin's body, and said with a smile, "It's so funny! Yingying is so funny! For such a thing, I'm angry for half a year! Serve! It's gone!"

Song Yingying glared at her: "Okay! Does your stomach hurt? Stop laughing!"

After distributing the movie tickets, the four of them walked inside, Bai Ling suppressed her smile, turned her head and asked Wen Yijia, "Hey, which school did you get into?"

Wen Yijia looked pale, and asked her back, "What about you? Which one are you going to take?"

Bai Ling didn't notice his routine and said, "I plan to take the N major."

"Where's Yang Zijin?" Wen Yijia asked again.

Bai Ling glanced at Yang Zijin, with a happy expression on her face: "He is like me, let's take the N major together."

They were together in the first year of high school. After two years of intensive study, Yang Zijin's grades improved. As the male protagonist, his IQ was set very high, and he easily became a scholar.

"Not bad." Wen Yijia nodded.

Only then did Bai Ling realize that he hadn't said anything yet, so she asked, "What about you? Haven't you said it yet?"

"It's here." Wen Yijia pointed to the front, "Conversation is not allowed in the movie hall."

Bai Ling: "..."

She glanced at Song Yingying and saw that Song Yingying shrugged at her and made a "look at it" expression.

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