I Deliver Candy To Men

Chapter 101: The handsome fat man with 16

After watching the movie, Yang Zijin invited everyone to eat hot pot.

Song Yingying and Bai Ling sat on the side, took off their jackets, wore only a sweater, and sat in the booth talking.

"Nong University and N University are next to each other!" Bai Ling looked down at the query results displayed on the phone, her eyes full of joy, "We can still meet often and play together!"

He raised his head again and looked at Wen Yijia opposite: "Hey, classmate Wen, which school did you go to? Why don't you go to N University with us? Your grades must be good enough. As a top university in China, N University is worthy of yours. ."

Wen Yijia stood up: "I'll go get some small ingredients."

Get up and go.

"Why is this person like this?" Bai Ling was stunned and turned to look at Song Yingying, "Has he always been like this? Change the subject if you don't want to talk?"

Song Yingying shrugged: "I only discovered it recently too."

In the past, Wen Yijia had nothing he didn't want to say, and there was nothing he didn't want to do. It was very strange in this matter.

"It's fine if he doesn't want to talk about it." Song Yingying had figured it out a long time ago, so she persuaded Bai Ling, "If you can take the test together, we can play together, if we can't take the test together, we can play together during the winter and summer vacations."

Everyone is in the same place, so it's not like they can't see each other in the future.

Bai Ling said, "No, I have to ask."

When Wen Yijia came back, she asked him again, "this classmate, please answer my question just now."

Wen Yijia put the small ingredients on the table and looked at Song Yingying: "What do you eat? I'll get it for you."

"I'll go by myself!" Song Yingying looked at his body shape, how could he ask him to go, he has grace, and she is not a person without grace, "You sit, I'll go."

Wen Yijia sat down and looked at Bailing: "What did you just say?"

Bai Ling: "..."

Angrily, he said to Yang Zijin, "Hit him! It's too bad! How can this be?"

Yang Zijin looked disgusted: "I don't want it."

With all the flesh, there is no place to start.

After a while, Song Yingying came back. At this time, the dishes were served on the table, and everyone started to cook.

Bailing's appetite is not very large. She was the first to eat her full stomach. She sat on the side and rubbed her stomach. She looked at Wen Yijia and asked, "Wen Yijia, why didn't you say which school did you go to?"

"Because you always ask." In the white mist, Wen Yijia's face looked a little blurry. He rinsed a few duck intestines and put them in Song Yingying's plate, "It's interesting to see you all in a hurry."

Bai Ling was stunned: "Wen Yijia, you have changed! You used to be very honest!"

Wen Yijia and Yang Zijin looked at each other and smiled, then Yang Zijin said, "What do you know? Men are not honest."

"Bah!" Bai Ling kicked him under the table, "You don't even have all the hair, what a man!"

Yang Zijin narrowed his eyes and looked at her: "You wait!"

Ouch! My ears are going to be broken! Song Yingying couldn't bear to watch any more, and buried her head in hard work.

Wen Yijia picked up the vegetables that she couldn't reach, and rinsed them for her.

After dinner, Yang Zijin sent Bailing home. Wen Yijia and Song Yingying walked towards the bus stop.

They can sit together for a few stops and then transfer.

Song Yingying was still sweating a little after eating the hot hot pot just now. She was not cold at all. Looking at the street lamp with a soft halo, she said to Wen Yijia, "It's great!"

"What?" Wen Yijia turned to look at her.

Song Yingying put her hands in her pockets and walked slowly, enjoying the quiet atmosphere, her heart was peaceful and content: "It's a good time now."

Life is simple, fulfilling and happy. Everyone is very good, Bailing and Yang Zijin are very good, and Wen Yijia is also very good.

Everyone is happy.

"I hope time stays at this moment and doesn't change." She whispered.

The current life is so beautiful that she felt a little reluctance in her heart. I am reluctant to move forward, afraid that there will be no such good times in the future.

Wen Yijia lowered her eyes and looked at the blurry and huge shadow on the ground. It was pitch-black, like an invisible monster.

He doesn't like the present time.

This was the most embarrassing, desolate, and unbearable moment in his life. He was as fat as a bear, and he didn't have the courage to confess to the girl he liked. He wished he had gone earlier.

"I am admitted to Agricultural University." When Song Yingying was about to get off the bus and was about to transfer, Wen Yijia suddenly said.

Song Yingying held the armrest and turned around in surprise: "Ah? Why?"

"Agricultural University has subjects that I like," he said.

And the girl he likes.

Song Yingying frowned: "Really? You don't look like... Hey, do you really like Agricultural University?"

"Otherwise? I went for you?" Wen Yijia asked rhetorically.

Song Yingying's eyes widened and she snorted, "It doesn't matter what you are! What do you want to test!"

Swipe your card and get out of the car.

It wasn't so hot now, and she shrank in her down jacket, stomping her feet. The corners of the mouth curled up. He is a big tester! very nice! We can meet and play together often in the future!

In a blink of an eye, the winter vacation was over, and everyone went back to school to start a more intensive review.

Some people give up because they think they can't pass the test, and some people just ask for leave and don't come to school. There are often empty seats in the classroom.

Yang Zijin still comes to class 9 every night for self-study. He is almost half of class 9 now. Teacher Xu doesn't care about him. Anyway, he never makes trouble.

It's like someone is pressing the needle of the clock and ticking quickly, and the next semester of high school will be over soon. Everyone didn't react, and they only felt that it was over before a few sets of papers were made, and a few refills were used up.

"It's so fast." Bai Ling and Song Yingying sighed as they packed up and went home.

There is no class on the last day, and the school asks everyone to go back for a day off, relax, and meet the college entrance examination in the best condition.

Song Yingying stood at the door of the classroom with her schoolbag in her arms, looking back at the half-empty classroom. Most of the classmates have left, and only a few classmates have not finished cleaning up, and they are hurriedly cleaning up there. In the past, the scene where people were sitting full of people, and everyone was burying their heads in writing papers, was obviously just yesterday.

Seeing the classroom that had suddenly become empty, Song Yingying felt a little empty in her heart. She nodded lightly and said reluctantly, "Yeah, so fast."

After graduation, many people will never see each other again. From the south to the north, to the east and the west. Only best friends can keep in touch. But even the best of friends may gradually lose touch.

Even so, everyone still did not turn back, and even left a little excitedly. Because in the future, there will be more people waiting to get acquainted, and a more exciting life waiting for them.

"Fortunately, we passed the test together." Bai Ling looked at Song Yingying with joy in her eyes, "The four of us are still good friends!"

Song Yingying closed her eyes and nodded lightly, "Yes."

After the college entrance examination, Yang Zijin's mother will find Bailing and tell her not to take the same university entrance examination with Yang Zijin.

Song Yingying couldn't do anything. Tell Bailing? Will things at home be resolved then? Can she provide the money Bailing needs? Can she intervene rashly, can it really make the relationship between Bai Ling and Yang Zijin go more smoothly? There are so many obstacles between them, full of variables.

Song Yingying was not sure. So she's not going to intervene. This made her feel a little uncomfortable and felt ashamed of her friend.

Bai Ling didn't notice anything strange about her, and the two separated downstairs in the classroom. Bai Ling and Yang Zijin saw her off, and Song Yingying went home by herself.

Wen Yijia didn't come today. Song Yingying sent him a text message, saying that he would come to pack up later.

In a blink of an eye, the high school entrance examination was over.

The four of them made an appointment to meet at a cold drink shop. Yang Zijin wanted to invite everyone to eat ice cream again. Song Yingying stopped him and asked him to invite Bai Ling to eat it. She and Wen Yijia paid for it themselves.

However, she and Wen Yijia often invite each other, and this time it was Song Yingying who invited Wen Yijia to eat.

The four of them sat in the cold drink shop, looking at the empty street outside. Occasionally, students came out of the school, and most of the students had already gone home.

"This is the end of the test, it's like a dream." Bai Ling looked out the window and said with emotion.

Song Yingying nodded: "I think so too."

"Wen Yijia, which university did you go to?" Bai Ling remembered again, looked at Wen Yijia and asked.

Song Yingying burst out laughing because of her persistence.

Looking at Wen Yijia, he saw Wen Yijia's face pale: "I won't tell you."

"Damn it!" Bai Ling thumped the table in anger, and looked at Song Yingying again, "Aren't you angry?"

Song Yingying shrugged: "He told me."

Bai Ling was stunned, then looked at Wen Yijia: "Brother Fat, what do you mean? Just tell Yingying, not us?"

"Who made you keep asking?" Wen Yijia said lightly.

Bai Ling was so angry that he grabbed Yang Zijin and pinched him, Yang Zijin screamed in exaggerated pain, and put her in his arms: "Okay, what are you angry about, he's either going to N university or agricultural university, what's there to guess? ."

The same boy, Wen Yijia's thoughts, the two girls can't see it, but he can see it.

When a man looks at a man, he picks a pig out of a pack of dogs, which is obvious.

When the words fell, Wen Yijia looked at him. The two men looked at each other for a moment, then separated.

"Hmph, I guess so too!" Bailing broke free from Yang Zijin's arms, straightened her hair, and then looked at Wen Yijia and said, "You are reluctant to part with us!"

She wanted to say, "You are reluctant to part with Yingying". She also had some vague feelings about Wen Yijia's thoughts. But since Wen Yijia didn't mention it and Song Yingying didn't know anything, she didn't say anything. This kind of thing, it is good for the parties to say it, but it is more troublesome when outsiders say it.

"How did you all do in the test?" Song Yingying asked them while taking a small mouthful of ice cream.

Bai Ling nodded: "Not bad. There should be no problem in taking the N major."

Yang Zijin said, "My family is rich."

Song Yingying was stunned for a moment, then became sour, she couldn't even eat the ice cream: "I knew I had asked you to invite me!"

Wen Yijia couldn't help laughing and gave her an idea: "If you're not afraid of diarrhea, you can have the second serving."

Song Yingying immediately said, "I'm not afraid!" She patted the table, "I order you as the first sister to buy me a taro-flavored ice cream!"

Yang Zijin glanced at her: "I reject you as a brother."

"Rich people are so stingy!" Song Yingying snorted and looked at Bai Ling again, "Look! What kind of boyfriend are you looking for! You are so stingy with your girlfriend's best friend! No future! Kick him!"

Bai Ling couldn't help laughing, she stood up and said, "He doesn't invite you, I will."

How could Yang Zijin let her go, press her, and go by himself.

After eating the second ice cream, Song Yingying was very satisfied and forgave a rich man.

"What are your plans for the summer vacation?" Bai Ling asked again, "For three months, what can you do?"

In the past, I used to brush the questions, and I kept brushing, and I didn't have time to think about these things. Now that there is plenty of time all of a sudden, I suddenly don't know what to do.

"Go on a tour?" Yang Zijin said, "I have a driver's license, so I'll drive you there?"

Bai Ling was a little moved, so she looked at Song Yingying: "Would you like to go together?" She was still very uncomfortable going out with Yang Zijin alone. If she went with a group, it wouldn't matter.

She looked at Song Yingying with a pleading look in her eyes, but Song Yingying refused her without hesitation: "I can't stand you guys! Tired of crooked every day!"

It's okay to be a light bulb once in a while, but every day, she is afraid that she will explode.

If she doesn't go, of course Wen Yijia won't either.

No matter how Bai Ling and Yang Zijin spend their summer vacation, Song Yingying intends to be a salted fish. Lying on the sofa every day, reading comics, chasing dramas, and waiting for the results to come out.

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