I Deliver Candy To Men

Chapter 194: black belly boy 1

Yingying looked around.

This is an extremely narrow space, like a cave, and the walls are made of uneven rocks.

In front of her is a huge black cauldron, and a red flame is burning under the black cauldron. She was sitting cross-legged by the flames, holding a very strange grass in her hand.

His eyes were fixed, falling on the red flame, and I saw a little orange light jumping in the depths of the flame, which was difficult to detect. He hurriedly used his spiritual power to wrap the orange light and take it out.

The red flame swayed, and then burned steadily again.

Yingying took out a small bottle from the storage bag, put the orange light in it, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

That's it, there will be no fryer incidents.

This time, she crossed into a world with an immortal background. The character she passed through was a simple and shy girl who was adopted by a Fu Xiu since she was a child.

The girl has no talent in Fu Dao, but has an unusual talent for alchemy, so Fu Xiu did his best to train her to learn alchemy.

Once, Fu Xiu was injured outside, and he needed a medicinal herb called "Yu Lingcao" as an introduction. But this herb is very precious, and they are too poor to buy it. It happened that Danzong was going to hold a grand event once every five hundred years. The top 100 would be rewarded, and the top three would be rewarded with "Jade Lingcao".

So, the girl who had never traveled far left the house and went to Danzong to participate in the grand event.

This time, countless alchemists from all over the world, including the heroine, were gathered at this event. But the heroine does not show people her original appearance. She has a unique magic weapon that can make herself appear as a man without being noticed by others.

Many girls admired "him", and so did the original owner, but seeing the original owner's round face and fat hands, the heroine said a few words to her alone, which caused the original owner to be jealous of many girls.

One of the girls had some connections in the alchemy sect, so that people played tricks on the fire of alchemy, and wanted to show the original owner some color. The original owner didn't notice that there was a problem with the fire, and when he blew the furnace, not only did the alchemy fail, but his face was also injured.

After she came out, she was ridiculed by the culprit and a few little sisters together. The original owner was embarrassed and angry. At this time, the heroine appeared, scolded the others, and then gave the original owner a precious Rong Rong Pill to restore her wounded appearance. usual.

The original owner was very grateful to "him" and silently fell in love with "him". Sad that she didn't win the award, she hurried home. Fu Xiu had no medicinal herbs to heal his wounds, and died soon after. After the original owner buried Fu Xiu, he packed his bags and went to find "him".

She has become stronger and wiser, she has avoided many obstacles along the way, and has also refined a lot of precious medicinal pills. She intends to give these medicinal pills to "him" and follow him.

She found "him" and followed "him" as she wished. Just when she became more affectionate, she found that "he" was actually her!

She was hit hard and couldn't accept this. She resented the heroine for cheating on her feelings. Since then, she has been blackened, complained about the heroine, fought against the heroine everywhere, and became the No. 1 villain.

As for the second villain, no one knows his real name, only that a red lotus mark will appear between his eyebrows when he is angry, and they call him Red Lotus.

He formed a relationship with the heroine during a treasure hunt in a secret realm. The two sides won and lost each other, and his luck was very good, and his cultivation speed was so fast that he could keep up with the heroine and always fight against the heroine.

But in a big melee, he was seriously injured by poisoning and lost his memory. He was picked up by the heroine who lost his memory. After testing, the heroine found that he who lost his memory was very harmless, but his cultivation was still there.

The villain fell in love with the heroine during the period of amnesia, and after regaining her memory, she could no longer simply hate her as before. When the heroine was in danger, he rescued her and died.

Before he died, he didn't want to look at the heroine, he used his last strength to knock the heroine away, and the corpse fell into the mouth of a piranha.

When the heroine woke up, she went to look for him again, but not a single corpse was found, only a bamboo flute that he had dropped.

He is a sound repairer.

"It's such a pity." Yingying sat cross-legged in front of the pill stove, holding her cheeks in one hand, and playing with the spirit grass beside her legs with the other, "It's a pity for the villain's female partner, and it's a pity for the villain's male partner."

The villain supporting actress was originally a simple and lovely girl, but she turned black because of the bumpy love road, which is really a pity. Weird and unfortunate.

As for the male villain, his positioning in the book is "What if you are lucky? The heroine is more lucky!", "What if you are talented? The heroine is more talented!" The Lord took the chance. And even if he grabs it, the heroine will be a blessing in disguise and get better.

"Bao'er, your task is not to let him lose his memory!" The system said, "If he still loses his memory, tell him everything as soon as possible. In short, don't let the amnesiac fall in love with the heroine!"

Yingying nodded: "Oh."

Seeing that the time was almost up, she threw the spirit grass in her hand into the pill furnace, then sat down cross-legged again, picked out the spirit grass to put in next, held it in her hand, and said to the system: "Then you put Why am I at this node? It will be more than a hundred years before he loses his memory, right?"

This place is where the female partner and the heroine meet. The male partner still doesn't know which corner to practice in.

"If you put you in earlier, you will have more time to practice!" The system said, "Otherwise, how can you stand firm in the big melee and save the male lead?"

Yingying thought for a while and said, "You're right. Oh, I'm so stupid."

She scratched her forehead embarrassedly.

"My dear baby, you can make alchemy well. After you get the reward, go home and save your adoptive father." The system said, "Dad leave first, and if there is anything, just call daddy."

"Okay, woohoo~"

Next, Yingying conscientiously concocted alchemy.

She is a wood spirit root, born close to living beings, and is a relatively pure wood spirit root, so it is very handy to make medicine pills. As long as she doesn't blow up the furnace, she will definitely make a very pure medicine pill and get the top ranking.

The setting of this immortal world is that all things have spirits, there are three thousand avenues, and people with spiritual roots in their bodies can absorb spiritual energy into their bodies and embark on the road of immortality.

Every cultivator can comprehend the Dao in various ways, break through the limits of his body, and then absorb more spiritual energy into his body, making himself stronger and longer, and his lifespan is getting longer and longer.

The way of perception includes but is not limited to Jian Xiu, Fu Xiu, Dan Xiu, etc., as well as the rare sound Xiu of the villain male supporting role.

Yingying is a relatively pure wood spirit root, and she is walking the road of Dan Xiu.

Mobilize the spiritual power in the body, probe into the elixir furnace, communicate with the spirit grass in a subtle way, remove the impurities and mutually exclusive parts in their bodies, and then combine the mutually beneficial parts together, and finally the elixir forms the elixir. Quite fun.

After the pill was completed, Yingying opened the pill furnace and held the three medicinal pills in her palm.

Pills also have spirits, but they are very weak, and only extremely pure wood spirit roots can experience it. Yingying felt it, they were lying in her palms excitedly, wanting to communicate with her.

Yingying was suddenly reluctant to hand it over.

All alchemy cultivators only need to hand over one pill, and the rest can be kept for themselves. But such a cute three pills, like the three little cuties she raised, she couldn't bear it!

But I am reluctant to pay it. This is someone's spiritual grass, someone's pill stove, someone's fire, and someone's cave. People only need one Chengdan, and let her take the rest, which is very generous!

After walking out of the cave, she handed in the medicinal pill she had refined.

Unexpectedly, the little cutie was not sad, and jumped into the hands of others happily.

Yingying's expression suddenly changed =. =

"Very pure medicine pill." The steward nodded approvingly, looking at Song Yingying with a much kinder look, and asked her name, school of origin, etc.

Yingying thought to herself, do you want to absorb her entry school?

There's nothing wrong with this, Danzong is a very orthodox sect of self-cultivation, and it is a big sect. If you are willing to absorb her, there will be no shortage of materials for alchemy in the future, and maybe you can get some materials for the foster father.

Well, the foster father is a piece of crap. His theoretical knowledge is very solid, but his talent is too poor, and his cultivation is very low.

"I don't have a school," she said. "My adoptive father bought a book for me to read, and I practiced it myself."

She has a round face, fat hands, and a soft voice. She looks so well-behaved. The steward looked at her with loving and loving eyes, as if seeing a younger generation who admired her: "Okay, okay."

In addition to Yingying, there were other monks who had refined good-quality medicinal pills, and the stewards all asked politely.

Sure enough, he wanted to absorb the outstanding Dan Xiu from this event into the sect.

In the end, Yingying won the second place.

The first is the heroine.

The hostess came over to congratulate her, and praised her for being unattractive.

Yingying's current body, although she is fifteen years old, doesn't have the slenderness of a girl at all. With a small round face and chubby hands, Bai Shengsheng is made of lotus root. Anyone who sees it will not think that she is a powerful alchemist.

"Thank you." She nodded to the heroine, and without saying anything, she took her reward and set foot on the return journey.

She told the steward that she had to ask her foster father before she could join Danzong. The steward agreed and gave her a communication stone. If her adoptive father agreed, he would use this to contact him and send someone to pick them up.

Because she didn't have a fryer and won the second place, the girl who framed her before was very unhappy. Yingying saw their bad eyes from a distance, so she did not go down the mountain by the main road, but asked the monks of Danzong and found a small road to go down the mountain.

Before going down the mountain, he handed the small bottle with the orange dots to the cultivator of Danzong.

Halfway through, I suddenly heard a strange muffled sound, like the sound of a fist hitting the flesh.

Yingying thought for a while and walked towards the place where the sound was made.

I saw four or five teenagers wearing the costumes of Danzong's handyman disciples, punching and kicking a group of gray shadows. While beating, scolding: "How dare you sue? Let you sue! You will sue again!"

"You've been expelled from the party!"

"The spirit stone that caused me to be punished for three months, you are dead!"

Yingying looked like this, as if she was bullying people, and the gray shadow curled up into a ball and didn't move, it was a bit worrying, she quickly appeared and said, "Stop!"

As her voice fell, the beating teenagers turned their heads: "Who is meddling?"

The gray shadow, who was curled up on the ground, opened his eyes slightly at this moment, his pupils were dark and emotionless, and he looked in Song Yingying's direction. His left hand, which was hidden under his body, was holding a handful of dark beads, and he quietly put it back into his arms.

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