I Deliver Candy To Men

Chapter 195: Little black belly 2

"Why did you beat him?" Yingying looked at the teenagers and asked, "What did he do wrong that you beat him to death?"

Several teenagers looked at her impatiently: "What's your business?"

"Little girl, hurry up!"

"If you don't get out, I'll clean up with you!"

Yingying was not annoyed either, she lowered her head and took out the communication stone from her pocket, which was given to her by Dan Zong's steward, held it in her hand, then raised her head and said, "If he offends you and you hit him, I can't control it. But if you bully you Man, I'm going to take care of it."

Saying that, she shook the communication stone in her hand: "I am now sending a letter to Dan Zong's steward, asking him to send someone down to preside over justice, what do you think?"

Several teenagers frowned, and two others with fierce eyes approached to grab the communication stone in her hand.

Yingying stepped back: "Don't bother, I will spread the message before you take it away. Are you releasing people, or what?"

A few teenagers found that she was not as soft as she looked, and there was a bit of hard air in her black and white eyes, and they couldn't help feeling like a ghost.

Yingying shook the communication stone again: "How is it? Will you let it go?"

Several teenagers glanced at each other, and then looked at the gray shadow still lying motionless on the ground. One of them said, "Forget it, he has been driven down the mountain, and we have learned a lesson. Let's go."

"You're lucky!" The group walked away arrogantly.

Yingying waited for them to walk away before putting away the communication stone and walking towards the gray shadow on the ground.

"Hello." She squatted down and touched him lightly, "Are you okay?"

Gray Shadow is a young boy. Most of his face is hidden in the messy hair, and if you don't look carefully, you can't find that his eyes are open.

Yingying was stared at by his dark pupils, and she was a little startled.

"Are you okay?" she asked again, "are you going to get up?"

Saying that, he stretched out his hand and gestured to help him.

The little boy's eyes moved and landed on her fleshy hands. After a pause, he slowly got up.

Don't ask her to help.

After Yingying waited for him to stand up, she realized that he was taller than she thought.

It looked like he was about thirteen or fourteen years old. But when he stood up, he was a little taller than her.

He was very thin, and there was not much meat all over his body.

A child who was driven down the mountain, dressed in such rags, where would he go after going down the mountain? Does he still have a home? The family may not be very good, right?

"Are you going down the mountain?" Yingying looked at him and asked tentatively, "Would you like to go together?"

The boy's eyes were pitch-black, with long eyelashes, and there was no emotion in them, like cold stones. He glanced at Yingying and lowered his head.

And Yingying's heart seemed to be hit by something because of his look.

When he lowered his head, his messy hair covered most of his face again, but his eyes were clearly reflected in Yingying's mind.

Beautiful beyond words.

Narrow, elegant.

Nonchalant, indifferent, as if he were a cold rock, and the world was nothing but a desolate place.

She opened her mouth, and it took a while to ease the shock of being hit.

Looking at his skinny appearance, he couldn't stand up straight, and he was wrapped in a gray robe that he didn't know where he got it, dirty and embarrassed.

"Are you going?" Yingying asked tentatively, "If you don't go, I'll go?"

The boy moved slightly and raised his head.

Looking at her with those unbelievably beautiful eyes.

He still didn't speak, but when someone looked at him, his heart softened.

Yingying didn't know what was wrong with her. Looking into his eyes, she couldn't let go of him. She thought to herself, maybe there is a fate with him, right? Otherwise, it wouldn't save him.

"Let's go together?" she said, stepping forward.

After two steps, he saw him follow.

Yingying continued to move forward. After walking a few steps, he turned his head and saw that he was following not far or near.

"Do you drink water?" She stopped, took out the water from the storage bag, and handed it in his direction.

After she stopped, the boy also stopped, looked up at her, but did not reach out to take it.

Yingying waited for a while, and when she saw that he didn't move, she tentatively took a step closer.

However, when she approached, he backed away, always keeping a short distance from her.

Yingying was helpless now, took the water bladder back, and continued to walk forward.

There was no turning back this time.

Although the little boy looked pitiful, she didn't have much thought about it, she wanted to go home to save her foster father.

She came from a far away place. Because her family was poor, she couldn't afford to buy a spirit beast, and she couldn't even rent it. It took half a year to come here.

Although this is the world of Xianxia, ​​monks have spiritual power in their bodies, walk faster than ordinary people, and have high fatigue resistance, but this world is unusually vast, and the distance between towns is very far. In contrast, those spiritual powers are not enough. read.

She has to rush back early to refine the elixir to save her foster father. In the original book, after she hurried back, her foster father was already dead.

Thinking of the two middle-grade medicinal pills in the jade bottle, Yingying planned to sell them, rent a spirit beast, and go home as soon as possible.

She thought so, walking faster and faster.

When I reached the foot of the mountain, I remembered something and looked behind me.

Then she was surprised to find that the little boy actually followed, still at the same distance.

Seeing her stop, he stopped too.

After thinking about it, Yingying beckoned to him: "Come here."

The young man does not move.

"If you don't come, I'll leave." Yingying said, "I'm not from Danzong, and my family is not here."

The boy hesitated for a moment, then slowly walked towards her.

Yingying had an inexplicable feeling of coaxing small animals out of the forest.

He took out some water and food and handed it to him: "I'm leaving, take care of yourself and don't be bullied again in the future."

The teenager looked down at the water and food she handed over, but didn't take it. He lowered his eyes and said in a low voice, "I don't have a home."

His voice was unusually soft, clear and clean, not at all like the alertness and coldness he displayed. When Yingying heard this, she raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"So, what are you going to do?" she asked.

The young man lowered his head and shook his head slowly.

Yingying couldn't help but have a big head. After thinking about it, she asked, "How old are you?"

The young man shook his head.

"Don't remember?" Yingying asked in surprise.

The boy still shook his head.

"Don't want to talk?" Yingying asked again.

The boy did not shake his head this time.

"You really are." Yingying scratched her face, "I can't help you much, I'm poor myself."

After a pause, "Why were you driven down the mountain before? Was it a misunderstanding, or did you do something wrong? If you are not afraid of being bullied and can protect yourself, I will help you to beg for mercy and see if you can go up the mountain again?"

The boy still shook his head.

Yingying can't do it now. There was nothing she could do to a person who said nothing but shook his head.

"Keep these." She pushed the water and food towards him again, "I'm leaving."

The boy raised his head, but there was still no emotion in his beautiful eyes. Slowly, he moved.

He reached into his arms, grabbed a handful of dark beads, and stretched out: "This is for you."

"What?" Yingying asked in surprise.

The young man said in a clean and clear voice: "The ecstasy bomb, I made it myself. If someone bullies you, throw it **** the ground, and those people will be stunned and won't bully you again."

Yingying was extremely surprised: "They bullied you just now, why don't you use it? Isn't it very precious?"

The young man shook his head slightly.

Yingying didn't believe it.

If it wasn't very valuable, how could he be beaten like that?

She felt that this young man was very sincere and a little silly. She gave him water and food, but he didn't want it, and in turn gave her something.

Seeing that he was always at a distance from her, as if he didn't dare to approach her, and felt that such a timid child was alone, what should I do?

Hesitating for a while.

She couldn't bear to leave him, but took him on the road? She was afraid that the entanglement would not be enough.

"Would you like to come with me?" She hesitated, but still sent an invitation, if he wanted to, they would make alchemy for people on the way, and make some money, "But I'm really poor, my family is very poor, you follow my words , it might not be all right.”

Unexpectedly, the young man's reaction was quick this time, and he nodded lightly to her.

"You want to come with me?"

The young man nodded.

He has always spoken very little, and Yingying is used to it.

"Then let's go," she said.

The boy followed behind her.

This time, it was not far away, but one step behind her.

Yingying felt his closeness and asked him, "What's your name?"

"Flower rain." He said.

Yingying couldn't help laughing. Not only does he have a beautiful voice, but his name is also very beautiful.

"My name is Song Yingying," she said. "I'm fifteen years old and older than you. You can call me Sister Yingying."

The boy lowered his eyes and didn't cry.

Yingying made a face: "You are disobedient. Let me tell you, disobedient children have no candy."

She rummaged through her storage bag, there was no sugar, only the jerky Fu Xiu made for her. She didn't finish it on the way here, and there was some left over.

She took out a few pieces of jerky, held it in her palm, and pulled it with her chubby fingers: "Obvious children have delicious food."

Saying that, he glanced at him.

He raised his head, looked at her, and looked at the jerky in her hand.

Yingying could see the longing in his eyes, and he could also see him swallowing.

Only to hear his clear voice sound: "I beg you a hundred times, will you give me something to eat?"

Yingying was stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, she couldn't believe it and said, "In the past, someone played tricks on you like this?"

He didn't speak, and lowered his eyes.

Yingying felt very uncomfortable. Grabbing his arm, regardless of his stiffness, he patted the jerky into his hand: "You will be my brother from now on. I won't play tricks on you."

After a pause, "If you are obedient, I will hurt you more. But if you are not obedient, I will not bully you."

The words still need to be made clear.

Who doesn't like funny kids? It would be cool to have a well-behaved younger brother Tiantian with long sister and short sister.

Yingying took her newly picked younger brother into the nearest city, went to the auction house, and sold her two pills.

These are two foundation pills. For a major sect like Danzong, it is a relatively common medicinal pill. But in the monks, there is still a market, or the most popular. Especially the two foundation building pills refined by Yingying are of excellent condition, and the success rate of foundation building is relatively high.

The auction house is a relatively formal force, and will not bully her just because she is a little girl, and give her a very fair price, enough for her to rent a spirit beast to go home, and have enough money to eat and drink.

Yingying was very happy and took Huayu out of the auction house.

Unexpectedly, he was followed.

"Come here!" Hua Yu grabbed Yingying's hand and ran on the street.

Yingying thought he was very good at avoiding people, so she didn't think much and ran after him. Unexpectedly, he took her to a dead end.

"Ah!" Hua Yu looked at the high wall in front of her and called out dumbly, looking down at Yingying, her face a little helpless.

When Yingying saw him like this, she didn't want to scold him, she just said, "It's alright, it's alright. My sister should reason with them."

Of course the other party is not a reasonable person. The three middle-aged monks looked cold and vicious, and one had a wicked smile on his face: "Little girl, be good, I won't let you suffer."

Yingying secretly said not good!

Don't be afraid of others stealing things, just be afraid of them hurting people!

Just when she was racking her brains to think about what to do, she heard Hua Yu's low voice in her ears: "Sister, the ecstasy bomb I gave you."

Yingying suddenly remembered, grabbed it in her hand, and threw it hard at the three middle-aged monks!

"Bang bang bang!"

The ecstasy bomb landed on the ground, making a deafening noise. After a burst of smoke, several deep pits appeared on the ground, along with three remnants.

One of the cultivators' face was blown off in half, and his whole head was bloody, and his indistinct voice sounded: "Little girl, such a vicious heart!"

Yingying jumped back in shock!

When her back touched something, she hurriedly turned her head and said angrily, "Didn't you say Ecstasy?!"

Hua Yu was dumbfounded, as if she didn't believe the scene in front of her, and murmured, "How could this happen?"

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