I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 110 Ten Ways to See Souls

Hearing that Master actually said that he was going to travel around, Chen Chu smiled and said that he was the only one in a building as big as Sanshan Palace. Don't forget that when he came back, everything would have been emptied...

This time he didn't hang up the phone, wanting to try a new guess.

If the phone stays on the phone, time flows at the same rate as the real world. Then if the phone stays on the phone, wouldn't some things be much more convenient...

For example, the master is going to Longhu Mountain to get a refuge certificate for his junior sister’s name and horoscope. It will be completed in a few days. If he hangs up the phone and disconnects the time synchronization, then how many days, months or years has he been here? , the time Master spent there was just as if he had just hung up the phone...

Sanshanzi was a little confused.

But it doesn't matter, after he becomes immortal anyway, the entire Sanshan Palace will be left to Chen Si, the eldest disciple. However, he asked Chen Chu to call the landline number of Sanshan Palace because he had to bring his mobile phone with him, otherwise he would not be able to scan the QR code to buy tickets when he went down the mountain.

during the following days.

Chen Chu was not in a hurry to go out and take over the task.

Instead, practice various skills you have in the lounge...

He unexpectedly discovered that there are two skills that can actually strengthen each other, namely "Spraying Flame" and "Crying Wind".

Under normal circumstances, if he continues to spray flames, the furthest distance is about three meters, because the flames will float upward involuntarily, and the ends are extremely scattered.

Therefore, he would use the flame spray to attack nearby to ensure maximum effect.

Another way of spraying fire is to increase the distance, which is to condense the flame in the mouth by spitting, and spray it out with a fire bead to reach a distance of five or six meters. However, the distance is increased, but the sustainability is lost. , spit out fire beads, and then cannot continue to spit out fire.

The flame caused by the fire beads can only last for fifteen seconds before extinguishing.

Now he has the wind-breathing skill. When he breathes fire, he waves his hand to the wind. The flames that were originally only two or three meters will be carried forward by the wind and then spread out to five or six meters, adding up to a distance of nearly nine meters...

It's just a pity that the flame spray skill can only be used once a day.

As for the wind-breathing skill, as long as your hands are not sore, you can breathe wind infinitely...

There was also the Shunpo. Chen Chu knew that this skill would consume stamina, but he never expected that it consumes stamina first and then consumes it directly at once.

This led to a situation where after using Shunpo, after waiting for about two or three seconds, his eyes would turn black. It was a bit like a person with low blood pressure who squatted on the ground for a long time and suddenly stood up, and their eyes would turn black...

He can also use Shunpo multiple times in a row, but this will consume more and more energy at once, and the time in front of his eyes will be darkened, which will also be accompanied by dizziness and brain swelling.

So you have to be careful when using Shunpo.

Chen Chu also practiced sword and boxing skills by the way, so he couldn't let his skills become rusty due to his ordinary life. But he unlocked another interesting thing...

He suddenly had a whim, the drumstick boy had hands and feet, and except for its somewhat terrifying appearance, it was not much different from human structures. Could it also be able to exercise and learn swordsmanship and boxing?

Practice has proved that this is feasible.

It's just that the drumstick boy's body is as small as a five-year-old child, and his strength is also very ordinary. When he wields the Qingshui Sword, his small body will always be carried around by the heavy sword. As Chen Chu's movements continue to improve, the long The sword actually made the guy with drumsticks use the feeling of a giant sword, and with the help of his strength, the tiger and the tiger became powerful...

I practiced like this for about half a month.

Chen initially wanted to go on a mission. He wanted to take a vacation and return to the real world to see his parents. It had been too long since he had seen the second elder, and he missed it a little...

Chen Chu walked out of the lounge.

Chicken Leg Boy stood at the door reluctantly and looked at him.

Chen Chu told it not to touch the phone in the break room and play with other things freely, but the things outside the break room must not be touched, especially the big stove... It is very dangerous. Don't wait for him to come back. The stove suddenly reminded him that he had to get it. A burnt corpse of a demon boy...

Not long in the ash stone space.

A white halo appeared under Chen Chu's feet, and a breeze surrounded him...

He used the wind-calling skill in a wicked way. With a wave of his hand, it seemed that the two winds were incompatible and penetrated each other.

Black and white chaos, the world is upside down.

Severe dizziness.

open one's eyes.

He was standing on the side of a country road.

There are street signs with Savadika script written on them.

Will the world send me directly abroad this time? he thought.

The breeze came slowly, and the weeds and wildflowers on the side of the path swayed in the wind, which also blew the corners of Chen Chu's clothes. He bent down and skillfully opened the duffel bag at his feet, took out the documents inside and looked at it.

Or mainland tourists.

This identity is so versatile.

No need to make it up.

There is a handbag in the duffel bag. There are small denominations of Thai baht and coins in the small compartment, and the large compartment is filled with banknotes, all in denominations of 1,000 baht. The number is estimated to be around two or three hundred thousand...

Chen Chu's heart didn't waver at all.

This amount of money is very ordinary. Even 1 million baht is only a few hundred thousand in mainland currency.

However, Savadika is not an ordinary country. In the real world, it is a country that is relatively good at making horror and supernatural movies. Others include the United States, the island country, the Bangzi country, and its own Bay Island and Hong Kong Island, etc.

at this time.

A blue agricultural tricycle with a hood rumbled by in the distance.

Chen Chu's pupils shrank, and the white wax stone characters that were closely related to the floor appeared on the three-wheeled agricultural vehicle at this moment. Although it was far away, the font was large enough and did not affect the recognition.

[Chang Gui got an evil book "Ten Ways to See Ghosts" which described ten ways to see ghosts. This book killed four of his friends. Chang Gui regretted it and hoped that some experts could experience this book (five See the ghost method above), see its horror, and then destroy it to prevent it from continuing to spread. 】

It’s actually the Ten Ways of Seeing Ghosts?

A funny figure tapping his teeth with chopsticks appeared in Chen Chu's mind. This funny man is one of the male protagonists in the movie "Hell and Hell", but unfortunately he also cannot escape death.

Chen Chu watched the drama "Ten Ways of Hell" ten years ago, and the plot was not complicated.

It probably looks like this:

The protagonist Dezi and his cousin May, together with a couple Gao Hui and April, were invited by Changgui, a friend of Savadika country, to form a team and go on a trip...

At night, the five of them were bored and not satisfied with telling ghost stories. Changgui took out a copy of "Ten Ways to See Ghosts" that he got by accident and invited them to play with ghosts together. First the cup fairy, then the bowl knocking at the crossroads, and finally the black cat playing hide and seek in the woods late at night.

Gao Hui accidentally offended a ghost by peeing, and was covered by the ghost and fell into the underworld. Four people searched to no avail. Gao Hui's girlfriend thought Gao Hui was dead, so she wanted to find his ghost. She first put on makeup in the mirror at midnight, and then tried on the corpse. He wiped his eyes with mud, but to no avail. In the end, he cut his wrists and committed suicide out of sadness...

The remaining two siblings, Dezi and May, couldn't let go of Gao Hui, so with the help of Changgui's mother, they put on a shroud and pretended to be dead and entered the underworld. They successfully found Gao Hui and his girlfriend, but Gao Hui didn't come back, so they had to When I came back by myself, I missed the time to return to the sun because of my dilly-dallying, and they also died...

The plot ends.

To sum up, except for the foreign friend Changgui who survived, the foursome who went to Sawadika country all died.

The plot is so simple and crude. What is worth investigating is the source of "Ten Ways to See Hell". It is an old bookstore and the owner of the store who looks strange when he wears glasses...

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