It seems that the protagonist group has already set off. The shape of this car is very similar to the car at the beginning of the movie.

Although the position where Pewter Stone places him is a bit off every time, it always has something to do with the mission commission. It is good to put him directly in front of the protagonist group this time...

He stood on the roadside and made a stop sign.

This agricultural vehicle showed no intention of stopping. Maybe it didn’t want to be carried because of its foreign face. Chen Chu took out a 100 baht note from his pocket with his second finger and shook it.

The agricultural vehicle that had been speeding past suddenly braked suddenly and slowly reversed back.

In the cab was a bearded man in his forties. He put his left hand on the car window and had a cigarette in his mouth. He looked Chen Chu up and down and said, "Where are you going, little brother?"

Chen Chu didn't understand the Savadika language and was a little surprised. He handed over the 100 baht, clasped his hands and said Savadika, and then said loudly: "I'm a tourist, I can't understand what you are saying, and I'm lost. Can you take me around for a while?"

The driver was stunned for a moment. Savardika was spoken by a woman, and Savardikap was spoken by a man. But looking at Chen Chu’s foreign appearance, he definitely didn’t understand this. It doesn’t matter. There are too many foreigners who don’t understand... …

He took the banknote and flicked it, with a smile on his face, and made an OK gesture. Although he didn't know what Chen Shisawadika said behind him, there was nothing wrong with sending it to a prosperous area, where there were many tourists who could speak foreign languages. intermediary……

Chen Chu came to the back of the car.

The carriage is very simple, with only one long chair on each side.

There were three men and two women sitting on the right, and two children and a... woman on the left.

He recognized that the three men and two women were the five members of the protagonist group. At this moment, they were laughing and joking with each other. They never imagined how profound lessons this overseas trip would bring.

He climbed up with his duffel bag and sat down on the bench with two children on the left. These are two local kids, one holding a slingshot and the other holding a toy gun and aiming around...

The kid with the slingshot suddenly aimed at Chen Chu next to him.

Chen Chu unzipped his duffel bag, pulled out the rubber band of his casual pants, hung it on his thumb and index finger, and aimed at the child holding the slingshot. Two circles of rubber band, this is to use the rubber band to pop directly on his face...

Immediately change the target and hit the projectile on the slingshot to the opposite side, just hitting the protagonist's forehead.

Dezi kept rubbing his forehead and did not care about the child. He looked at Chen Chu and smiled: "My friend also speaks Mandarin? I just heard you tell the driver that you got lost while traveling here? Didn't you find a guide?"

Chen Chu smiled and nodded: "Yes, life is fast-paced, so I took advantage of a little free time to go abroad for fun. I just came out in a hurry. I didn't make a guide or find a tour guide. I got here as soon as I got on the plane and got off the plane. I lost my way. I can’t speak the language, and I don’t even know what to do tonight…”

Dezi was holding a video camera in his hand to film Chen Chu, and said: "Really, that's just right. We also went abroad to have fun, but we are much luckier than you. We have a good brother, Changgui, as a tour guide. He is a local here!"

If you don't mind, you can join our team for a while. If you want to find a tour guide by yourself, my brother Changgui can help you. "

Chen Chu showed an expression of surprise: "Really? That's great. It feels safe to have a few people from my hometown who say the same thing when I go out. But I won't join the group in vain. How much does your friend's tour guide fee cost?" You still have to pay.”

The long-haired girl next to Dezai quietly pinched his leg and said in a low voice that there would be problems if this young man carrying a luggage bag had an unknown origin and just randomly recruited people to form a team...

Dezi didn't care at all. He shook the video recorder in his hand: "What are you afraid of? I'm recording everything. No bad guy can escape. Besides, are the five of us afraid of one person? You are a bit too nervous... …”

The girl is Dezi's cousin May.

She looked at the other three people: "What do you think? Do you agree to add someone?"

Changgui, a local, said that as long as a few of them agreed, it would be fine, and he didn't care.

Gao Hui and his girlfriend looked at Chen Chu and saw that his skin was fair and supple, unlike people who were exposed to the sun for a long time. He should be the kind of person who sits in an office for a long time and worked. They said that they could join and they could help each other when they were out. a little……

The agricultural vehicle drove to a village in the countryside.

It turns out that Changgui's mother lives here. She is an old woman in her fifties who is not good at talking, but she cooks a lot of local specialties to entertain Dezi and the others...

Full of wine and food.

There isn't much to enjoy in the countryside.

They gathered in a circle and told ghost stories.

Dezi told a strange thing that happened to his uncle. He told the story of an office worker who met a fainted old woman at night and carried her to the newsstand to look for help. However, when his uncle saw that the woman he was carrying was not a human being, it was clearly a paper doll.

Everyone was expressionless.

Chen Chu yawned.

In the movie, the part where they tell a ghost story is also matched with scenes. When they heard the description of Zi with a ferocious face and bared his teeth and claws, everyone sprayed saliva in their faces. They all felt that he was scarier than a ghost.

Then Gao Hui told a ghost story, saying that the sister of a friend in Hong Kong was staying at the fire station. She woke up in the middle of the night and heard the sound of drills.

She looked out the window and saw that there was actually a team of Japs practicing on the playground. The Japs captain discovered her and immediately opened his mouth full of maggots and started bleeding, shouting, which scared the girl and fainted...

Chen Chu was quite satisfied with this story. He was referring to the scene in the movie, especially the close-up of the Japanese captain raising his head and bleeding from his orifices, which scared him to the point of trembling when he was a child.

Finally, Changgui appeared.

He took out a book with a black cover and a gilded title. He first told a ridiculous joke, and then finally watched everyone get to the point. He walked around and asked in a low voice: "Have you... seen Is it a ghost? This book is called "Ten Ways to See Ghosts" and I bought it from a very mysterious second-hand bookstore. The owner is also very mysterious!

The book records ten ways to teach people to see ghosts, including cornea replacement, pregnancy suicide, cup fairy, crossroad ghost, ghost hunting, corpse smearing, holding an umbrella in the house, combing hair in front of the mirror at midnight, hanging one's head upside down and removing ghosts. die.

The first two types of cornea replacement and pregnancy suicide have been tried by some people. We can choose one of the latter ones to try. "

Chen Chu didn't speak.

He was originally planning to participate in the Ten Ghost Games. In the early ghost games, the protagonist group was quite frightened, but it was not life-threatening...

Changgui flipped through a few pages, pointed to one of the illustrations and said, since we are in the house, let's play Cup Fairy. All we need is a piece of paper filled with various words and an ordinary cup.

He made a short square table, covered it with white paper, and wrote commonly used words such as yes, no, me, good, danger, etc. He took out a transparent glass and turned it upside down on the paper, and pressed his index finger on the cup first. bottom.

Several other people, including Chen Chu, pressed their index fingers up, and then there was silence for a while. You looked at me and I looked at you. Dezi asked if he needed any more spells?

Changgui glanced at the "Ten Ways to See Ghosts" and said that it was written in the book. When the props are ready, just press the cup and wait. There is no need to say any spells or perform any actions. When the cup moves on its own, it means that something is coming. It's just that once the game starts, they must play until the end, otherwise danger will come to them...

I revised it a bit, drained the water, and reduced the three chapters to two. It’s too late to rewrite the third chapter, so I will accumulate it into tomorrow’s chapter.

By the way, in the past few days, everyone has found that chapter comments and paragraph comments cannot be seen, and are displayed as 0 comments. This is normal, because during special times, the comment area will be controlled.

However, I can still see the comments everyone posted in the background.

Also, ask for monthly tickets every day. . .

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