I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 210 Save yourself from the future

The nurse in the delivery room was holding a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. She didn't say whether it was a boy or a girl.

The man went over and said thank you and carefully took the baby. Perhaps because he was a father for the first time, his posture in holding the baby was a bit awkward, as if he was lifting bricks. In the end, it was corrected by the old woman's reminder. The old woman opened the swaddling clothes and took a look inside. She suddenly smiled and said, "It's a boy." Seeing her son's speechless look, she coughed twice and said that he must know in the end.

Chen Chu leaned forward, his pupils split into two, and his pupils hovered.

His heart sank. There was actually a small black streak on the forehead of the baby who was less than half an hour old.

After looking closely, I discovered that the black energy on living people is different. The black energy on the old woman's eyebrows is almost completely penetrated and only a small tail is left. The black energy on the man is half penetrated, and the black energy on the baby is like a blood-sucking worm. Use a suction cup-like tone to stick tightly to the center of his little eyebrows...

Chen Chu had a new speculation in his mind.

Perhaps the human body in this world is a barrier, naturally able to resist the invasion of black energy. The younger the person, the stronger the resistance. Before a baby is born, he is an embryo and is in an innate state. Black energy cannot enter the soul. After birth, the first breath is taken. The air changes from nature to nature, and the black air can get closer...

As a living person ages, his soul matures, and his body decays, the degree of black energy invasion increases. When a living person dies, the body completely loses its defenses, and the black energy becomes overwhelming, penetrating deeply into the soul, crazily eating away at the essence of the soul, causing the soul without the support of obsession to disappear in a moment.

The man was excited and at a loss as he held the child. Being a father also brought a series of responsibilities on his shoulders.

His eyes were slightly red, and he didn't know why he felt like crying when he looked at the little child. He endured his emotions and handed the child to his mother: "Mom, please give the child a blessing from the Taoist priest, and then take it to the mother. Go to the delivery room, I'll wait outside the delivery room. Axiang gave birth to the baby by caesarean section. I heard that she had to make several cuts on her belly. I can't let her leave the delivery room with the door empty and no one waiting for her..."

The old woman seemed to recall something in her son's words and wanted to say a few words, but finally she said: "You are right..."

Chen Chu looked at the scene in front of him. It was simple, warm and rare.

He made a seal with his right hand, gently brushed the baby's brow and said: "Blessings and Immeasurable Heavenly Lord..." Meng Jie's sponge instantly took away the small black air and sealed it, and replaced it with a small flame.

The soul and the physical body are in the same proportion. The soul is invaded as much as the physical body is invaded. The soul of the baby who has taken away the black energy is perfect and intact. The flame transformed by Meng Jie's sponge floats on the center of his eyebrows. Fortunately, ordinary people cannot see the existence of flames, otherwise they would be shocked...

After blessing the baby, he also removed the old woman's black energy. After she left with the baby, the man also received his wife Axiang from the delivery room. The two seemed to have a very good relationship.

Watch them leave.

Ten minutes later, another woman who was about to give birth came. She was lying on the mobile hospital bed and was slowly pushed over by the nurse. Chen Chu immediately greeted her, grabbed the railing of the trolley and asked about the situation with concern. He waved his hand across the mother's cheek and took the baby's hand. The black energy is replaced by the divine fire, and the movements are as skillful as flowing clouds and flowing water...

The nurse was shocked and said: "Sir, her surname is Lan, not Chen. Are you mistaken?"

Chen Chu showed an expression of realization and said awkwardly: "Sorry, I thought it was my friend. I came over in advance and waited here. I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."


After the mother entered the delivery room, several family members came and gathered around the door of the delivery room.

This was faster. In about forty minutes, the nurse came out with the baby in her arms. Chen Chu took a look through the crowd and found that, as he had guessed, the black air was not divided into pieces like rice seedlings planted in the dark sky. It is planted in their ancestors and passed down from generation to generation through reproduction.

The speed at which human beings reproduce their descendants is not simple. Ten people can only produce twenty in a hundred years. After that, the previous number will be multiplied by two every hundred years. The more you multiply, the more terrifying it becomes. Chen Chu saw almost all the people on the street who had been infected. He knew without guessing that the number of people who had been infected with black energy in the first place was far more than ten, or even hundreds, or even thousands...

He had just removed the black energy from the mother, so the newborn had no black energy and had a small divine fire.

After confirming this result, the huge stone weighing on Chen Chu's heart finally fell to the ground. He was very afraid that the black energy could spread endlessly, but the divine fire could only be planted one by one manually, so it would be difficult for him to complete the task in this world even if he spent his whole life.

this day.

Chen Chu has been staying at the obstetrics and gynecology hospital.

The method of removing black seed fire is becoming more and more skillful, just like a pickpocket, and the process can even be completed with a wave of the hand when passing by.

This is a large hospital. By the time Chen Chu left, a total of more than twenty children had been born that day, and all of them had endured the divine fire due to his efforts.

Back in the apartment, everyone shared the day's work experience with each other.

Chen Chu plans to set up a small "Future Care Fund" to promote care for many pregnant women in the society. He invites experts to edit manuals, give lectures, and spread various correct parenting knowledge. Every pregnant woman who participates in the lectures will get a copy. A little care package…

He has no money, so why would he dare to set up such an organization?

The sponsor is Su Yuan, who has left the anti-gravity research group. According to Yoshiharu Hashimoto, Su Yuan is the daughter of a wealthy group in Wandao, and she also has a social background, which is very impressive. This is why Su Yuan steals ghosts. Failure, he did not continue to delve into the reason.

Will the imprisoned ghosts be known to the common people and then criticized by thousands of people?

He didn't care about such things. He was mainly worried that the consortium and forces behind Su Yuan would take action. It would be easy to destroy this anti-gravity research team...

Su Yuan is a very self-centered woman and a very smart woman, but she is very utilitarian and occasionally has a brain twitch.

After everyone discussed it, various accident plans were prepared.

Chen Chu was responsible for pulling the person back. Su Yuan showed up very cooperatively when the savior was in need.

When she learned that the world was so terrifying, she felt bad. Ordinary people were afraid of such things, let alone a powerful group like them! Immediately indicate that you want to raise the stakes! Promote this plan more vigorously, with the Bay Island as the center and radiating to the surrounding areas...

Su Yuan is indeed a very ambitious woman.

When it comes to saving the world, she is very arrogant and domineering, and even feels that it is too little. I hope that Chen Chu will agree to recruit a few core members of her family group to increase their influence and increase their influence like crazy! Chen Chu quickly suppressed her inflated thoughts. Everything is difficult at the beginning, and every step must be taken steadily at the beginning. Such a welfare institution will spread crazily as soon as it is established. Even if they have good intentions, they will be turned into a big mistake by someone with good intentions!

Chen Chu sighed deeply.

After leaving the world of "School Graveyard", I thought there would be no chance to use money to cure evil again.

I didn't expect that in the seemingly ordinary but undercurrent world of "The Silk", it would come in handy again, and its scope of influence would be aimed at all pregnant women it can relate to...

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