I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 211 I remove the devil

Just when the "Future Care Fund" plan was in full swing, something went wrong with the anti-gravity Mengjie sponge.

The scientific research team that had no funds was restarted with Su Yuan's large capital injection. Dr. Hashimoto Yoshiharu followed the original formula and materials exactly, and indeed created two more Mengjie sponge matrixes the size of rice grains. However, after Chen Chu Tests showed that the newly created Mengjie sponge could not be transformed into divine fire crystals at all...

in other words.

This is true not only for new sponges, but also for the palm-sized old sponge on Hashimoto Yoshiharu’s hand.

Hashimoto Yoshiharu speculated that the divine fire transformed by the Mengjie sponge in Chen Chu's hand was unique, which meant that as long as this mother fire existed, other Mengjie sponges would not have the possibility of transforming the divine fire.

The good news is that Chen Chu's Mengjie sponge seems to have an extraordinary growth rate. How many flames are separated can replenish as many sponges in a short time. Hashimoto Yoshiharu is also confused about this, because in everything, there must be gains. , but the law of conservation of energy is of no use to Chen Chu...

Half a month.

Under the promotion of the "Future Care Fund" plan, tens of thousands of Shenhuo were distributed. In order to save Chen Chu's Mengjie sponge, Hashimoto Yoshiharu also donated his own large sponge to trap the collected black energy. Even though he spent a long time in the laboratory in his apartment, he learned nothing. Although the original sponge could not be converted into divine fire, it could be used to store divine fire...

Su Yuan and two other anti-gravity research members left Hong Kong Island with a large amount of separated Shenhuo and a small part of Mengjie sponge to continue promoting it elsewhere.

Just when everyone thought things could go on smoothly like this.

The mutation still happened, and the dark sky descended again. This time, not only Chen Si, but all the residents of the Bay Island and even the people in the surrounding lands could see the dark sky pressing down! !

Chen Chu's divine fire plan can no longer be hidden.

When you turn on the TV, more than 80% of the channels are reporting on this matter. In the TV screen, it is clearly daytime, and the sky is darker than night. There is a reporter standing on the outermost beach of the Bay Island, pointing into the distance. The rough sea means that all ships leaving Hong Kong Island, whether they are small fishing boats or large cruise ships, are pushed back by the waves...

The camera is facing the sky outside the scope of the Bay Island. It seems to be another world, with bright sunshine and clear sky. It seems that only the Bay Island is particularly cared for and plunged into darkness.

Hashimoto Yoshiharu silently speculated that Dark Sky was aware that the Divine Fire Plan was destroying the black energy foundation it left behind.

He began to lose patience and concentrated all the erosion evenly distributed around the world on the bay island. He wanted to carry out indiscriminate attacks and destroy lives to force Chen Chu to go out...

The world is a glass fishbowl. When external attacks change from one aspect to another, there is a risk of collapse. This operation of Dark Sky is equivalent to no longer pretending, showing off its cards, and directly declaring its existence to the ants!

Television news broadcasts are live broadcasts.

The reporter who was still talking just now staggered a few steps and fell to the ground. Her eyebrows were bleeding continuously and in pain. Her eyes became red. She looked around, grabbed a stone from the ground with both hands and threw it at the photographer. In the picture, the photographer The teacher fell in front of the camera, soaked with blood and turned red.

Chen Chu walked to the apartment and opened the window, looking at the dark sky: "Heaven and earth are unkind? No, neither heaven nor earth, they are just evil heretics who can't afford to play games and are incompetent and furious!"

He turned around and took out his luggage bag in the apartment room, turned all the Mengjie sponges in his hands into divine fire, gently placed it on the table, and said with a smile: "Hashimoto Yoshiharu, you have a strong self-esteem and a strong will." Desire, but not bad in nature! This complete divine fire is given to you."

Push the door open.

"Mr. Chen Chu, what do you want to do?"

Hashimoto Yoshiharu looked at the unpredictable divine fire on the table and had a bad feeling in her heart. She stood up quickly with a cane and asked! He originally thought that he only cared about himself, but he didn't expect that within just half a month of Chen Chu's arrival, he would have a wonderful feeling of confidant deep in his heart...

"I'm going out to slay a demon."

Chen Chu held the duffel bag in his right hand, turned his back to him, waved his left hand gently twice, and then went downstairs...

Hashimoto Yoshiharu's pupils contracted violently and his heart felt a little uncomfortable. Chen Chu was like a roundworm in his stomach. He always knew what he was thinking and what he wanted. He didn't have the strange eyes and differentiated communication of secular people. In front of Chen Chu, Hashimoto Yoshiharu feels that she is a normal person.

"Mr. Chen Chu, you are so irrational. So many people have died, so what does it matter? Don't forget, there is an old saying in your country, 'If you leave green hills, you won't have to worry about having no firewood to burn'! Come back, come back quickly! 8 Damn it! I'm going to be pissed off by you..."

He had difficulty with his legs and feet, so he chased him out on crutches. Unexpectedly, he fell down the stairs and fell on the corner. He only suffered some muscle strain.

He threw the crutch aside and hit the wall with his fist. After half a month of getting along with him, he couldn't see that Chen Chu was also an ambitious man, but his ambition was too big. He wanted to save all mankind and fight with the one in the sky. Fighting like a being from a myth...

Mr. Chen Chu, I don’t understand why you would do such a stupid thing when you seem so smart.

There are more than 7 billion registered people in the world, so what if hundreds of thousands die? You don’t have to lead a charge for this kind of thing, and the world is not yours alone! I don’t believe that no one else in the world can handle this matter except you...

Hashimoto Yoshiharu stood up holding on to the wall, released the Mengjie sponge in his hand, and supported it with anti-gravity. He temporarily walked back to the apartment as a normal person. Anti-gravity only allowed him to reduce his own weight, but could not speed up his movement.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Ye Qidong's number who was still outside, and said with a gloomy face: "Officer Ye, please help me find Mr. Chen Chu. He is going to do something risky! It's in his duffel bag. There is a locator. You can use the member's mobile phone dedicated to our apartment to enter the code I sent you to determine the direction...

Officer Ye, be sure to bring him back. If necessary, use violent means! "

On the street outside, Ye Qidong, who was hiding in a dilapidated house to prevent being attacked by crazy pedestrians, fell silent as he looked at the cell phone hung up by Hashimoto Yoshiharu. Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

What does it mean to use violence?

Are you sure you know the gentle-looking Chen Chu? Just recalling it, Ye Qidong remembered the first time they met, when he was kicked and helpless in the corner of the alley...

A code came from the text message on his mobile phone. Ye Qidong sighed and took out another mobile phone to enter the code. The mobile phone interface showed a very simple radar scanning screen. There was no map, only a green arrow.

When Chen Chu left the apartment, he held the locator he took out of his duffel bag and threw it into the back of a pickup truck.

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