I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 212 A magical weapon from another world

In the streets and alleys, people wearing suits and ties, construction helmets, or take-out clothes, no matter what industry they are in, as long as they have black air between their eyebrows, are all losing their minds at this moment. It seems that the evil thoughts in the subconscious of human nature are infinitely magnified, and they hate those around them. Scenes of beating people and smashing shops abound.

Thick black smoke rose into the sky in the distance.

Chen Chu helped up a motorcycle that had fallen over on the ground. He still had the key inserted. He got on the motorcycle, put it into gear, and throttled the engine. The engine roared, the rear wheel swung, and he sped towards the direction of the billowing black smoke. And go! A few minutes later, he arrived at his destination. The black smoke was coming from the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva temple where he had come to ask for help half a month ago...

Hundreds of crazy people were destroying everything in the temple. The old monk and abbot fell unconscious in the corner with blood on his head.

People's shoes were constantly passing over him and the risk of a stampede was high!

Chen Chu opened his palms and split Meng Jie's sponge into two. His left hand formed a small bottle and his right hand formed a small hook. He quickly drew away the black air from the foreheads of the people in the temple and put it into the bottle. He walked towards the abbot. He smoothly drew away his black energy, lifted him up from the ground and shook him: "Master? Wake up, it's dangerous to be unconscious here!"

During Chen Chu's violent "shaking" wake-up call, the abbot's closed eyes slowly opened. Seeing Chen Chu's concerned look, he raised his hands tremblingly: "Many people came in, shouting that the gods have no place to stand." They were smashing everywhere, and I was beaten when I stepped forward to stop them. Some people hit me on the head with a brick, ouch..."

"You can go to the wing and take a rest. I will help persuade them to leave."

Twenty or thirty people who went crazy in the main hall had already been blackened and were gradually returning to normal. The abbot went back to the side room at the back to hide, and Chen Chu could just deal with the remaining people.

The abbot was very weak: "Thank you..."

He was so grateful that before he could finish his words, he put his hand on the ground and picked up something, which was wrapped in a strong wind and hit Chen Chu!

Chen Chu let go of his supporting hands, took a step back, looked at the abbot whose eyes were gradually filling up with black, and touched a light blood stain on his cheek: "I have to say, your methods are very ordinary!" He said with a smile on his face He applied the talisman on the blood that flowed from the wound and said with a smile: "Can you tell me where you are from and what your name is... so that when I build a monument, I can carve something on it! What do you mean? Does it make sense?”

The abbot was holding a broken chair leg in his hand. It was made of metal. The broken end was as sharp as a spear. If the sudden blow had hit him, most of Chen Chu's face would have been cut open! At this moment, the abbot made a bubbly sound similar to coconut milk in his throat, his neck clicked a few times, and he looked at Chen Chu with his head at a 90-degree angle.


The body moves!

He rushed towards Chen Chu, grabbed the legs of the chair with both hands and stabbed his vitals!

His fighting style is simple and crude, he doesn't care whether he will be hurt at all, he just wants to kill Chen Chu! In the main hall, the people who had not yet expelled their black energy seemed to have suddenly received an order to stop smashing the temple. Instead, they all stood still and looked at Chen Chu!

Wow! ! !

They picked up various objects from the ground to use as weapons.

Ceramic shards, chair shards, brooms, dustpans and even toilet paper, the eyes were filled with darkness, making the same bubble sound as the abbot and rushing towards them...

Chen Chu took a quick step, held the blood talisman in his right hand and hit the abbot's abdomen, and recited quickly in a low voice: "Use my blood to guide, thunder to help, thunder to destroy evil, fire as fast as the law!" The talisman flashed several arcs, and the abbot A few wisps of black energy came out of his mouth, and a mocking look appeared on his expressionless face.

He pressed his abdomen against the thunder in Chen Chu's palm, grabbed Chen Chu's neck with his left hand and lifted it up directly, and stabbed the chair leg with his right hand like lightning, as if to pierce him! At this moment, General Zeng's protection took effect, and strong power surged out, causing the chair legs to fly away from the abbot's hands!

Chen Chu grabbed the abbot's hand that was strangling his neck, spread out a few fingers with force, spun his body, broke free, and the golden sword fell into his palm and slashed from top to bottom! The sword blade suddenly stopped when it landed on the abbot's forehead. The abbot was only controlled and was still alive. Dark Sky has the means to control humans at will, even humans who have eliminated the black energy.

Kill the abbot and it can immediately control other humans to continue attacking.

This is why Dark Sky doesn't care at all about getting hurt when attacking. There are puppets everywhere. What's there to care about?

During Chen Chu's moment of daze, the abbot grabbed his wrist with a ferocious smile, threw him over his shoulder and slammed him to the ground. Dozens of people swarmed over and used all kinds of weapons to attack him!

Chen Chu had several wounds on his arm and the bleeding was not stopping. He often plotted against others. Now he felt like being plotted against others, and he was unhappy with the retribution! The dark sky is holding so many human beings hostage. Maybe, as long as they are willing, the people of the entire Bay Island can control and kill Chen Chu...

No matter how cruel Chen Chu was, he would kill all men, women, old and young, no matter what!

There are more than two million people on the road who are not vegetarians. Even if they don't take action, they can tire him to death. Anyone can beat him to a pulp with just one fist...

Chen Chu bounced up from the ground and put away the golden sword. He knew that if he killed innocent people, it would be equivalent to opening a gap in his Taoist heart, and he would have no choice but to kill! There is no difference between killing the first person and killing the 10,000th person. They are both murderers! His main purpose is to save lives!

The fists and kicks were exerted vigorously, and the crowd was filled with the sound of banging and punching.

Chen Chu grabbed a gap and rushed out, pulled up his sleeves to reveal his scarred arms, smeared blood on the Five Thunder Talisman tattoo, walked backwards and stepped on the Bagua array, pinched the sword formula in his hand, and mobilized the particularly cherished mana in his Dantian. Recite the heaven-shattering mantra to remove filth in a loud voice:

"The heaven and earth are natural, the odor is dispersed, the cave is mysterious and luminous. The power of the eight directions makes me natural. The spiritual treasures and talismans inform the nine heavens; the Qianluo Tanna makes the cave Gang Taixuan; kills demons and binds evil, and saves people ( Kill thousands of ghosts. Zhongshan Divine Mantra, Yuanshi Yuwen, recite it once, and your illness will be prolonged; follow the five mountains, and the eight seas will know it; the demon king will restrain his hands and guard my mansion; the evil and filth will disappear, and the energy of the Tao will always remain. Urgent Just like the law."

This mantra comes from the "Morning and Evening Lessons of Daily Recitation". It is usually used to cleanse the world of human beings, gain clarity, and gain self-esteem. The content of the mantra is to destroy the filth, the great general, and the power of the eight directions to do Radana and Dong Gang. Taixuan waited for the gods to help.

Although it is the content of daily recitation in the morning and evening, it can also be used in other places. For example, Chen Chu now wants to clean up the polluted small world of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Temple.

The chanting of mantras continued.

Chen Chu tore off his tattered shirt, revealing his relatively strong body. His arms, back, and the three Five Thunder Talisman were perfectly displayed, shining brightly under the blessing of the spell!

The black energy between people's brows in the temple, under the blessing of the Heaven and Earth Purifying Curse, actually made a sound like a child crying and dissipated back and forth!


A strange yet familiar huge pressure enveloped the whole body!

The darkness above the temple gathered into a vortex, and a tightly closed dark eye emerged from the vortex.

The abbot in the temple was not expelled by the shocking divine curse. He just looked at Chen Chu who was reciting the curse quietly, grinned, and an eye exactly like the sky grew quickly between his eyebrows.

He seemed to be very enjoying the atmosphere enveloped by the earth-shattering divine curse at this moment. He opened his arms and made an unexplained sound in his throat...

The eyes that appeared this time were not only visible to Chen Chu's pupils, but also to the person who sprayed Meng Jie's sponge. In the apartment, Hashimoto Yoshiharu was staring at a large jar of black gas on the table in a daze. He seemed to feel something, and hurriedly came to the window. His pupils shrank violently, and he saw a huge eye hanging in the dark sky!

Chen Chu's words of destroying the world were combined with various evidences. Hashimoto Yoshiharu believed it, but he still had reservations. At this moment, he saw the real eyes hanging in the sky, as if the eyes of the world were looking at the world indifferently.

His body was shaking.

It’s so exciting. It’s great to encounter such a thing in just a few decades of life!

Hashimoto Yoshiharu took out a small suitcase from the safe, took out a small half of Mengjie sponge from his pocket with his left hand, spread it out, and supported it in various positions of the body, so that he could walk "normally" without crutches! As a great and ambitious scientist, he must attend this gorgeous feast...

It may also be the last time he attends.

It must be a complete, normal appearance!

Even if he cannot compare with Mr. Chen Chu, he will overturn a few tables in this feast and leave a strong mark on this turning moment of the world!

before leaving the apartment.

Hashimoto Yoshiharu pressed the button to release the glass room, releasing Chen Yoshi who had been sealed inside. The black energy in his soul had long been removed by Chen Chu. Chen Yoshi turned into a wisp of smoke and gathered in front of Hashimoto Yoshiharu. Their eyes met, but he did not launch an attack immediately. Instead, he kept paying attention to the Mengjie sponge floating in his hand, which was constantly changing in shape...

Removing black energy can effectively prolong the existence of ghosts.

Looking at Chen Yoshi, who had been imprisoned for more than a month and was full of malice towards him, Hashimoto Yoshiharu couldn't help but chuckle: "It's not so easy to kill me. Aren't you a filial son? Go to the hospital to care for your mother Zheng." Come on! Uncle, I have very important things to do, so don’t come with me..."


Hashimoto Yoshiharu turned around gracefully.

When he got downstairs from the apartment, he got into the car. He was crippled, but he could still drive without any problem.

In the rearview mirror, Chen Yoshi's figure appeared in the back seat of the car. According to Chen Chu, ghosts who have had their black energy removed will regain a certain amount of sanity, such as Sun Qiang! When Hashimoto Yoshiharu saw that Chen Yoshi was still following him, anger surged in his heart. Meng Jie gathered a hammer and knocked him out of the car...

Press the gas pedal.

The car sped away!

Mengjie sponge has a restraining effect on ghosts, but it is not practical to use it to kill ghosts.

Sure enough, not long after, Chen Yoshi's ghost appeared in the back seat of the car again. Hashimoto Yoshiharu felt that his great enthusiasm for saving the world was about to be wiped out by this kid again and again. Meng Jie's sponge changed again. Since he can't kill you, then Just lock it up. Meng Jie's mesh sponge opened instantly: "Kid, if you refuse to leave even if I tell you to, don't blame me for being rude!"

A big net is thrown around Chen Yoshi!

Chen Yoshi silently uttered: "You haven't told me where my mother is yet..."

Hashimoto Yoshiharu: "..."

He also silently took back Meng Jie's sponge and looked at the messy streets and crazy people in front of him: "Your mother is in the Bay Center Provincial Deep Coma Asylum, right here." He reached out and took out a map from the glove box. , using a pen, he clicked on two locations: the current location and the address of the Provincial Deep Coma Asylum.

Chen Yoshi reached out and "took out" a map from the map, and his body slowly sank and disappeared...

On the street, Ye Qidong was fighting with a group of people with a baton in his hand. The lobe of his ear was slightly torn and blood was flowing down his cheek. He looked a little ferocious! There is a girl hiding behind him, it is his girlfriend Du's family, her girlfriend has already pulled out the black energy and planted the divine fire, and has not been affected by the madness.

Ye Qidong was originally tracking the locator and tracked the back of a pickup truck that crashed into the wall, and met his panicked girlfriend.

Seeing the increasingly chaotic scene on the street, and unable to find Chen Chu for a while, he simply took Du Jiawei to seize a car and go to the hospital where his mother was. Compared to Chen Chu's powerful fist and kick skills, Ye Qidong I am even more worried about the safety of my mother who is lying in a deep coma in the hospital...

Just when they reached the street at the hospital gate, they were besieged...

Removing the black energy can stop them from going crazy, and the divine fire can make them regain their consciousness immediately. Otherwise, without the black energy, the same kind will be beaten to death by others! But Ye Qidong distributed them all the way, and there were only two divine fires left in his hands, which would soon be exhausted! Worried that the situation on his mother's side would change, he wanted to keep a divine fire no matter what!

The roof of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Temple was forcibly lifted open, with cement, tiles, and wood flying everywhere, as if it had been punched through by a giant...

Chen Chu's heart was beating at a high frequency. He slowly exhaled a breath: "Well... let's shake hands and make peace. How about ruling this boring world together?" He raised his hands to show that he had no weapons, and walked towards the abbot: " I have already thought about the division of the world, and it will be divided into three or seven, you will be divided into seven and I will be divided into three. You have done a lot of credit and should take the lion's share."

The abbot's eyes were squinted, and he looked at Chen Chu with a half-smile. The intense pressure was overwhelming, oppressing his body and spirit...

Click! !

The abbot looked down and saw Chen Chu putting a rectangular wooden shackle on his hand.

The wooden shackles emit a dazzling red light, with countless cracks visible on the surface. There is no way around it. The text description of the light ball emphatically reminded that enemies who exceed the user's strength by too much can easily damage the shackles.

Chen Chu bent over, a golden sword appeared in his hand, and instantly pierced the instep of the abbot's left foot: "I'm sorry, Master, I'll lend you your left foot to seal his skill first..."

The abbot looked at the glowing shackles from beginning to end. It had never spoken before, and finally spit out a few words from its throat: "Ant, where did this magical weapon from an alien world come from?"

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