I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 299: Master Tao, I am going to practice the Thunder Technique

This voice from the underworld completely disappeared...

The confused Chen Chu is a bit confused, no, who are you f*cking?

The voice was particularly unfamiliar. It was not any voice he had ever heard. Day and Night Wandering God, Bai Wuchang? Not at all, this voice is particularly loud, I'm afraid it's a bit higher...

At this moment, the ancient bronze mirror on the tatami in the apartment was shaking crazily, with cracks covering the entire mirror, and it felt like it was about to break at any time.

Higa Kotoko's hands were in seals, and blue spiritual power was beating at her fingertips. She looked very serious: "Mr. Chen Chu, please hurry up, it is putting pressure on the exorcists, and I can't help but kill it!" "

Chen Chu nodded: "Wait a moment, I'll find someone else to check with. The person just now was not available."

After saying that, he directly threw out the Heaven-Breaking Mantra in his hand, clasped his fists with his hands, and wrapped his left hand around his right hand, holding the yin and holding the yang: "The descendant of the three mountains of the Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion, the disciple Chen Chu, please ask the great god of heaven to completely eliminate the evil in this world. spirit……"

The Babel spell swayed in the air a few times, then fell vertically and merged into the blood spell on the ground. He knew how to recycle resources. After a few seconds, the blood spell emitted a faint white shimmer, bright and dark, breathing.

A woman's voice came from inside: "Chen Chu... um... a disciple of Zhang Tianshi's lineage can actually use the spell to reach the Thunder Department...

I...the Lightning God, the Holy Mother of Golden Light...are entrusted by the Five Thunder Academy to help you, this child.

Is it what’s in the mirror... Hmm... Such a waste of the Heavenly Spell, come on, come on, come on..."

This voice seemed to be particularly helpless about Chen Chu's behavior, unable to even show the slightest interest, and just came to deal with it.

Chen Chu was familiar with the list of Taoist gods and priests, and of course he knew what the Lightning Goddess Golden Light Mother did. According to folklore, it is windy and rainy, bad people do evil things, and there is lightning and thunder in the sky.

It’s the Thunder God and the Lightning Mother doing it.

Thunder God Xinhuan, Lightning Mother Golden Light Holy Mother.

They are usually responsible for the lightning and thunder before the storm comes. They also cooperate with the Feng Boy Rain Master. During the rain, if they see someone doing evil, being unkind, breaking their promises and being ungrateful, they will give them a slap in the face. Lightning of righteousness...

Although other people in the Lei Department are doing the work of exorcising evil spirits and destroying evil spirits, it does not prevent them from helping those who break the oath to satisfy their needs.

The blood-colored talisman flashed with electric arcs, and a strong coercion suddenly fell in the gloomy apartment. It felt like dark clouds were pressing down on the sky, and a mountain rain was about to come, which was particularly suffocating.

When Chen Chu saw Higa Kotoko still beside the tatami, he hurriedly said: "Get back to the side quickly. The person I invited is about to take action. Stay away to avoid hurting yourself..."

Unexpectedly, the voice of the bloody talisman came: "You kid... are quite rude... you are an ant remnant, I won't make a mistake..."

As he spoke, a weak electric arc jumped out and hit the ancient bronze mirror on the tatami. Bang, the mirror shattered, a large amount of blood gushes out, and a big mouth full of fangs struggled in the pool of blood.

It's the Pomo Demon. It's in great pain, but it's saying thanks: "I finally... finally don't have to face the hypocrisy of this world anymore. Thank you, I'm finally leaving..."

Bang, blood spread around, the air was filled with a fishy smell, the haze in the apartment was swept away, and the exorcists downstairs felt that the pressure on their bodies suddenly disappeared.

The light of the bloody talisman on the ground has not disappeared, and the Golden Virgin Mary is still there. The electric arc that jumped out rushed around in the apartment, and finally jumped outside through the balcony...

She became interested: "Small world? Not even Small Thousand Worlds... This child seems to be in a very far away place... It's weird, but that's all. It will break and return to nothingness at any time. Why bother? I have completed the Five Thunder Academy As entrusted, let’s say goodbye..."

The arc of electricity that ran away jumped back. Instead of returning to the bloody spell, it flew up and hit Chen Chu's eyebrows, leaving a shallow trace of the arc.

The Holy Mother of Golden Light said: "Creation is yours, don't be lazy, a ray of electricity will help you adapt to the thunder and lightning in the world..." Her voice gradually faded away, the white light of the blood talisman dimmed, and she hung up the long-distance call.

In Chen Chu's impression, gods are aloof and taciturn. For ordinary people, seeing an apparition once in several lifetimes is a huge blessing.

But through the last few communications, he felt that no matter whether it was the underworld or the heaven, everyone seemed to be very kind and there was no big deal...

Higa Kotoko was completely stunned. She knew that Chen Chu had invited some kind of god, but she didn't expect it to be so powerful. The pressure just now made her soul tremble uncontrollably!

But I was right as I promised, and I was right. I beat the Poza Demon until it disappeared and nothing was left. It’s just that... the ancient mirror with portraits of dragons and tigers that could carry all kinds of spells and grievances was also broken.

The words on the white wax stone slowly emerged, reminding Chen Chu that he had completed the task.

He chose to return in half an hour...

This world's commissioned mission, when encountering the Eight-foot Girl and the Pomo Demon, they all asked for foreign aid to pass. Even the Golden Goddess felt that he was wasting the Heavenly Spell to fight such a thing...

Chen Chu cleaned up his mentality. The most important thing for a person is his ambition.

The Holy Mother of Golden Light is pretty good. She left him an "electric seed" thing, which she said can be used to match thunder and lightning. From the literal meaning, it should be able to help build things related to thunder and lightning.

Wait until he returns to the ash stone space and touch the switch to try.

At this moment, my body is numb and numb, and I can still vaguely feel the seemingly weak electric current surging along the meridians in my body, but part of it has merged into the meridians and disappeared...

He walked to the balcony railing, stretched out his right hand, and activated his mana. He saw an electric arc flashing between his thumb and index finger. The electricity of emotion directly charged his mana with electric properties.

Most of the resentful spirits of the children brought by the Pomo Demon have broken free from the spell. The exorcists on the field all showed their magical powers to save these resentful spirits, but the souls with bloody souls were still very powerful, running rampant and overturning the barriers of several exorcists.

His eyes slowly turned, Chen Chu returned to the living room, bent down and wiped a handful of blood that had not completely dried on the blood talisman on the ground, repainted the Five Thunder Talisman in his palm, and then went to the balcony to watch the people making trouble. Bloody Wraith…

He recited the Five Thunder Curse, the arc of the talisman in his palm pulsed, and he aimed his palm at a lone resentful spirit in the air!

The electric arc shot out of the palm, like a sharp arrow piercing the belly of the resentful spirit. It screamed and exploded, turning into a ball of resentment.

Chen Chu felt a little bit of the joy of Maoshan fellow Taoist, Lightning Thunder Fist, and Maoshan senior brother Shi Jian. Different from the happiness of this senior brother, Chen Chu's happiness can only last for one shot... and he has to aim manually.

He deeply understood the feeling of insufficient mana.

Seeing the resentful spirits running around, he jumped off an air conditioner upstairs and landed on the ground. He spread his left and right hands, palms facing outward, and worked hard to run the Sutra of Resentment and Reincarnation. The slightly weaker resentful spirits were directly killed. Breathing it in, resentment continued to enter his body...

The light arc marks on Chen Chu's eyebrows turned dark as this technique rotated.

I sent this chapter first. I wrote it on my mobile phone at home, my thumbs were trembling...

The other chapters are still being written, this one...please give me your monthly vote

A small request from an unknown social horror author.

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