I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 300 The reward this time is great

By the way, is it a problem with the technique or me? I always feel that the exterior special effects are getting more and more underworld...

Chen Chu touched the marks between his brows and cultivated his mind. As long as he knew that he had not fallen into evil ways, let alone the underworld. There were so many gods and goddesses in heaven and there were a lot of weird things...

Thinking together, he quickly apologized. After all, the Holy Mother of Golden Light who had just helped him and left a small gift was also from the Lei Department. And the so-called Lei Department sounds like a department, but it actually has a huge number of people...

The Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder Universal Transformation Heavenly Lord is in control, and there are also twenty-four Heavenly Lords who urge the clouds and help the rain (twelve more were added later, for a total of thirty-six). With the expansion of the department, there are as many as two thunder generals and thunder commanders. More than a hundred people, as well as a large number of people in other positions.

There are one government, two hospitals and three departments.

They are Shenxiao Yuqing Mansion, Five Thunder Academy, Exorcism Academy, Thunder City Department, Thunder Department Department and Ten Thousand Gods Lei Department.

There is also a huge thunder city.

Further down, there are a large number of departments and a large number of personnel. In addition to the power of lightning, there are many other things closely related to wind, rain and various weather...

This is the Lei Department, one of the eight righteous gods in heaven. The others are the Department of Plague, Pox, Fire, Fighting, Water, Wealth and Tai Sui.

I have been inviting ghosts and gods from the netherworld before, because I feel that the ones who have the most contact with the human world belong to the netherworld. The two generals Zenghuo are very enthusiastic and respond to all requests, and there are also two big brothers, the day and night wandering gods...

And the nameless black and white ghosts and gods that impressed Chen Chu deeply.

At this moment, Chen Chu's goal suddenly became lofty. In addition to strengthening himself, he could not slack off in his connections!

In the underworld of the underworld, the ten great yin commanders, the ten great kings of hell, the five ghost emperors, the Dongyue Emperor, the Fengdu Emperor...

The Heavenly Court of the God Realm is even more ruthless, the Three Purities, the Four Imperials, the Five Elders, the Eight Divisions...

Thinking of this, Chen Chu felt a little panicked. He suddenly had no confidence in his own personality charm. There were many ruthless people in the world. He still worked hard to practice. First, he asked the ancestors of Longhu Mountain to help him clear up connections...

The turbulent heart returns to calm...

He had completely absorbed the resentment of the resentful spirits on the scene, and there were still a few bloody resentful spirits trapped in the barrier by the exorcist, who forcibly rubbed out their resentment. He also accepted them all, his whole body filled with resentment, like a physical demon, and the exorcists did not dare to approach.

Higa Kotoko came from upstairs. Although she was full of spiritual power, she would die if she fell. She could only take the elevator down. Looking at Chen Chu's appearance, she was a little shocked: "You... can you control yourself?"

She has seen some exorcists embark on evil paths in pursuit of powerful power, integrating the power of ghosts and gods, and becoming neither humans nor ghosts. They have long forgotten the original intention of exorcism and have begun to cause harm to the world.

Chen Chu absorbed the resentment and returned to normal.

I can’t fix Higa Kotoko, and the person has turned into a ghost, how can I still send and receive things so naturally? Thinking of the fellow exorcists she had dealt with, she stretched out her hand and subconsciously pressed it on her scar-covered arm...

Chen Chu naturally discovered Higa Kotoko's emotional changes, but his mission had been completed and the time to stay here was almost up. He did not want to get involved in emotional matters.

He packed up the things on the altar downstairs: "I'm leaving. I hope you can remain strong as always in the days to come. This world is too cruel and there are many unfair things. Only by being strong can you bring a little bit of happiness to yourself. The pure land of the soul..."

As he spoke, he carried his luggage bag and walked through the crowd of staggering exorcists, pulling up the cordon. The street lights stretched his figure very long...

Higa Kotoko stepped on her clogs and tightened her tight-fitting robe with her hands: "Then I wish you a safe journey!"

She had met Chen Chu for less than three hours.

Born with a keen sixth sense, she realized that Chen Chu was out of tune with everyone in this world, like a passerby traveling from a very far away place...

The whole body is entangled with cause and effect, joy, anger, sorrow, joy and fear.

What kind of person is he?



Chen Chu has left this world.

Returning to the ash stone space, I followed the familiar process, avoiding the roaring stone monument, taking off my clothes, and heading towards the stone monument cover without saying a word!

The stone tablet actually made a rumbling sound, and moved back a few meters. The ball of light slowly seeped out from inside...

He was stunned for a moment, is there anything like this?

Simply sit down cross-legged and put your clothes next to you: "Come on, give me whatever you want..."

The light ball did not expect such a messy behavior, and three of them separated and slowly floated over.

Chen Chu caught the three light balls and said quietly: "Whatever the reward is, just give it to me directly every time. Don't let people rob you all the time and make me look like a robber.

I am stronger and can complete tasks more efficiently. You don't want me to be too weak and be beaten to death in another world. "

As soon as he finished speaking, another light ball flew over from the distance at a slow and hesitant speed. I don't know if these things came from the stone tablet or from this ash stone space...

Items transformed into photospheres should have text descriptions:

The first item: [Congratulations on obtaining the item from the Netherworld through the "Come" world, the "How to Make the Heaven-Blessing Curse". The Heaven-Blessing Curse is a special talisman that can connect to all the gods in heaven. It depends on what god you want. It depends on chance and what you ask for! 】

The second item: [Congratulations on passing through the "Coming" world and obtaining the "Electric Seed" given by the Holy Mother of Lightning God and Golden Light in the special plane. This thing is the seed of thunder and lightning, the root of thunder, which can enhance the inner and outer thunder. Ray's fit.

Practice thunder and lightning related skills and use thunder and lightning related props to resist damage to yourself caused by backlash! 】

The third item: [Congratulations on obtaining the special item "1 seven-day vacation coupon" from the Pewter Space. This coupon can be returned to the real world for seven days. It is a one-time consumable item. When the time is exhausted, it ends...

Except for limited special items, light ball products including items, skills, etc. cannot be brought into the real world. 】

The fourth item: [Congratulations on obtaining the special item "Ash Stone Space" in the Ash Stone Space. This item can be bound to any clothing pocket at will, leading directly to the Ash Stone Space Lounge and Storage Room. It can be passed through in other worlds (except reality) Pocket to access items at will! 】

It's great, I don't have to carry a bag anymore, that's really inconvenient...

Four items fell into the hand.

The instructions for making the Babel Mantra are a thick book with explanations on various runes and spells. It turns out that the so-called Babel Mantra is the collective name for the spells in this booklet, and the spell given by the unknown voice in the Netherworld is the last spell in the booklet. One page of "Chance Spell".

It's a bit like drawing a blind box. You don't know who you will reach. If you are directional and specify a god, you must learn the spells related to the god in the book...

For example, Our Lady of Golden Light needs the "Our Lady of Golden Light's Divine Spell". Strictly speaking, this booklet is the private phone number book of the gods in heaven...

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