I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 582 The evil one is invited

Chen Chu sighed softly. This hungry ghost's soul had only a trace of merit accumulated during his lifetime, and the rest of the places were occupied by red and had a tendency to spread.

He thought for a while, looked at the hungry ghost's face seriously, and asked: "Friend, I am a cultivator and have pretty good magic power. Even if you don't do evil and kill people, you can still be reincarnated... Now, give up killing, I I will send you to hell to receive the punishment, and after the punishment is over, you can be reincarnated into a family!"

Hungry Ghost is a good person on the same level as Ma Luyuan, but he is a step too late and does not have the opportunity that Ma Luyuan has. The boss of the underworld turns them into evil spirits and puts pressure on them within a time limit. As long as they have the slightest desire to survive, they may take this road.

Chen Chu wanted to give the hungry ghost a chance.

After he understands the situation in the Netherworld, those who are wrong should be punished, and those who are right should be helped!

Unexpectedly, the hungry ghost pounced on the food like a hungry tiger, biting Chen Chu's shoulder with its fangs: "Don't fool me, I don't trust anyone anymore, now only I can trust myself!"

His teeth were sore. When he looked down, he saw that Chen Chu was covered in golden light, which was so bright that it blinded his eyes. He asked in shock: "What kind of method is this?"

Chen Chu slapped him in the face, blessed with a golden light spell, the force was terrifying, and the hungry ghost turned into a black shadow and hit the corner of the toilet. He opened the refining gourd, and whoosh, the hungry ghost entered the refining gourd before he could see clearly what was going on!

The seven ghost heads on top of the hungry ghost's head fell into Chen Chu's hand, and he sealed them with talisman paper.

The hungry ghost inside the refining gourd looked at the huge, half-dissolved, terrifying corpse, as well as several terrifying swords suspended in the air, and almost lost his courage! It found that its body was also broken, and it was so anxious that it kept hammering the gourd wall with both hands: "I was wrong, let me out quickly..."

When Chen Chu left the toilet, Ma Luyuan followed him.

The air outside was much fresher. Chen Chu took a deep breath and squatted on the ground to draw a talisman with cinnabar. He knew what Ma Luyuan wanted to say. He said while drawing the talisman: "I have the method of reincarnation. If he did something wrong, he should After receiving the punishment, you can use the method of reincarnation to reincarnate as a human being.

This is entirely because he was a good man before he could have a chance. Unfortunately, opportunities are always reserved for those who know how to cherish them..."

Ma Luyuan didn't know what to say.

He listened to the voice of the hungry ghost in Chen Chu's gourd hanging on his waist getting weaker and weaker until it became silent. He couldn't help but sigh: "You're right, no matter how many good things you do, it can't become the capital to do bad things, 豼It is really precious to give him a chance to start a new life, but he should be destined to suffer a disaster."

Chen Chu had already drawn the talisman, took out Xuannv's Earth Sword and shouted loudly: "Tong Netherworld!" The Earth Sword struck a spark in the air, and then revealed a gloomy gap, which was the Netherworld! He used a charm to put away Ma Luyuan's soul, transformed into Ma Luyuan's appearance, and stepped into the gap.

The cold wind comes slowly.

Chen Chu breathed out Yang Qi, took out the talisman paper, drew a spell, burned it to ashes, and swallowed it dry. The breath of a living person slowly dissipated, like a real ghost.

There is no one and no ghosts around.

He asked in a low voice: "Where is the judge?"

Ma Luyuan recalled for a while and said: "Before I entered the urinal, I went to the Netherworld and begged the judge to take back the punishment and let me and the hungry ghosts go to reincarnate. The judge refused and even thought that I had bumped into him. You want to capture me and hang me at the gate of hell as a warning to ghosts coming and going...

At that time, he was standing in front of Po Meng’s stall chatting. I don’t know if he is still there now..."

Chen Chu asked: "Since I wanted to hang you up to warn everyone, how did you get into the urinal?"

Ma Luyuan's face was full of shame: "Of course I gave in. I knelt on the ground and kowtowed, begging the judge to give me a chance, and gave him enough style to let me leave..."

Just then someone came, they were ghosts, and they were modern ghosts. One of them was bleeding from the waist, and another had a machete on his head!

When the two ghosts passed by Chen Chu, they stopped. The ghost with the machete on his head asked faintly: "Friend, look at your bright red dress, could it be Zhong Kui..."

Chen Chu glanced at his bright red God of Wealth uniform and shook his head: "I'm just going to be buried in this outfit, not Zhong Kui."

The ghost with the machete on his head was full of displeasure: "I was scared. I thought I met someone from the underworld. Damn it, tell me where I can go back to the human world. I have to go back and chop Zhongxinyi and those bastards into pieces." Sauce!"

Chen Chu: "..."

It feels like coming into this world is like being in a fight with Young and Dangerous.

First I met the living emoticon Brother Wuying, then I met Ah Hui, and Su Xiong (Crow), and even when I went to the underworld, I met Sijiu Zai who died due to a fight!

He ignored the two ghosts who were still cursing and continued walking forward.

There are countless seas of red flowers on the left and right. This kind of flower is a specialty of the underworld. It grows specifically on the Huangquan Road to guide people on the road and evoke memories of life as a last souvenir! He has been to the deserted underworld, and also to the underworld where monsters make trouble in "The Way of the World". This kind of flower is called manzhushahua, a needle-shaped red flower with green stems, extremely bright red, and highly recognizable!

But the Manzhu Shahua in the world of "Black-hearted Ghost" seems to echo the three words "Black-hearted Ghost". The rhizome of the flower is black and the petals are dark red. As the wind blows, the dark red and black sway back and forth, like Countless bloody hands were showing their teeth and claws, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing...

The brown stream on the ground flows in the distance, passing through a giant gate with a green ferocious ghost head on it. The fangs protrude from the mouth and are curved, like mammoth teeth inserted into the mouth.

Chen Chu arrived here with the two young and Dangerous ghosts.

Guitou opened his eyes suddenly, blood flowing from the corners of his eyes, and a foul smell filled his mouth: "Come on, hand in one bad thing to get over!"

Young and Dangerous Monk Zhanger was confused: "If it's a bad thing, does it count if you kill someone? How can I give it to you?"

Guimenguan said in a deep voice: "Forget it!" The blood-red light swept away: "You can pass!" When the next young and Dangerous boy saw this, he also said about killing people, and Guimenguan also let him pass.

Chen Chu immediately thought over all the bad things he had done since he was a child, waiting for questioning at the end of the world.

Unexpectedly, when he saw Chen Chu at the gate of hell, his pupils shrank violently and the door frame trembled: "It's so murderous. There are at least hundreds of lives on your hands! Such a evil person, please come in!" Chen Chu secretly thought that he had become a evil person. With his hands so clean, I don’t know how the ghost gate could tell that he had killed so many people...

When walking over.

Gui Menguan suddenly said: "It's strange. After a hundred years ago, there was obviously no such heavy blood. Are you still Ma Luyuan?"

Chen Chu stopped and looked at the gate of hell: "The ancients often said that people should treat each other with admiration after three days apart. We are separated by a hundred years, so killing a few people as tolls is nothing."

Gui Menguan choked for a moment at these cruel words and said for a long time: "Okay... It seems to make sense. You have changed a lot. Go ahead. Just by taking this life, I guarantee that you can be reincarnated..."

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