After passing the gate of hell, Chen Chu flicked his sleeves and walked with the wind. The souls of the two young and Dangerous boys followed him and said with a smile: "Big brother, big brother, we are blind and blind. It turns out you are so awesome. Can you help us develop well?" one time?"

Ahead is the Naihe Bridge, where we have just stepped on the road and haven’t walked a few steps yet. The two ghost foxes kept entangled with each other. Chen Chu snorted coldly, and the burst of aura caused the two souls to fall directly from the Naihe Bridge into the Wangchuan River. The river was so fast that the ghosts were drowned before they had time to ask for help. They did not know where they went... …

Most of the conscientious young and Dangerous gangsters are in TV dramas. When these two souls go to the underworld, the karma on their bodies can be seen without using eyes. They bully men and women, are extremely vicious, and have lives on their hands. It seems To be proud of this, Chen Chu had no choice but to send them even more glory.

There were many ghosts walking on the Naihe Bridge. When they saw Chen Chu wearing a big red robe and a black gauze hat, and striking fiercely, just like an underworld official, they were so frightened that they all moved out of the way.

When the Yaksha ghosts guarding the end of the bridge saw Chen Chu approaching, accompanied by such a strong evil aura, they hurriedly came over with a smile and said: "You are here, such evil aura is so high, it seems that no less than nine people have been killed! The last time we said goodbye, I thought you would turn yourself into a fart and disappear for that ridiculous kindness and justice..."

Chen Chu glanced at the Yaksha ghost: "Where is the chief? Take me to see the chief!"

The Yaksha ghosts looked at each other, and the taller one said: "It's been a hundred years since you last left. You must not know about many things happening in the underworld. The judge relies on himself as the judge's younger brother to always stay in the underworld. Intercept the ghosts at the entrance of the world, act recklessly, do evil, evil... In short, they pissed off the handsome Master Fan Wujiu, and threw him to the Ice Hell to be tortured..."

Chen Chu didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. After all, the contractor in the movie was quite cool and full of style when he appeared, but he didn't know why he never appeared again at the end.

Feelings are captured.

Chen Chu asked Yaksha Ghost: "Do you know what happened?"

The Yasha Ghost shrugged: "I don't know, it's just that he did things that were not in compliance with the rules. What are the specific contents that little ghosts like us can know?"

Chen Chu sighed and said: "I finally came back, but the supervisor was actually arrested. It's really difficult. I wonder if there is any way to see him..."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and patted the palm of the Yasha ghost's hand. Surprisingly, there was a sinister ghost ginseng, which was included in Maoshan's apology gift bag. Ghost ginseng is a ginseng that grows in mass graves or beside corpses. It absorbs the resentment of corpses and grows, so it is called ghost ginseng.

The outside of ghost ginseng is no different from ginseng, but it is green. If a person is scratched by a ghost, poisoned by ghosts, or obsessed by ghosts, just put ghost ginseng on the wound, and the ghost poison in the human body will be automatically absorbed. come out. It is good for people, but even more beneficial for ghosts. It nourishes the soul. If it is made into a pill, it can even improve the cultivation of ghosts...

The yaksha ghost had never seen such a thing before. He looked around and tore the ghost ginseng in half. Each of the two ghosts put half of it in his pocket. His tone became flattering: "I didn't expect Mr. Ma to have such a good thing, Han." It’s not impossible to go to the Ice Hell. If you still have this kind of treasure, you only need to use your roots to open the way, and you can go straight to the Ice Hell, and no one will stop you!"

Just buy it all the way through.

Chen Chu fell into silence and continued to move forward. He passed by an empty stove and did not see Po Meng.

Ghost ginseng is a good thing. Just pull off a small strand of broken beard, and you can see the little ghosts nodding and bending as if welcoming the leader to inspect, leading Chen Chu through the big hell, passing the small hell, and finally arrived. The ice hell that Yaksha ghosts talk about.

Hell is not eighteen levels above and below, but covers the entire netherworld, divided by regions. It is no different from the hell in the world of "The Way of the World".

The Ice Hell is extremely cold, and this coldness penetrates into the depths of people's souls. Under the leadership of the Ice Hell Imp, Chen Chu could see ghosts frozen into ice blocks lying on the ground. When a ghost was frozen The limit shattered on the ground, and the next second, the dark wind blew by, and the ghost was reborn on the spot and continued to experience the ice hell...

There are very few ghosts that can move here. Even the little ghosts who have tokens as guards here are trembling all over, their hair and eyelashes are covered with thick frost. They suddenly stopped, tremblingly turned back to look at Chen Chu: "Master Ma, Ahead is the place where key prisoners are punished in the Ice Hell. If you want to see it, go there by yourself. Our bodies are weak and we cannot withstand the extreme cold there."

Chen Chu felt that the cold air on his body was constantly invading his body, and he secretly used Qi to slowly dissolve it. However, in order not to make the guard kid suspicious, he pretended to be about to freeze to death.

He shook off the frost on his Dahongpao and chattered with his teeth: "Then let's take a look and see what's going on with the boss throwing himself on the street!" He cursed as if he had come all the way to see a joke. It doesn't matter if you guard the kid, the ice hell is terrifying, who can rescue the prisoner from inside?

Chen Chu walked forward little by little on the icy ground. The colder air grew heavier as he went forward. He was actually a human being, practicing orthodox Taoism. The blood in his body was boiling, and his mana and energy kept resisting the invading cold air. But the real Ma Luyuan was miserable. He stayed inside the spell and shouted softly: "It's too cold. I'm going to die. If I go any further, my soul may be torn apart..."

Ma Luyuan was originally an ordinary kid. Even if he turned into a black-hearted ghost, his moral conduct would not be much higher.

The warm blood was soaked in the talisman. Ma Luyuan's spirit was shaken. He was in the warmth and felt so comfortable that he was about to take off. It turned out that Chen Chu pricked his middle finger and dropped a drop of blood from the middle finger inside the talisman paper...

Numerous small cages similar to pig cages appeared densely in front of them, containing ghosts of different shapes. Their common feature was that they were covered with thick frost and were as motionless as statues.

The outermost circle was the new prisoners. Chen Chu walked slowly along the outer circle and soon saw a flash of bright red among the group of soul ice sculptures.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a black gauze hat and a red judge's robe, with a happy face, holding the pig cage in both hands... The slender pillars of the ice cage made a shouting gesture.

Chen Chu took out a flaming red talisman from his pocket. This talisman was a dissolving talisman that he exchanged for two intact ghost ginseng roots from the guarding imp. The talisman can temporarily dissolve the extreme cold on the prisoner's body, and is usually used during interrogation in the underworld.

He pasted the talisman paper on the ice cage and recited the spell given by the guard kid. The hot temperature radiated from the talisman paper and instantly rushed to the cage. The ice and snow melted. His head was like an ice sculpture, and his whole body was smoking. His hands were fierce. He retracted from the dungeon cage pillar and kept blowing in his mouth: "Oh, it's almost burning me to death..."

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