I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 634 As a person who breaks the balance

Chen Chu's figure flashed over, and Bai Huahua's hand pulled up the clothes. As soon as he exposed a trace of his fair belly, he grabbed his wrist and said angrily: "You don't have to look so carefully, let's talk about what's going on now." .”

Bai Huahua let go of her clothes with some disappointment and said, "We kept resisting Wu Ming's temptation through pain, but finally he discovered something was wrong and came to the door at night! My three sisters are in the lineage of Danding Sword Cultivator, and they worship Lu Zu. The way of attack is stronger than usual. With the three swords working together, Wu Ming can't do anything to us.

But he was very patient and kept torturing our minds day and night. Seeing that the younger sister was exhausted, the eldest sister knew that she could not sustain her resistance for long, so she said that there was an experienced Taoist here at Bibo Falls who might be able to help. Now the house uses the statue of Lu Zu as the center of the formation, and sets up the Alchemy Sword Formation. The younger sister is about to have a mental breakdown, so the eldest sister can only take charge of it, while I secretly left the fake body to deceive Wu Ming, and sneaked out to find helpers..."

She stared blankly at the clattering waterfall, feeling a little disappointed: "Brother Taoist priest, maybe sister, I am destined to be like this and not be able to become a Taoist companion with you... It's really a pity, I have to go back."

Chen Chu was stunned: "You know where the Wutong Demon God is, and you still want to go back and die?"

Bai Huahua's slender fingers gently tapped Chen Chu's cheek, and smiled softly: "Why, the Taoist brother is reluctant to let his sister die, and wants to give her a happy life before she dies? This... is not impossible, this Half a month...my sister has already endured to the point of collapse..."

If you speak like a tiger or a wolf when you speak, you are ruining my Taoist heart.

Chen Chu opened his white fingers and said solemnly: "Second girls, don't be pessimistic. I have been cultivating for two months and have broken through to a new level, and my skills have improved to a higher level! You three sisters are all sword cultivators. It’s a thousand years of Taoism. Even the little god of Tiangong will suffer if we join forces. Plus I... I can design the five-pass demon god a little, and I will be able to break the balance and subdue him!"

Bai Huahua was moved in her heart: "Good brother, it's enough that you have a sister in your heart, but you are only in your twenties and have not experienced many trials and tribulations in the world. It is impossible to resist the temptation of the Wutong Demon God!

Don’t you think that the Five-Tong Demon God is a man? My eldest sister has read ancient books and knows that the Five-Tong Demon God does not differentiate between men and women. When you need to absorb Yin power, the Demon God is a man. When you need Yang power, he is a woman. You go Well, I'm afraid he is a great beauty who is even more beautiful than my sister and me...

My sister can die, but if I want my brother to take advantage of the neither male nor female Wutong Demon God in vain, my sister will not be able to swallow this tone even if she dies..."

Chen Chu really didn't know what to say to Bai Huahua. How on earth could a person like this keep talking about wanting to play poker for a thousand years?

The heat on his body rose and evaporated, causing water stains on his clothes: "Sister... Bah, second girl, don't say any more. The Five-Tong Demon God is causing harm to the world, and everyone will kill it. How can I, as a monk, just watch! Besides, what's wrong with the second girl? You can judge that I can’t resist temptation just based on my age..."

Bai Huahua wanted to say something else, but Chen Chu had already unsheathed his sword and turned into a phantom and flew out.


She sighed, turned into a purple-blue light and followed.

On the way, Chen Chu showed off his skills a little, and Bai Huahua believed that he had really improved his cultivation. He was worthy of being a human born with Taoism. His cultivation... No, even if he was born with Taoism, his cultivation shouldn't be like this. Too much! Bai Huahua secretly glanced at Chen Chuchu's back flying in the wind, and thought to herself, this stinky little brother who doesn't know how to get into things could be the reincarnation of some great god from the Heavenly Palace...

Only such a judgment can explain why someone has become so powerful after more than twenty years of cultivation.

But the Wutong Demon God is a demon after all, and his strength is there. Although the bad brother's cultivation is abnormal, there is nothing he can do. If he wants to surrender the demon, he really needs the three sisters to cooperate with him.

Big house.

Bai Susu sat cross-legged in the center of the main hall. There was a square table in front of her, with a statue of Lu Zu placed on it. She placed a long sword flat on her lap and made sword seals with her hands. A faint flowing cold light could be seen around her, spreading with her as the center, covering the entire house.

Bai Huahua left the house for only half a day.

It was a bit difficult for Bai Susu to maintain the sword formation by herself. Sweat was dripping from her forehead, and she prayed in her heart that her second sister could quickly move in for reinforcements.

Because there was still little girl Feifei lying on the floor of the main hall. She was shaking all over, her skin was as red and hot as a cooked crab, and the hot air from her mouth and nose could distort the air. Her mental state was just a little bit away from collapse. Feifei's eyes were distracted, and she could no longer distinguish between reality and illusion: "I feel so uncomfortable...so uncomfortable..."

At this moment, Bai Susu was shocked and her spirits rose because she sensed fluctuations in the sword formation. It was a familiar breath. The second sister and another person were back!

She pinched the orchid finger with her left hand and tapped it in the air at the door. The door opened, and Baihuahua led a slightly slovenly man in...

Not an old Taoist priest!

Bai Susu's pupils contracted, and she subconsciously thought that Baihuahua had been fooled. She pointed her sword harder and said, "Kill!" The house suddenly fell into a chilling atmosphere, and the spinning blade appeared and disappeared in the air. She said coldly: "Second sister, you have been fooled. , he is not the old Taoist priest from Bibo Waterfall at all... Wu Ming must be a fake!"

More than a dozen invisible sword intents attacked Chen Chu. Bai Huahua saw this and drew out his sword without saying a word. He moved and turned around, knocking away seven or eight sword intents in an instant, but there were still seven or eight that could not be stopped...


Chen Chu always held the sword in his hand, with a sharp light in his eyes. He blocked the remaining sword intent and felt his wrist numb. He looked at Bai Susu and said: "Girl, noble people often forget things. At the door of Wutong Temple , we accidentally bumped into each other when you came in, so you can’t recognize us?"

The voice sounded familiar to Bai Susu, and when she looked carefully, she found that it was indeed the scholar, but she had a beard at the moment, so she didn't recognize it...

She withdrew the remaining sword intent that was ready to go out and apologized: "I am trapped by the devil and cannot recognize my steps. Please forgive me."

Chen Chu smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I am here to subdue the Five-Link Demon God. You three sisters are not weak in actual strength, but your willpower is weak. Therefore, you will form a wonderful balance against the Five-Link Demon God! My cultivation level is average, but The willpower is not bad, and he can definitely become a being that breaks the balance, and can unexpectedly defeat the five-power demon god!"

Bai Huahua was afraid that her sister wouldn't believe it, so she quickly echoed: "What the Taoist brother said is right, the Wutong Demon just restrained our shortcomings. If it had been any other evil spirit, we would have killed it long ago! Moreover, the Taoist brother has strong willpower." After the test, I tried to seduce him several times to become my Taoist companion but failed..."

Bai Susu was shocked: "We worship Lu Zu as our ancestor, but as a sword cultivator, you actually seduced others..."

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