When the eldest sister Bai Susu said this, her face suddenly felt hot, but she still puffed up her chest and said: "Sister, we are originally foxes, and you don't know what our nature is. Besides, I am not seducing for temporary pleasure. …

I...I have fallen in love with the Taoist brother! I want to ask him to be my Taoist companion and cultivate together to achieve the righteousness. Lu Zu didn't forbid us to cut off our seven emotions and six desires and turn into a stone, right? "

This... what the second sister said makes sense.

Only then did Bai Susu look at Chen Chu seriously. The scholar she accidentally bumped into at the door of Wutong Temple was actually such a good-looking and capable person.

She sighed: "In short, the Five-Tong Demon God is in trouble, so it's better not to have any accidents..."

Bai Huahua finally noticed the little girl lying on the ground, writhing like an insect. She stepped forward and lifted up the clothes on her back. What she saw was more than thirty steel needles. As she twisted her body and pulled the steel needles, there was a lot of leakage. The few blood stains came out, which was a bit shocking to see...

Chen Chu glanced at it and stopped looking. He took out the healing potion and put it next to him: "Just pour it on the wound. The effect is very good."

Bai Huahua was not polite, and slapped her little sister Feifei on the back with her left hand. The magic power shook, and dozens of steel needles shot out from the flesh and nailed to the pillars in the hall, and they were immersed in it!

Bai Feifei groaned in confusion, her brows furrowed, and her body temperature became very high.

Bai Huahua pushed her to the ground and slowly poured the medicine on the small wounds on her back. Feifei shivered as the coldness entered her body, and a trace of clarity returned to her eyes...

Bai Susu sniffed it with her nose and said with some surprise: "This potion contains rich plant essence and pure earth spiritual energy. Can you refine a thousand-year-old monster into a potion?"

It is quite troublesome to explain this kind of thing. Chen Chu said: "It was refined by a good friend of mine. It does contain the aura of the thousand-year tree demon and the ten thousand-year mountain spirit."

The potion refined by Drumstick Boy not only has a healing effect, but also has a calming effect. After Feifei woke up, her eyes became much clearer.

Bai Susu was shocked. She originally thought it was a thousand-year monster, but she didn't expect that there was a ten-thousand-year monster inside. I'm afraid this friend of Chen San is not a simple existence...

Chen Chu took advantage of everyone's free time and began to discuss how to deal with the Wutong Demon God.

Suburbs, wooden house.

Wu Ming sat in front of a wooden table and gently moved a pot of orchids in front of him with a wooden clamp, his eyes filled with gloom.

He was puzzled. Although these three foxes had thousands of years of experience, there was a clear stupidity in their eyes. It was obvious that their brains had been damaged by cultivation. They were the easiest type to deal with without experience in the world of mortals.

One of the big foxes ran to the temple and bowed down to worship his statue, causing him to channel his true body. I thought I could capture the target with just a few casual tricks, but I didn't expect that I haven't succeeded yet.

The three foxes seemed to have been instructed by an expert, and suddenly became very vigilant. No matter how tempted they were, they would not be fooled. Wanting to use a little force, they actually arranged a sword array to resist. He would never believe it without the guidance of an expert!

Damn it, who is ruining his good deeds?

Chen Chu's face appeared subconsciously in Wu Ming's mind. He was so angry that he slapped the table with his right hand. With a bang, the table shattered and the orchids fell to the ground.

Regardless of whether he did it or not, he must die!

The hatred of that sword is really difficult to relieve the hatred in his heart!

Qingwan, you deserve to die!

Forget it, the top priority is to capture the three foxes first. His body is very tired for some reason, and his true energy has been consumed a lot. His face is starting to look old, so he needs to take supplements.

After casting the spell for several days, I wonder what happened to the three little foxes?

Wu Ming stood up, took out a wooden box, dug out a piece of plaster, patted it on his face and spread it evenly. His old face actually became younger, and the wrinkles were almost invisible.

He looked at himself in the mirror, let out a satisfied laugh and said: "If you follow the path of Yin and Yang, I need to be more cautious. Since you have abandoned your nature and followed the path of sword cultivation, no matter how hard you resist, you can't escape me. The palm of your hand..."

Walking out of the wooden house, think about the increasing number of spells in the past few days.

The three foxes could resist his physical attack with their sword array, but their spirit could not resist the erosion of desire. If my guess is correct, they should all be lying there seeking comfort at this moment...

Wu Ming thought about this, his mood became better and better, and his figure turned into a phantom and headed towards the three sisters' house!

When they arrived outside the house, the sword array was still there, but it was no longer as stable as it was three days ago. Wu Ming suddenly laughed: "A fox is a fox. No matter how human-like he is, he can't stop his own desire! Forget it, let me take care of myself. I’ll satisfy you…hahaha!”

He took out a small jade pendant from his sleeve, pressed it with both hands, crushed it, and swayed the powder towards the house. He muttered something in his mouth, and saw the powder emitting green light and touching the sword array. The already shaky sword array crashed. With a sound, he disappeared directly...

Wu Ming pressed his hand on the door. With a thought, the door latch inside automatically lifted. He pushed the door open with force. As soon as he stepped in with his left foot, he frowned and his mood began to become bad.

Because the voices of the three sisters laughing and chatting could be heard inside, and they seemed to be mixed up with someone.

This made Wu Ming feel as if his wife had been snatched away. Veins suddenly popped out on his forehead. He has cast the spell until now, and the fruits are ripe. Who will pick his fruits!

The ointment applied to the face quickly dried up and turned into powder and scattered, revealing his original old appearance.

The courtyard is covered with long strips of tulle, and you can vaguely see the graceful figures of three foxes intertwined with each other in the hall, and there is also a man who looks like sitting in the middle.

He could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, and a ferocious face struggled to appear on the back of his head, followed by the left and right sides, and the top of his head. At this moment, there were five faces on one head...

Get out of here!

The nails on Wu Ming's five fingers swelled sharply, and he tore up all the gauze. Finally, he could see clearly what was in front of him. Qingwan, it was really Qingwan!

This turtle bastard was sitting on a rocking chair, with his legs crossed, and the three fox sisters were clinging to him, feeding him wine and grapes. They were almost stuck in a ball. If it were later, wouldn't it be even more infuriating?

Wu Ming suppressed his voice: "Fellow Taoist Qingwan, I'm so excited. The revenge you gave me two months ago with one sword can now be settled."

Chen Chu, who was sitting on the wicker chair, looked at Wu Ming with squinted eyes and said with a smile: "It turns out to be fellow Taoist Wu Ming. I haven't seen you for two months. How did he become like this? The more he went back, the more he went back, and he had five people in one head. Face, it’s better to hide in the mountains first, so as not to scare the world...

I don't have time to do anything with you today. I don't know why I've been very lucky recently. I was walking around outside and came across three beauties in such a big house.

If you are really anxious, just stand and wait for me for a few hours. I haven’t seen how anxious everyone is..."

Wu Ming has had consciousness and wisdom for thousands of years, and has traveled all over the world. He has never seen anyone or anything, but he is not as angry as he is today! "

He roared and was about to step forward and tear Chen Chu into pieces. Unexpectedly, he stumbled. When he lowered his head, he saw that the ankles of his feet were densely wrapped with white silk threads...

Bai Susu, who was feeding Chen Chu, threw away the wine glass. With a shake of his right hand, the long sword fell into his palm. The tip of the sword shook in the air, and the sword array that had disappeared reappeared!

Huahua and Feifei's expressions also became solemn. Each held a sword and stood in the square formation of heaven, earth and man, maintaining the sword formation together with Bai Susu.

The next second, countless sword energies washed over Wu Ming's body!

The clothes are torn, the skin is torn!

Wu Ming blocked his vitals with both hands, shouted loudly, stretched out his magic power, and ran out of the sword array like a wild bull charging.

When the three sisters saw this, they attacked with three swords! The cold light opened countless wounds on Wu Ming's body!

Bang, Wu Ming grabbed Feifei's sword blade and twisted it hard, and the sword broke!

Then he grabbed Huahua and Susu's sword blades and broke them off again!

The three sisters threw away their sword hilts, formed seals, and cast three red, blue, and green rays of light on Wu Ming. The air was suddenly filled with the strong smell of barbecue.

Wu Ming was extremely angry, and his five faces became even more ferocious and terrifying. His eyes suddenly darkened and then lit up, followed by a cold feeling in his chest. He looked down and saw an exaggerated long sword inlaid with gold and jade stuck in his chest. This sword was on both sides. I stabbed him a few months ago...


"here I am."

Chen Chu's inner five thunders were running, and they were continuously fed into Wu Ming's body through his long sword to wreak havoc.

Black blood spurted from Wu Ming's mouth, and his eyes were fierce: "If you kill them all, then don't live anymore!" The face on top of his head suddenly fell to the ground, igniting a raging fire, and with the flow of air, the whole house was breathing in a few breaths. was immediately surrounded by fire.

Immediately afterwards, the back of the head and the left and right faces fell, and three blue, black, and yellow humanoid shapes stood up from the ground. They opened their arms and rushed towards the three fox sisters!

Bai Susu struck out with all her strength, and the nearest black humanoid turned into a pile of mud.

Huahua also followed the same example, smashing the blue humanoid and turning it into a ball of water...

Feifei gathered magic power in her hand and prepared to hit it on the yellow human figure. Unexpectedly, when the magic power was released, the yellow human figure did not go towards her at all. Instead, it turned around and stretched out a golden blade in its hand to stab Chen Chu's lower back!

Huahua exclaimed: "Be careful!"

Chen Chu freed up one hand to grab the sharp blade, and jumped out with several electric arcs to smash the yellow humanoid! There was a sudden pain on his neck. It turned out that Wu Ming had opened his mouth full of fangs and bit it.

Physical mana is rapidly draining away.

Wu Ming's expression was very arrogant: "Your magic power is mine! Bring out any other magic weapons you have."

"Then it's up to you."

Chen Chu said.

Wu Ming's pupils shrank, a little unbelievable, there was a sharp awl with arcs pulsing stuck in his forehead!

Chen Chu gently pushed his head away: "This is the Thunder God Cone Hammer, which is specially designed to restrain evil spirits. If you can die in this magical weapon, you deserve to die..."

He drew out his sword, raised his right hand in the air, and the hammer fell into his hand, hitting the awl and instantly piercing Wu Ming's head! The body shook a few times and fell to the ground.

At this moment, Wu Ming raised the corners of his mouth and his eyes turned black. He was obviously dead, but he could still laugh: "This blood... is the smell of Chen Chu. I see, Chen Chu has already arrived in this world. They are still kept in the dark!”

Chen Chu's expression changed!

Wu Ming was also eroded?

He raised the hammer high, lightning gathered, and the three-color lightning struck Wu Ming. His flesh and blood were shattered, and his head was broken in half!

Wu Ming was still smiling with his mouth half open: "Chen Chu, you are a lackey of the gods, aren't you very arrogant? Now you still need to remain anonymous and change your appearance and scent to sneak?

Come, in this deepening darkness, summon the gods you are proud of! "

Chen Chu added two hammer blows and completely smashed Wu Ming's head...

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and gray lightning flashed through the clouds.

A strong sense of crisis enveloped his whole body, and Chen Chu vaguely felt that the area he was in was being cut out.

He turned to look at the three fox sisters: "Split up and stay as far away from here as possible! A catastrophe is coming!"

After saying that, he threw the Final Yan Sword, activated the Sword Flying Technique, and the sword flew out. He followed closely behind, and the sword light and the figure quickly merged together, turning into a stream of light and flying away into the distance...

The three sisters looked at each other. They also felt the unknown danger coming from above their heads. This was by no means a force they could resist! The minds are connected to each other, nodding, and turning into three soft lights going in three different directions!

Chen Chu fled far away quickly with the light of his sword, but the black clouds above his head seemed to have opened up and kept following him at the same distance. More and more gray lightning gathered in the clouds.

The purple soft light came first, showing Hua Hua's illusory figure. She put an arm around Chen Si's sword light, her speed surged, and said with a smile: "My brother is running so slowly, it is my sister, this thousand-year-old demon, who is leading you to run." The road is faster..."

Chen Chu: "..."

He pulled Huahua's arm: "Quickly leave! This is not something you can deal with. Its strength is far greater than that of the Wutong Demon God!"

Of course Huahua knew that Heiyun was not simple. She was nervous, but she felt that there was also a chance, a chance to become a Taoist couple with Chen Chu...

She opened her arms and hugged Jian Guang again, even hanging on it: "Don't underestimate me, sister. In terms of my ability to escape, I am the strongest among the three sisters!"

With full force, the soft light covered the sword light, indeed increasing the speed by more than 70%...

An eye suddenly opened in the black cloud, and gray lightning struck down!

Chen Chu grabbed Huahua's wrist, opened a gap in front and hid in...

Gray lightning struck a mountain on the ground, and the entire mountain exploded. Trees and soil were lifted into the air, and were turned into nothingness by the lightning!

In a small independent space, Chen Chu and Huahua were nestled inside. They could all see the scene outside. The entire mountaintop exploded and turned into nothingness. This terrifying destructive power really frightened Huahua...

She tried her best to suppress the fear in her heart, but her trembling body still betrayed her.

"Brother...brother, what is that? What did you mess with?"

Bai Huahua has seen the scene of Lei Bu destroying monsters, sweeping everything, and full of destructive power, but this is the first time she has seen it turn into nothingness.

Chen Chu stared closely at the eyeballs in the black cloud and found that the other party's eyes had been scanning this area. He knew in his heart that it was only a matter of time before he was discovered...

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