I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 845 Spirit Ruins

Due to the advent of darkness in this world, ghosts and evil spirits cannot blatantly attack humans during the day, but they can use independent enchantments to pull targets in and mutilate them. However, there is a certain chance that a blood-red sun will appear during the day. When this blood-red sun appears, ghosts and evil gods can directly attack humans...

Chen Chu returned to Yao Xianwen's villa.

The two of them have not returned after being taken away by the police. It is estimated that the scope of human life involved this time is very wide and requires a lot of investigation.

In the empty villa, Chen Chu sat cross-legged on the bed, circulating the immortal energy and magic in his body. Finally, his eyes fell on the Star Official Totem in his palm and fell into deep thought...

The effect of the totem is very simple and direct.

Chen Chu wanted to stop the evil god, so he could only absorb it, and the absorbed totem would become his physical weakness.

He took out a leaf of the elixir, squeezed out the juice, and dropped it on the wound of the Star Official Totem. Although this area had become mortal skin, it was precisely for this reason that the effect of the elixir juice was surprisingly good. In just an instant, the wound The scabs will heal and fall off, and there will no longer be any trace of the injury...

The totems are covering more and more, and this body that has been tempered and endured all kinds of difficulties will eventually be brought back to its original shape, unless Chen Chu gives up this mission and allows the world to gradually collapse.

Chen Chu performed the Sanqing Mudra with both hands.

His mind was empty, his consciousness entered a state of nothingness, and he automatically ran the "Three Purities and Chaos Opening Manual". The clothes on his body moved automatically without wind. This was a phenomenon where the immortal energy in the body was churning, causing the ominous energy around him to stress! Darkness is coming to this world for the first time. This darkness is not the usual big eyes, but a real place of darkness that invades the world and assimilates it.

The ominous atmosphere in the room was slowly forced out.

A peaceful atmosphere filled the room, and Chen Chu slowly floated up. His thoughts separated from his body, and his consciousness seemed to escape into the vast void. He felt that he was in reality but not in reality. When he looked down, his body was somewhere between illusion and reality. time, really interesting. I don’t know how long my consciousness has been floating in nothingness...

His whole body suddenly sank, and he kept falling. There was a bang and pain.

He looked around and saw that while he was practicing his martial arts in the villa, he suddenly landed in this desolate mountain.

The air is dull and humid. The mountains in this climate should be as dense as tropical rainforests with lush flowers, plants and trees, but everything in front of them can only be described as withered. There are grasses, green and yellow grass that is about to die, and trees, with gray bark and scattered branches, leaves and buds. Looking around, the grass and trees all look like they are dying...

where is this place?

Chen Chu stood up and took a step forward, his body unexpectedly light and airy.

what's the situation?

He checked his body. It was normal, nothing unusual. The ash stone totem was also... huh?

Why did the Star Official Totem disappear?

The Star Official Totem that should have occupied the palm of my right hand disappeared without a trace, and the palm of my hand was white and tender, as if nothing had ever appeared...

Chen Chu felt a little empty in his body. After sensing it, he found that the immortal energy and mana were gone, but fortunately, the Nine Turns Dao Pill was still spinning slowly in his dantian.

The ground was covered with dead branches and leaves, as well as damp mud, which squeaked when you stepped on it.

He climbed up a tree, sat on a thicker branch, relaxed his mind, ran his skills, and sensed the surrounding atmosphere. It was very cold, but not as disgusting as he imagined. As an immortal, without mana and immortal energy, it is like a car without gasoline and battery. It is very insecure to be in this desolate and unfamiliar place.

The cold and cold air entered the internal organs and tendons as Chen Chu absorbed it, and finally intertwined with the Jiuzhuan Dao Dan in the Dantian to gather a trace of mana. A small amount of energy accumulated into a large amount. After half an hour, a trace of magic power was accumulated. A mana the size of a ping pong ball. Chen Chu jumped down from the tree and stretched his muscles. He planned to leave the mountain and see a living person before making any plans.

There was a cold wind in the mountains, and the few leaves left on the trees were blown down from time to time.

There was a faint fishy smell in the air.

Chen Chu took two steps back and stood in the shadow of a big tree. He slowed down his breathing and glanced outside.

There was a faint sound of cracking dead leaves on the muddy ground, and a tiger with a muscular body like a fitness coach slowly walked out of the forest. It had a tall body and a tall head. It was roughly estimated to be about 1.8 meters tall and about 1.8 meters long. More than three meters tall, it has golden fur with dark veins on it.

The tiger's eyes were round, and sparse drool dripped from its mouth.

The source of the fishy smell in the air was probably its mouth. At this moment, its nose was sniffing in the air. Its huge head suddenly turned to the tree where Chen Chu was hiding. Without roaring, he quickly jumped over to it and raised his head. The right paw is pointed at a tree trunk as thick as an adult's waist!

Click! The force was so great that the tree trunk could not bear the heavy blow and broke in half, exposing Chen Chu who was hiding in the shadows.

Chen Chu: "..."

The tiger made an indistinct grunt in its throat, used its hind legs to exert force, and jumped into the air, like a mountain bearing down on its top. It spun its body, and opened its head toward Chen Chu with a bloody mouth!

In the real world, the normal size of an adult for this thing is more than two meters, and it is a little over 1.4 meters tall. It is also very strong, and even a 1.8-meter strong man standing in front of it would still look a little unsightly compared to it. What's more, the guy in front of me, who is 1.8 meters tall and more than three meters long, is simply a giant!

Chen Chu took a deep breath, stepped forward with his feet, turned sideways, and landed a heavy fist on the tiger's face with his right hand!

The force of this punch would make Hongjun squeal, let alone a tiger...

He avoided the bloody mouth, but unexpectedly, the tiger was like a Tiger tank, hitting its head with its fist, and the man and the tiger landed on the muddy ground and rolled several times...

The tiger was probably the king of the mountain in this mountain. It shook its head, its round eyes stared at Chen Chu, its body slowly got up from the ground, shook twice, howled, and rushed over quickly. Have you learned your lesson this time? Use your head to explore the way, but use your tiger claws to hit people! The person in front of him nimbly dodged the claws. He twisted his body and swung his tail like a steel whip, hitting Chen Chu on the back...

Chen Chu flew out, smashed two big trees, and got up from the ground. The clothes on his back tore a big hole, but there was no real damage to his body except for a little pain...

The tiger is also a little confused. It usually hunts creatures, and nothing can block its blow!

Even those people wearing iron armor at the foot of the mountain only have one more thing to do, one moment to open the armor and the other to open the flesh.

The person in front of me had tender skin and tender flesh. After being hit by its tail, he actually stood up again like a normal person. Could it be some kind of humanoid monster? It had lived in the mountains and forests for many years and had already developed intelligence. After being killed by this attack, Chen Chu took two steps back, dwarfed and slowly sank into the jungle.

After a while, noisy footsteps came from nearby, and a girl wearing linen clothes was seen running in hastily. She looked about fifteen years old. She must have been in a bad life. Her face was sallow and thin, and the straw sandals under her feet were all broken. The girl looked back while running. She stumbled and fell in front of Chen Chu. The pain was written on her face.

Chen Chu silently watched the girl lying on the ground without speaking.

The girl lay on the ground for a while. She didn't hear any voice of concern for a long time. She got up with difficulty, looked at Chen Chu and said: "Uncle, there are bad guys trying to catch me, please help me..."

Chen Chu said: "I won't help."

The girl said anxiously: "They are the guardians of the landlord. If they catch me, they will beat me to death."

As she spoke, she was afraid to look back, and subconsciously leaned towards Chen Chu.

"How can someone who is already dead be beaten to death a second time?"

Chen Chu turned sideways to avoid the girl's approach, waved his left hand, grabbed her neck with his backhand and lifted her up: "You have a strong smell of blood on your body, and you have a ghost body. You must be the tiger's ghost. It's not unfair for me to kill you... …”

The girl was indeed a ghost, and she was also a ghost created after being eaten by a tiger. At this moment, Chen Chu broke her disguise and immediately returned to her original shape, transforming into a bloody appearance. She wanted to get away from Chen Chu's hand, but who knew that she was... It was an ordinary hand, but the five fingers were as motionless as if they were on her neck!

She immediately knew that she was in trouble and cried: "Uncle, please forgive me. I am a child of a farmer at the foot of the mountain. It was not my intention to stray into the mountains and be swallowed by tigers. It was not my intention to turn into a ghost..."

Chen Chu slowly let go of his hand.

The girl thanked him profusely and turned around to leave. The next second, she stretched out her sharp claws and dug out Chen Chu's heart!


Chen Chu seemed to have expected all this. He punched the girl in the face with his left hand, strangled her neck again, and threw her to the ground. He made a spiritual seal with his right hand and pressed it on her eyebrows. Suddenly, black smoke billowed out and the girl was miserable. He screamed and disappeared...

The jungle shook slightly, and the tiger appeared again, making a deafening roar, like a golden and black shadow flying over, and actually uttered human words: "You...kill my slave! You will replace her and become my slave." !”

Chen Chu put his two fingers together and placed them between his eyebrows. With a thought, he drew out a light blue arc of electricity, which was thrown at the tiger's body like a whip! There was a loud crash! The tiger in the air suddenly fell to the ground, and a long black burnt mark appeared from the waist to the neck...

After becoming an immortal, I haven't used the thunder method for a long time. There are too many thunder and lightning stored in the Thunder Purple Mansion that are not used.

The tiger was shaking like chaff on the ground. When the electric whip went down, the thunder and lightning shuttled back and forth in the flesh and blood, causing damage but also bringing a strong sense of paralysis...

Chen Chu came to the front with an electric whip in hand.

The tiger's pupils shrank and he said: "Let me live, I am willing to be a slave!"

Chen Chu gently fanned away the stench that hit his face, and said: "Since you have opened your spiritual wisdom, you only need to follow the step-by-step process of swallowing the spiritual energy of the world and practice it. Why do you want to drive the demon to follow the evil path?"

Tiger said in surprise: "Since I became wise, this has been the orthodox way. Why is it so different?"

Chen initially remained silent.

The tiger's two paws kept moving on the ground, not knowing what to do. Its eyes were full of fear of the thunder and lightning whip.

I don’t know why the man in front of me would classify cannibalism as evil. You must know that whether it is birds, animals or people themselves, if you want to strengthen yourself through practice, devouring life is the fastest shortcut! It is in the mountains and forests, and the people at the foot of the mountain are aware of the danger. Only a few people have come up this year. How can their numbers be compared to the number of people who have been harmed by their own cultivation...

This person has a stiff body and can still use this hot and twisted technique, but he doesn't know the basics of practicing it. It's weird, it's really weird...

After thinking about it, Tiger felt that the young man in front of him was another crazy warlock. It was better to stay away from this forest. The worst he could do was give up...

Think of this.

Its two claws had already penetrated deep into the soil. With a sudden force, it opened it open, and countless mud chunks flew towards Chen Chu!

This is not over yet!

With a roar, the smelly wind blew out of its mouth along with scattered broken bones, which were stained with brown liquid. The grass and trees that splashed a little were charred at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Chen Chu squatted down and pressed his hands on the ground. The soil around his feet gathered into a mud wall to block the tiger's sudden attack. When the mud wall was removed, the tiger actually twisted its butt and ran deep into the forest!

How could it possibly have escaped!

He took out the short bow in his pocket. This was the slingshot of Master Erlang from the Journey to the West world. It was extremely powerful. When he took it from his hand, it was shining brightly. Now when he took it out, it looked like an ordinary wooden short bow. It looked so ugly. pole. Wind up the pill, pull it to the full moon, aim at the escaping tiger, and loosen your fingers.

As the tiger ran wildly, its whole body tensed up, as if it was in an ice cellar. It didn't dare to look back at all, knowing that there was a crisis coming from behind. This was its experience as it grew so big! It's a pity that it didn't run fast enough. It felt like something penetrated from behind, tearing apart the flesh and blood in its body, and then spurted out from its throat...

Is that a golden meatball?

The golden balls inside its body caused huge damage, its limbs were out of control, its body broke three or four big trees, and it finally stopped after its head hit a rock.

Chen Chu came to the front...

It struggled to get up, but black-red blood continued to overflow from its mouth, and its eyes were full of resentment as it said: "This is a cultivation method common to all living beings. From ancient times to the present, no one has said that it is evil. Why do you think so!" ...I am not willing to be killed by a crazy warlock like you...I want to curse you...use my flesh and blood as a sacrifice...curse you!"

"It's so hard, so don't curse..."

Chen Chu picked up the blood-stained golden pill from the ground and put it on his short bow. He shot it at the tiger's head at close range. The golden pill roughly tore open its head and beat back all the curses that had not yet been spoken. He originally wanted to keep the tiger for a while, communicate with him, and get a better understanding of what this place was like, but he didn't expect the tiger to be so strong...

The tiger completely lost its vitality.

The blood flowing out from it changed from dark red to black, accompanied by a stronger stench.

In front of Chen Chu, in less than two minutes, the black blood began to harden, and the flesh and blood in the tiger's wound squirmed, and a bunch of large and small maggots, about the length and thickness of a baby's index finger, came out. They gnawed at the flesh and blood like crazy. The tiger carcass shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, leaving only a layer of tiger skin...

Ah this!

Does it decay so quickly?

Chen Chu came to this unfamiliar place for less than half an hour and was shocked several times.

There was a familiar voice in his ears, as if someone was shouting. The surrounding environment was covered with a thick layer of fog. As a gust of wind blew by, the fog dispersed, and he suddenly returned to the room of the villa. He spread his right hand and the Star Official Totem was still there. keeping it. What a wonderful feeling, like entering a whole new world during practice and then coming back again. One thing he cared about was that in that world, thunder and lightning could be used, and equipment could be used, but the Star Official Totem Doesn't exist in the palm of your hand...

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